DNS search tool


Limp Gawd
Oct 2, 2003
Ok, at this Lanparty i have been going to, they don't have internet

However, as i was walking by one of the admins computers, i noticed him on a site.
What i believe they did is input the DNS servers and I was wondering if there was anyway to figure out what they were without asking them..

I don't know, paying $35 for a lan, I'd think they at least let us surf the web :(
Snikku said:
Ok, at this Lanparty i have been going to, they don't have internet

However, as i was walking by one of the admins computers, i noticed him on a site.
What i believe they did is input the DNS servers and I was wondering if there was anyway to figure out what they were without asking them..

I don't know, paying $35 for a lan, I'd think they at least let us surf the web :(

perhaps the lan is on a seperate network with no uplink to the inet....

either way you can input ANY dns servers and it'll work fine.
Snikku said:
What rule does it violate?

Bypassing restrictions on a network maybe? If they don't allow internet then they have a reason, if you want internet then ask them.