Doge coin skyrocketed .40 cents should I buy some?


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
I should of bought some at .04 cents a month ago. New Egg is accepting them as Payments now so that has me curious.
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Yeah, it was looking pretty good there. I thought the Newegg announcement would push it higher, but it appears to be dropping since (.317).

My beautiful Monero is climbing up the charts, though.
Tell us what you know about Doge coin!

What problem does it solve unique to crypto?
Is there strong continued support from original dev team?
Are the highest concentrations held by only a few people?
Is the project taken seriously by the Crypto community?
When is it “mined out”?
Is there a finite supply or is supply controlled?

These questions take about 5 minutes to research and answer. By investing that five minutes you can decide for yourself if you should buy Doge coin. If you can’t answer these questions and buy Doge coin you certainly deserve whatever outcome you get.
Who cares I appreciate your troll effort your blocked for life.
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Who cares I appreciate your troll effort your blocked for life.
Troll effort? I tried to help you at first. You asked the question should I buy some? I answered the question in a manner that would let you truly investigate easily and on your own terms to reach your own conclusion/comfort level with investing in Doge. That was not a troll answer -- it was a legitimate answer.

Without any actual research or minimum of effort you are like:

Well, all I can say is good luck with it all!

and, lol at banning me for life. Is that what you do for everyone that actually tries to help steer you to a more informed decision?
I should of bought some at .04 cents a month ago.
New Egg is accepting them as Payments now so that has me curious.
You want someone to tell you to buy or not? Do your own research, this coin was created as a joke, unlimited amount of coins can be mined, has no present development team, something like since 2016. I would not touch it with a ten foot pool personally. The coin has already made it spike and people, maybe not the smartest joined the club. Will it continue to go up and up and up and up or fall into the crypto abyss? What if someone told you to buy and you bought and it tanks hard? Then what? Would you then then blame that person for that? Anyways you have to take your own risks, research etc. is my recommendation and the weight has to be 100% yours for success or failure. If your asking about what Crypto to buy, my recommendation would be to stay out of Crypto.
A couple of months ago when Elon Musk was tweeting about DOGE it was hitting .06 cents and I was working hard at buying some but just couldn't understand why I should buy it or any crypto currency so I dropped it. I think it's because of my age, lol. So instead I invested into stocks for crypto related businesses and exchanges; mainly Voyager, BIGG, and Intellabridge and I'm happy with the results. I understand the businesses more than the crypto itself, lol.

Sorry if I couldn't answer your question.
I say buy a little here and there...what's it hurt? I just put $100 into's just $100. If I lose it oh well, if I don't who knows what it could turn into. Buy me a new car in a few months?
I say buy a little here and there...what's it hurt? I just put $100 into's just $100. If I lose it oh well, if I don't who knows what it could turn into. Buy me a new car in a few months?

If you bought a $100 worth of DOGE on January 1st of this year you'd have over $12k today. Hindsight, lol.

I'm starting to think I may do this with some early crypto as some of my penny stock investments are straight sucking these days.
After SNL tonight it will either crash and burn...or keep going up because DOGE people seem to just want to HODL thinking DOGE will "lambo"....why sit on something though, buy low, sell high, move profits to other projects that go para, then sell high, buy the dips and off you go...
Some dude once said 'the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.'

Doge is fucking stupid.

I wish I had bought in when it was at a penny, or a nickel, or a dime, or a quarter...rationality be damned.
After SNL tonight it will either crash and burn...or keep going up because DOGE people seem to just want to HODL thinking DOGE will "lambo"....why sit on something though, buy low, sell high, move profits to other projects that go para, then sell high, buy the dips and off you go...

I expect moon, could be why its going up recently too. Bill Maher mentioned a certain crypto during a recent rant and it went moon right after, lol.

EDIT: Looks like I was wrong but who knows what tomorrow will be like with crypto, lol.


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Doge is down to about .47 after Elon's SNL appearance lol.
Buy in now or panic sell, up to you.
my buddy told me to buy some etherum last year at some point.....he said, oh just put a $1000 telling you.

He has no degree in finance. Is not an investor. Just a guy reading the net.
I didnt listen.

He paid off his condo about 3 weeks ago b/c of etherum.
I think Doge is kinda silly. If I could go back....Id sell my house and buy it (and of course dump it at .70 lol)