DOOM 3 is too scary for me

avp2 was damn scary. it would have been neat if there was AVP3 in the works to coincide with the movie release which uses the doom3 engine. but that would be too good to be true :(
this may sound funny but metal gear solid 1 was scary. If any of you guys have a psx, you would know what im talking about. You would try to be as stealthily as you can but then suddenly a guard sees you and your controller rumbles and makes a loud "doon" sound. Makes my heart jump up a few beats whenever i play that game. Metal gear solid 2 however lacked this kind of a chill. Only kinda scary when guards see you and you try to evade them by hiding under spaces and lockers. Hahaha, brings back the good old memories.
AvP was the first game i played without god mode on. and let me tell you with all honest to god truth. i had to get pumped to play those marine levels. just something about running low on health and ammo and those aliens keep coming. gooood damn.
the@ntipop said:
NO kidding man! Undying really tries to scare you. Although I must share the story of my first real gaming experience. I bought Unreal kinda soon after it came out because my family had recently gotten a new PC. Up until this point I had just played a ton of shareware stuff from the 486 days. That game constantly had my heart beating a million miles a minute. It ended up stressing me out so much I put it away for a few years until I was a more seasoned gamer! Haha, I still laugh at that.

I AGREE! I got that game with my Voodoo3 and fighting the Skaarj Beserker at the end was almost too much for me. BTW if you still have that game, I'd like to buy it from you!

Also, HALO was pretty scary too during the part when you find out about the flood and in the library.
Heh, I am scared. Someone hold me please. I remember playing Doom for the first time, truth is I couldn't go through with it for more than an hour at a time. If I were old and had a bad heart I am sure I would have had one, or if I survived the one, multiple heart attacks :eek: .
System Shock 2, that was a freakin scary game. When you first start out and see that chick get chased by those mutants...I was like "oh shit...this isn't going to be like HL." I remember one time I ran out of amo and had 3 mutants beating me to death. They were saying "I'm sorry...I'm sorry"...I had to stop there. Yeah I know I'm a pussy and I admit it but I'm going to make myself play Doom all the way. :D
I was gonna mention the flood, i remeber i played it all in 4 hours... easy.... i heard a bucnnh of people talk of teh flood, ive never played the game, so i asked them what they are, and they go, OH YOULL FIND OUT in an evil manner..... scared me shitless, i didnt knwo what to expect!.
Of all the games I have ever played (and I have played many since my first 286) only two have ever freaked me so bad I literally had nightmares and locked the bedroom door at night for peace of mind. System Shock 2 and Thief (damn right about that zombie crypt level). There is surprise scary (AVP) and psychological scary (SS2, Thief, Undying). The psychological scary stays with you far longer, even into your dreams sometimes. :eek: I hope Doom3 is the psychological more then the jump out and boo type. I have friends who have not and will not ever finish SS2 because they just couldnt take it anymore. With the right sound card, headphones, no lights, you can really mess your head up. For those that say "Its not scary its just a game", thats sucks for you. Either you don't have the right hardware or you just cant get drawn in and immersed in the game like the developers want you to be. Its called a first person shooter because you are supposed to (if the game is done well enough) become the main character and without realizing it blur the line around the outside of your monitor and no longer recognize the space between your eyes and the screen. I can honestly say that I haven't been fully immersed in any game since I played SS2. Kind of ruined me because it was done so well, I don't know. The monkeys... I can still hear the monkeys and the midwives...
Techx said:
uh, i dont think so, its a game, the monsters aren't really going to hurt you.. there is no possible chance of harm..

Not if you play Doom 3 and your last savepoint was about 3 miles back and you're down to 5 HP.

Hmm, I'm gonna try out Undying...

stimlaphine said:
this may sound funny but metal gear solid 1 was scary. If any of you guys have a psx, you would know what im talking about. You would try to be as stealthily as you can but then suddenly a guard sees you and your controller rumbles and makes a loud "doon" sound. Makes my heart jump up a few beats whenever i play that game. Metal gear solid 2 however lacked this kind of a chill. Only kinda scary when guards see you and you try to evade them by hiding under spaces and lockers. Hahaha, brings back the good old memories.

I agree. MGS1 kept me drawing in. I had the volume really high up too.

*Walks quietly...*
*Peeks over wall...*
*Walks to the other side...*
*Prepares myself, reloads weapons, etc...*
*Times the routine of the soldiers...*
*Starts to run for the eleva--*

I hate that shit...

