DOOM 3 is too scary for me

Mr. Natural- you are dead on- 7th Guest, good old days. That was more creepy than scary IMO. Did you play the sequel, 11th Hour? Not quite as good, I thought. Anyway, back to Doom3- the first time I can remember being really scared by a game was Spear O f Destiny, I think it was when I heard one of the Nazi bosses, damn that scared the piss out of me! Anyway, System Shock 2 was crrepy, and I think one of the better games of it's genre. That being said, I am currently playing Doom3 ( will Half Life 2 ever be released? ), and this game has given me more 'holy shit' moments than anything else I have played. I have physically jumped more times with this game than anyting else I have ever played. At the same time, there are times where I feel I just 'want' to stop playing, I've had enough for the moment. It's a weird thing, I can't wait to play it after work, but then after a while, I want a break, don't need a break. Kind of hard to put into words, but with SS2, I did not want to stop playing.
Doom 3 is scary enough for me. I think that its not necessary the monsters but the set up that scares me. Its like those horror movies where you know that you shouldn't go down that hallway, or into that room but you do and you are just waiting for something to jump out at you.
Yeah definitely creeps me out and scares the crap out of me on several occasions. Like said above it does give you that feeling that you shouldn't do something but you go ahead and do it anyway. Like there will be something that you can just pass by through the level and don't need it pass the level. Like it could be a corner or some ammo, or some kind of hole/indentation in the wall. Then for some reason you don't want to check it out, but you decide that you need to know what is behind there, so you go over to it adn something jumps out or there is a really loud noise and it just scares the crap out of you. There have been several occasions that has happened to me.

It also creeps me outto a point where I just feel like stopping and continuing on tomorrow. It will grow loud and I know something is going to happen and I just hit the escape key and say to myself "I'll deal with this tomorrow" and then go to sleep. I find myself getting really immersed in the game and it has been very enjoyable so far, that is probably why it is taking me so long to beat it.
lopoetve said:
Play silent hill... psycological to the max...

And yeah, this one will get you some too.

Yeah silent hill is the scariest game series ever. I have played nearly every game mentioned in this thread and nothing even compares to silent hill.
I feel a little sad that some of the people who play doom 3 never get scared. It's part of the experience and it's meant to be a bit scary.
Rhys said:
I feel a little sad that some of the people who play doom 3 never get scared. It's part of the experience and it's meant to be a bit scary.

Yea thats pretty much what doom 3 is built on. With out the fear, doom 3 would not be vrey good
IxGOxSOLO said:
Yeah definitely creeps me out and scares the crap out of me on several occasions. Like said above it does give you that feeling that you shouldn't do something but you go ahead and do it anyway. Like there will be something that you can just pass by through the level and don't need it pass the level. Like it could be a corner or some ammo, or some kind of hole/indentation in the wall. Then for some reason you don't want to check it out, but you decide that you need to know what is behind there, so you go over to it adn something jumps out or there is a really loud noise and it just scares the crap out of you. There have been several occasions that has happened to me.

It also creeps me outto a point where I just feel like stopping and continuing on tomorrow. It will grow loud and I know something is going to happen and I just hit the escape key and say to myself "I'll deal with this tomorrow" and then go to sleep. I find myself getting really immersed in the game and it has been very enjoyable so far, that is probably why it is taking me so long to beat it.

I totally understand. I remember when I first came across some sort of invisible demon which proceeded to drag a limp marine body through a door...I was like,"ok! Thats it, I'm done..." Waited till daylight to play again... ;)
Doom3 was spooky, but the plot caused me to play through the game rather fast. I was trying to get to an uplifting moment in the constant gloom, it's doom, I should have know better. :D
thats like beating resident evil 2 and expecting everyone to just "wake up" from their zombified state as if nothing know, like a disney movie...doubt thered ever be a disey movie about the living dead though :rolleyes:
It definitly scares me! I was in a creepy stage of the alpha labs in complete darkness at about 2AM and only had 2 health remaining. My back is to the door in a pitch black room and I play with Bose Noise cancelling Headphones (greatly increases scaryness) anyway, I though my wife was asleep but she quitly came in and got on the floor behind my chair and grabbed my ankle and shook it violently... I've never screamed outloud before... needless to say I was done playing that night! and the next night I locked myself in the room so she couldn't do it again.

If you really make an effort to get into the game and don't play where you save every 10 paces, and I strongly recommend good headphones over speakers (I have excellent 5.1 speakers but nothing compares to headphones) there's no one who can't get freaked out.. not by the gore, but by the elements of surprise and panic to save your ass as you find yourself getting rapped by the mechanical dog.
Yes Doom 3 has it´s scary moments indead. Not as scary as AVP but close enough :). But Doom 3 is more about set pieces then AVP that was scary all along. Doom 3 is getting dull then you encounter a good set piece that make your puse go off then going dull and then exciting again.

It´s kind of average as a game experience even though the sound is just splendid and the graphics is above par only beaten by Far Cry really.