Did You Know 4.0

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Since you guys seems to like these “Did you know” videos (most of you just like to argue the statistics), I thought I would post the latest one.
Awesome video. I can hear the old farts on this site crying as I type this. ;)
You hear that AT&T? You have until 2020 to fix your mobile internet... good luck.
Is it just me or does it present too many long sentences too quickly? Maybe it's because I just woke up, but I had to pause quite a bit for some of that to soak in.
Good content, but the text goes by way to quickly. I had too pause it way too many times to thoroughly enjoy the video.

They know how many chickens are born every 5 seconds but don't know hold long it takes the average reader to read a line of text.
So in 25 years we will have computers the size of blood cells, but I bet we still haven't reached Mars. Maybe we can just create a VR of the universe and explore that instead where we can travel at unlimited speed.
I dont believe that 90% of all music is illegally downloaded...

You would be very surprised sir. If you think about it when paying for a song on iTunes you only want the ones you know are good. If you are illegally downloading them you could care less since HD space is getting so ridiculously cheap now that you might as well get the whole album. So that in the best case scenario gets you a 1:6ish ratio for paid to illegal. But you know that people that pirate download far more than an average law abiding citizen such as myself :D. Because free is much better.
Good content, but the text goes by way to quickly. I had too pause it way too many times to thoroughly enjoy the video.

They know how many chickens are born every 5 seconds but don't know hold long it takes the average reader to read a line of text.

Or maybe you're not the average reader...

What will TV do without that ad $? Less TV shows or at least cheaper made ones? Or will tax payers that are pirating the music have to bail out said industry? Maybe a bail out for TV and newspapers. With all that SPAM, now you know where your bandwidth went. 90%!!! Will Nigeria own the world by 2020? Or at least have the largest royal family supported by overseas money. Can we just get the UN to ban the internet to that country? Will Asia give the US a electronic embargo by 2020. (we can't hear you now USA) (Team America 2?)
I thought the video and information was awesome, nice to see the human race actually moving forward. I can't wait for all the old existing media to just die, huge absorption of computers everywhere, etc.

I was able to read it all just fine in the time given, and I don't call myself a fast reader. But then again, lots of people I know hate sub-titled movies.

The next few years are going to be exciting, the 2015-2020 time is going to be exciting, and finally the 2040-2050ish time.
I remember seeing the earlier "Did You Know" videos back when I was in high school.

Good times... :(
In Terms of of ADless public tv, see the BBC. In the UK, you are taxed for owning a tv, which apparently goes towards keeping the BBC afloat (from what I have read). Can you imagine paying to keep NBC/CBS/ABC alive lol.
In Terms of of ADless public tv, see the BBC. In the UK, you are taxed for owning a tv, which apparently goes towards keeping the BBC afloat (from what I have read). Can you imagine paying to keep NBC/CBS/ABC alive lol.

We pay a TV License fee which goes to the BBC, the silly thing is you have to pay a TV license aslong as you have equipment that allows you to recieve a TV signal, the issue being even if you dont watch the BBC you still have to pay it. Personnally in my house we got rid of our aerial so we cant receive a TV signal, therefore we dont pay a TV License although we do own a TV its only used for DVDs/Blu Ray and gaming consoles. If a Celebrity came to me and shook my hand i wouldnt have a clue.
Its no coincidence that with the onset of all this technology and information, that we have more fat lard asses (with "glandular" issues) waddling around. Technology is good and all, but like everything else...moderation is key. That's the lesson we as a people need to learn as time goes on.
Are all of these videos just tech related? There are a lot more interesting facts out there than ones just about Twitter and mp3s. Also, I'd take a lot of those "facts" with a grain of salt.
Or maybe you're not the average reader...


Seemed too fast to me too. Sure I can read it and process it that fast, but I am trying to sit back in my chair and chill. Maybe think about each statement for a few seconds to analyze its validity and ramifications. Not stash it away in memory so I can read the next one that is coming up in .5 seconds.
Did You Know "That blazing 'facts' past people really fast gives them no time to objectively decide if they actually have a chance of being factual."

Ohh right, they can't make computers the size of a blood cell, physics doesn't work that way. Lets continue to use their logic even further, in 50 years that same computer will be a single molecule. In 100 years that same computer will be smaller than Hydrogen! WOW
We pay a TV License fee which goes to the BBC, the silly thing is you have to pay a TV license aslong as you have equipment that allows you to recieve a TV signal, the issue being even if you dont watch the BBC you still have to pay it. Personnally in my house we got rid of our aerial so we cant receive a TV signal, therefore we dont pay a TV License although we do own a TV its only used for DVDs/Blu Ray and gaming consoles. If a Celebrity came to me and shook my hand i wouldnt have a clue.

I've always wanted to ask how it feels to be a subject and not a citizen. Because sadly, that's the route the US is heading.
Did You Know "That blazing 'facts' past people really fast gives them no time to objectively decide if they actually have a chance of being factual."

Ohh right, they can't make computers the size of a blood cell, physics doesn't work that way. Lets continue to use their logic even further, in 50 years that same computer will be a single molecule. In 100 years that same computer will be smaller than Hydrogen! WOW

2 word. Carbon nanotubes.
So in 25 years we will have computers the size of blood cells, but I bet we still haven't reached Mars. Maybe we can just create a VR of the universe and explore that instead where we can travel at unlimited speed.

You better get to work on that warp reactor.