I remember playing Doom for the first time, truth is I couldn't go through with it for more than an hour at a time. If I were old and had a bad heart I am sure I would have had one, or if I survived the one, multiple heart attacks

Same here
Looks like I got here too late. I wanted to be the one who asked why nobody mentioned System Shock 2. That game is insane. It's the first game that ever made me jerk away from the screen. I can easily get immersed in well made games, but they don't usually cause physical reactions from me. SS2 did. When I heard "I'm sorry" in E.T.s voice :D coming down the hall, I had no idea what was about to happen. That's a pretty messed up thing for a mutant to be saying anyway. I'm used to the standard growls, and threats, but having a mutant attack you, while part of it knows what it's doing and is sorry, makes you think a bit more. Good stuff. I'm way more into this kind of scary than cut me up with a chainsaw scary. In fact I refuse to watch tasteless horror movies. I absolutely LOVE truly thoughtful scary movies though. Think I'm going to install SS1 and SS2 when I get home, and start another game of each of them. (I'd go so far as to classify them as the best games ever made.) Wish there was a third one. @$#5429ing EA!! Give up the rights already!!
I think I'm going to take a look at System Shock 2, I never played it but have heard about it forever. If it is that scary, then maybe I'll give it a try.
Fair warning, the first time I played it I was like what the hell is this? Tons of keys to setup, the interface was... different, graphics were okay but not as good as other games out (Q3/UT). I put it away, then read how a lot of other people said it was awesome so I gave it another shot. WOW. And for the love of all thats holy, have a real 3D sound card and play it with headphones. Otherwise you are cheating yourself out of the immersion. Sound from behind: "May I help you sir?" BAM!!
OldPueblo said:
Fair warning, the first time I played it I was like what the hell is this? Tons of keys to setup, the interface was... different, graphics were okay but not as good as other games out (Q3/UT). I put it away, then read how a lot of other people said it was awesome so I gave it another shot. WOW. And for the love of all thats holy, have a real 3D sound card and play it with headphones. Otherwise you are cheating yourself out of the immersion.
Cool, I'll look into it. Trying to find a game that I can get sucked into.
I've played it with the new models a little bit, and they are actually quite impressive. The thing about them though, is that since they are so much better defined, the lack of variety is more noticable. I agree that the angular characters do add a lot to the surreal feeling of the game. The whole game is basically like having an extended dream. Very immersive, but very strange. It's been years since I played the first one, but I remember feeling similarly while playing it. Eeeeekkkk!! I want to go home now and play them.
What was that one arcade game that there was a huge thread on here once about it where it was in like 2 arcades in Oregon, and every day 2 men in suits would come get a paper out of it and people that played it were reported like have the same nightmare and woke up screaming? Anyone know what I'm talking about? And like all kinds of stuff on the interweb has been deleted about it and whatnot?
Far Cry actually has some pretty tense moments, especially one in particular I remember, when you first meet the Trigens, one is crawling at you, and in front of him (between you and him) is a vent leaking hot gas, so it has that "heat haze" effect, and it shimmers, and the thing jumps out at you. That made me jump a bit. I filled it with half a clip from the Pancor Jackhammer, just to be sure. ;)

I played the original Silent Hill when I was about 11. That game made me flip out, especially when you go through the school into the other city, the sick and twisted one... Man, oh man, that was nuts...

And stim and GeForce... I know EXACTLY what you mean with the MGS thing. :-P Man, if I had a dime for every time I thought I was perfectly hidden, expecting nothing, and then hear the alarm go off and jump... well, I could probably buy myself a snickers and a can of coke, but it was scary... :-P So was Psycho Mantis. That game was awesome.
Doom 3 will be best with some good headphones, 5.1 or high quality, since the environment will be the only thing you'll be able to hear.
Techx said:
uh, i dont think so, its a game, the monsters aren't really going to hurt you.. there is no possible chance of harm..
one word.....denial!!! LOL No offense
There is no way in hell that anybody has never been spooked at one point or another, or even countless times. Of course things change over time and we get over such things. Lets nobody worry about their ego here
We are all separated by glass/screen and a network cable.

Aside from that, there are some games that I just wont play, and I'm 21! that game will be AVP I would sit down and try to play but I still get bugged from that game as the marines. As the other races I have no issue, but as marines........eeeck! I would always run outta ammo LOL and turn tail to run, but end up getting a nice big bear hug from the xenos
I almost beat the marines though, but it would become a tab sniggit freaky for me. I will sit and do it this summer I promise

Doom3 will probably get to me sometimes cuz I will only be ablt to play in the wee hours of the morning, though I have since grown from the first Doom, which was, in its self, the first game to actually give me nightmares, of course then again, i was only 11 at the time LOL.

Aw...I sure love thrillers
They force us to grow a pair really early on.....
I won't be scared, I am the type of person that is generally drooling in the scary movies when all the good stuff happens.

