Doom3, help my flashlight broke.


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 9, 2003
For some reason, all of a sudden my flashlight no longer illuminates anything. This happened in the middle of playing this evening, and I'd rather not go back to my last autosave.

Using 61.77 detonators. Might upgrade to try fixing it, but it was working just fine for the first 3 hours of the game. Without ANY flashlight the game is just stupid, so any ideas?
didnt anyone tell you? you only get one set of batteries for your flashlight, once they are out your done =/
You could try backing up your game save folder, and reinstalling. Take more batteries next time :)
no! use engirzier next time
it keeps your flashlight going and going and going :)
Out of Pocket Cost:
Joining the Marines: $0
Trip to Mars: $0
Full Gear and Uniform: $0
Having all hell break lose and being one the last alive with only 1 set of batteries and should have brought Duracell: Priceless.
ThisMonsterLives said:
should have used Duracell :p

lol, I actually read the weapon descrip on the PDA and they made up some thing about how it has endless power, figures :rolleyes: ;)

Back on topic. So the flashlight just shows no light but you can still equip it? Did you try loading a previous save just to see if it works then?
i bet hes upset cause all yall have done is make jokes instead of answerin his question ...........but anyway i dont know either lol.............energizer......lmao
Well previous saves with it working still work. exiting and reloading the screwed up game doesn't fix it.

I equip it, and I still get the hazy cone, but not the actual illumination.

I'm working m way back from the last autosave, and it hasn't crapped out yet.
Prim3 said:
Out of Pocket Cost:
Joining the Marines: $0
Trip to Mars: $0
Full Gear and Uniform: $0
Having all hell break lose and being one the last alive with only 1 set of batteries and should have brought Duracell: Priceless.
sweet. i like that
It's one of those kinetic power flashlights. Just shake it for a few minutes and it will light up again. ;)
Mine went out for a minute last night. Then the whole game got really slow for a minute and it came back. I guess it's just a glitch.
Try hitting it :D

For real though, I've heard people fix it by changing through all their weapons
mine did that for a while but started working again later in the level.

Also at one point, my quicksave only wrote 3/4ths of the file to the harddrive, so I had to completely restart that level.
Mine did this as well. Are you in the monorail level by any chance? I just pressed on and it came back on with no problems.
nope, not the monorail level. I finally got past where it had gone out without it happening again. Definitely not part of the game, as like I said, half the flashlight effect was drawn (i.e. the cone of light) and half was not (actual illumination).
Mine did the same thing for a while. The flashlight was on, but would not illuminate antying at all.

It happened after I was playing with a few Doom3 tweaks foud on the [H] site. I switched back to the defaults and it began working again.
That's happened to me in one particular spot... right before the first spider room.

I think the flashlight just doesn't play well with the lighting in that area. That or it's intentional.
I experienced that the other day after loading a savegame. I had been using the flashlight mod on this site. I removed the mod and it was fixed with the default settings. I applied the updated duct tape mod (use google) and it was working great.

I had a couple of instances where the lights on the weapons suddenly stopped working after I loaded a game or entered a new area. Switching between the flashlight and the weapons fixes it again -- wierd.
Had the same problem here myself.After trying a bunch of things, scrolling through all the weapons with the mouse wheel until it popped back on worked for me.
all u gotta do is use the scroll wheel on the mouse. scroll up and down and come back to flashlight. It should re-illuminate room.
Alpha sector 2 it happened to me. I just fucked around throwing granades which I can't ever use on enemies and switching back and forth. It finally started to work. It was weird though.
ThisMonsterLives said:
should have used Duracell :p

In the game they explain that it has a "static" power source or some BS like that. Looks like good old sci fi is alive and well in doom3.