Ditching my Wireless G! What's your take?

PfSense is overkill, All the added packages just add more holes to hack. Stick with a small router based firewall but if you are feeling more advanced - use a third party Merlin or dd-wrt firmware with an iptables script.

This statement has no facts to back it up, nor does it make any valid sense what-so-ever.
Work on your reading comprehension and realize that less is sometimes more.

For example..


Actually, IdiotInCharge's reading comprehension skills must be better than your own.

You apparently have never done any security work. Literally everything has vulnerabilities. That is why we harden them.


Look! I can do that too!!!

Cisco: https://www.cvedetails.com/product-list/vendor_id-16/Cisco.html
Palo Alto: https://www.cvedetails.com/vendor/12836/Paloaltonetworks.html
Juniper: https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-874/year-2018/Juniper.html
Fortinet: https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-3080/Fortinet.html

The only 'relevant' vulnerability listed is for pfsense 2.4.1, which was fixed in 2.4.2. We are now on 2.4.3. No known vulnerabilities listed....you were saying?

If you received the MS-ISAC vulnerability newsletter, you would be bombarded with an update at least once every other week about some Cisco vulnerability that needs to be patched ASAP (either that or Adobe, or Office).