I use to get scared when I was playing d1 when I was like 10 or 11, my mom would say go to bed, and, at like 1am, when it was all calm, I would be playing that game, wearing headphones, and I would me going to town on a pinky with a chainsaw and then my mom would turn on the light and bitch :eek:

I could never stand the invisible pinky's in doom, or them stupid flaming skulls...
Although its probably not as frightening as the other games we're talking about, Return to Castle Wolfenstein has some freaky moments. I remember the first time playing it that I was startled a lot in the Crypts maps because zombies would just pop out of the walls, LOL :eek: . Bill Brown did a hella good job with the music, i was always nervous and freaked because sometimes the music would creep me out, especially in the Xlabs. I'd have to agree big time that music plays a crucial role in the scariness of a game.
NeonDemon said:
I think it would have been a lot scarier if NIN was still doing the soundtrack! :)
What I have read from interviews say he was only doing the theme song, and the other work he was going to do was sound effects - not music. Either way, I agree :) .
ComputerBox34 said:

Upgrading your motherboard and processor:

Upgrading your video card:

Adding more RAM:

Being a gamer but playing computer games without caring or wanting to be immersed in them:
Doom 3 looks scary, and I hope that it's hella scary.

As far as scary games of the past are concerned, I was freaked the hell out many times by Half Life. I'm not just talking about the headcrab scares, but there were several great scripted moments with the marines. You're crawling through a vent and a panel at the end opens and a marine drops in a firebomb. Priceless.

I also have to second Far Cry. Up until the Trigen show up the human soldiers don't pose a huge problem. All of a sudden there are these nasty critters that can take one hell of a beating and keep on coming. I about dropped a load in my shorts when they first attacked. I mean, they were scary fast, but you didn't realize how fast until they lunged for the first time.
Some other good scary games you don't hear much about.....

-The Thing
-Realms of the Haunting (Older Interplay game)
-Phantasmagoria (Sierra, also old)
-System Shock 2
-Alien vs. Predator
system shock 2 and thief both made me jump at a few moments, but what's really scary is when my sister decides to sneak in the room while I'm playing and startle me. No kidding, that's about the worst I've had.
Hehe archevilangel, that's cute. I'm sure my sister would get a kick out of that too, but the way my computer's positioned, I can see whoever's coming down to the basement.

Unless I turn off all the lights... scary.

I'm currently playing Painkiller. It's not as scary as any of the ones listed, but sometimes it's pretty creepy. But when the heavy grunge music starts, I just yell "Bring it on" cos I know the monsters will meet my stake-gun :)

I totally agree though, I'd rather be completely engulfed in a game and experience it than remove myself and criticise it. It's the same with movies. I was extremely freaked out by The Ring, yet my friends thought it was "dumb". I was so into it though, making myself believe I was in the movie. When 28 days later came along, I didn't want to be as scared (after The Ring I couldn't sleep for so long :eek:) I tried removing myself from the movie and kept telling myself it's just a movie. The experience was extremely different, I didn't like it at all. I wasn't scared, but I didn't enjoy the movie.

Same with games. The more into it you are, the more you can enjoy it, IMHO.

I'm gonna find System Shock 2. I have it somewhere... gonna play that again. :) Maybe pick up Undying too, try that...
darktiger said:
Please, please tell me you all are joking......

Darktiger please change your forum name, it is scaring me as well because I am thoroughly immersed in this forum and the thought of a tiger with a dark coat of hair might be camouflaged in the black areas of these forums is making me quake and quiver.
OldPueblo said:
Darktiger please change your forum name, it is scaring me as well because I am thoroughly immersed in this forum and the thought of a tiger with a dark coat of hair might be camouflaged in the black areas of these forums is making me quake and quiver.

ROFLMAO, sweet jesus I thinks it time to bring in our mommies :D
I am a wimp. First time I played HL I quit because I was scared. The scary part was that those damn mutants would kill you before you could kill them. I just didn't know how to play then. I played it when Steam was free but I never finished the game. I will try D3. I played the alpha and what made it scary was the sound. No sound and anyone should be able to play it.
System Shock 2 is one of the scariest games I've played. A few highlights - the upside down chapel in the Richenbacher (sp)... the small garden grove with the creepy, crystalline-like music and the dead bodies of the people who made their last stand in there... the midwives: "Little ones need lots of meat to grow big and strong..." :eek:

The marine levels of AvP1 were also awesome. The first map with the pulsing red lights going down the long, dark hallway... *shudder* And those damn facehuggers! They moved so fast and you couldn't do anything if they jumped on you. Instant death. Another REALLY scary part of AvP1 for me was the final marine level where you fight the queen. Everytime she rushed at me with her head down, I just about peed myself!

Undying, Realms of the Haunting, Silent Hill 1.. all scary.