Very much agree. With driver edits and lag manipulation it could easily get to the point of where you can only use signed drivers that have to be verified at launch and if your lag spikes too many times you get dropped from the match with a loss added to your record.
Or we go back to allowing private servers and get rid of universal score boards and win/loss tracking. Also win rewards should go away too. Play the match, win or lose it doesn't matter you gain nothing just play for fun.
Well, to some degree. Going back to private servers and no achievements and sellable crap only wards off a different kind of n00btards. There are always dicks who just want to fuck people over and they don't care, there are folks who just feel they have to win no matter what regardless of leaderboards. I do personally think that being able to run private servers is good to prolong game liferspan as well as to allow folks who want to cheat for run to be able to do it for their pleasure without messing with others. I remember having a ton of run on some Q3 servers back in the day where a lot of hacks were allowed and it was really crazy carnage of its own kind. I also kind of despise game achievements as it makes some folks go nuts and they just have to have them even if they ruin the game for others. Same as casual cheating, maybe I want to cheat in an SP game, who cares as long as it makes someone happy in a product they paid for? Although I don't cheat as I like the challenge I paid for, sometimes it's cool to go into console and exploit the fuck out of a game to get a whole new experience. Especially if you beat the game and just want something new. I'm all for freedom to play game as one sees fit so having some kind of separation to support that would be good for all games.