Doom: Annihilation Gets a Trailer

But what happened to the Doom Slayer Guy being the badass - while being all silent? I sense feminism going on...
My anti-feminist senses are tingling. The problem is that anyone who makes these movies WE'RE NEVER A FAN OF THE SOURCE MATERIAL. That should be the first requirement to making one of these movies and that's to be a fan of it, like the fans who would watch it. How fucking hard is it to find a director and writer who actually played the fucking games?

This 50 second clip is a better Doom movie than the Doom movies. The dude is silent and deadly and you could work this into a horror film where people on the station are running from the demons and encounter the doom guy once in a while. Something like the Alien's movie but with the Doom guy entering the room and killing demons once in a while and leaving just as mysteriously. The main characters could be the science team who opened the portal to hell and are now trying to close it. She is not the iconic Doom guy. Maybe she worked along side him and they're telling the story from her perspective but the trailer shows none of that. No Doom guy to be seen.

This is what I fucking saw, but NO DOOM GUY!
If you've read the lore from the demon's perspective, apparently the demons are scared to shit to face "Doom Slayer". Because he acts like food poisoning to your insides as he does to Hell. I don't get any of that jive from that movie.
Looks like something that would have been on the SyFy channel during the afternoon, or a direct-to-DVD release. Wow.
Personally I'd start by shooting for a creepy vibe like in Event Horizon, and then work the story into full blown Doom mayhem as the cast discovers more and more demons, "experimental" weapons, advanced medical care devices, etc. The games have already dictated the setting so ensure you stay close to that vision, get someone like Perturbator to give you dark and gritty music, and then get some half-decent acting talent. What they have here appears to be one step above Jason X...

Oh that's some shit cgi, looks like this has the production value of an asylum movie. Look at those fake ass huge plastic looking weapons, I literally laughed out loud when I saw those.
I'm going watch any way the rest of you can go crawl back under your bed LoL
Like the chick said in the trailer "Die die die"... that's what the movie needs to do.
I enjoyed the first Doom movie with the Rock .. this one .. sheesh, why'd they bother?
Wow, that's not even bargain-bin level. How do they go from a movie that at the least starred Karl Urban and the Rock to this?
Ugh... wow... I liked the 1st Doom movie, could of been better but it was ok. This looks terrible. Bright lighting, plain sets, and a woman who doesn't look like she could command her way out of a wet paper sack. Yeeech.
If you've read the lore from the demon's perspective, apparently the demons are scared to shit to face "Doom Slayer". Because he acts like food poisoning to your insides as he does to Hell. I don't get any of that jive from that movie.
Right here, from the game itself.
That's the sad part. The "plot" of Doom could be made into a competent action movie by a good writer and director. But here we are, in the world of only 2 alien movies. No, there were not any more. No. No. No.

Lol yeah no kidding, the problem is people want "their vision" of what they want people to see rather than what will actually be good and people will pay for, people saying a story of any game won't translate to big screen movies is just a stupid statement, they so far have just failed at writing a good screenplay/script for actors to work with.
I'm fine with a female protag, but I just don't buy this one as a badass demon slayer. She doesn't really look the part and in the trailer she just looked scared all the time. Plus the BFG looks like it must weight about 2 pounds the way she whips it around.

If it was like, Michelle Rodriguez or something, sure.
I'm fine with a female protag, but I just don't buy this one as a badass demon slayer. She doesn't really look the part and in the trailer she just looked scared all the time. Plus the BFG looks like it must weight about 2 pounds the way she whips it around.

If it was like, Michelle Rodriguez or something, sure.

^^^ This.
With the bright lighting I thought it was trailer for a fan made movie. Needs less action and far more creepy horror feel.
I'm fine with a female protag, but I just don't buy this one as a badass demon slayer. She doesn't really look the part and in the trailer she just looked scared all the time. Plus the BFG looks like it must weight about 2 pounds the way she whips it around.

If it was like, Michelle Rodriguez or something, sure.

That was my reaction as well. She does look too slight, even for a soldier centered on firearms.

And this is where either a super limited budget or horrible writing (or both) fail miserably: In the doom universe, there is now the (I think it is called) praetorian armor: the great equalizer on strength!

If you showed Jenette Goldstein of a few decades ago (or as you say Rodriguez) climbing into that armor and beating demons to death, I'd be screaming F YEAH, and I'd be on board. It's believable.

Even Sci-Fi needs a tether to reality, especially on biology which we understand. It would be a new version of Ripley in the power-loader. But this... it's just a little actress looking menacing and acting tough. It's hard to swallow.
Hey, don't insult high school kids like that. They wouldn't all do that terrible of a job.
hey now. I was in a few of my school drama productions back in the 90s, I know a school project when I see one. and we had better props ;)
hey now. I was in a few of my school drama productions back in the 90s, I know a school project when I see one. and we had better props ;)

You are comparing school projects from 20 years ago with now old man. Time got away from us at some point (same age as you). ;) Although I am sure that you had better props back then. I think the original run of lost in space from the 60s had better stage props. :)
I wanted to like this. You know, hoping for that indie underground hit. Nope, just can't do it. Lead looks the stock girl from a local BB(maybe their target audience?). I can deal with poor CGI, sets, etc. but the cast looks wrong on so many levels. I'd be happier if they got the cast of "Chuck" for this. Strong female leads can be a thing. Linda Hamilton, Sigourney Weaver to name a couple. Someone also mentioned Michelle Rodriguez. Nothing against this girl but she should've walked away from this part. It's not likely to help her career at all.
Wow that budget production quality. Nearly the level of "dude the factory I work at is closed over the weekend, grab all your sci-fi/horror LARPing gear and meet me there tonight."
Leslie Jones would make a good female doom guy under the right direction... I mean I hated ghostbusters like most people but somehow it's easy imagining her as a silent protagonist in a solo role just ripping demons apart with her hands and handling big weapons as she descends into the fiery bloody rivers of hell

...or maybe the trailer just lowered my bar so low?
The problem with video game movies is movie executives. They are concerned about things like broadening the target demographic, and other corporate garbage.

A video game movie, properly done, does exist (fine, they bought no IP so its a 'generic' fps, it is still how you make a FPS movie like doom). If you haven't seen it, watch it:


Full Movie on YouTube:
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The problem with video game movies is movie executives. They are concerned about things like broadening the target demographic, and other corporate garbage.

A video game movie, properly done, does exist. If you haven't seen it, watch it:


Full Movie on YouTube:

Hardcore Henry is not a video game movie.
Video game movies reminds me of Combic Book movies from the 80s/90s. They just haven't figured out how to bring them to the big screen correctly.