Diablo III Eternal Collection Is Coming to the Nintendo Switch


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Diablo III Eternal Collection is coming to the Nintendo Switch! No release date has been given other than "2018."

Jump into local, action-RPG multiplayer with up to three friends, and crush demons from your comfiest couch cushions, no internet required—or fill out the ranks of your party online. You can play Diablo III shared-screen on a single Switch, remotely on up to four Switches, or combine TV and handheld play.
It's odd to me that Diablo 3 is still relevant... I was insanely excited when it was announced and preordered it. It was decent at best. Beat it a few times and have tried to pick it up a few times since.

Nowadays I primarily play PUBG and Hunt Showdown, even though nobody on [H] is ever in the discord channel....
It's odd to me that Diablo 3 is still relevant... I was insanely excited when it was announced and preordered it. It was decent at best. Beat it a few times and have tried to pick it up a few times since.

Nowadays I primarily play PUBG and Hunt Showdown, even though nobody on [H] is ever in the discord channel....

actually there are few games that match what diablo 3 does. the only downside to it is it's replayability (unless you enjoy grift/rifting infinity....). There is no pvp or battlegrounds to speak of. So all that gear you farm doesn't really go toward any real fun pvp of any consequence. This is where Diablo 3 fails hard on....

for diablo 4 i hope after game campaign completion, they allow for some sort of raiding mode, and also pvp battlegrounds....
actually there are few games that match what diablo 3 does. the only downside to it is it's replayability (unless you enjoy grift/rifting infinity....). There is no pvp or battlegrounds to speak of. So all that gear you farm doesn't really go toward any real fun pvp of any consequence. This is where Diablo 3 fails hard on....

for diablo 4 i hope after game campaign completion, they allow for some sort of raiding mode, and also pvp battlegrounds....
Theres "Brawling" where you can fight each other but the damage system in the game is so far out of balance as it was geared around PvE and any half decent geared class just 1 shots each other.
I think if Diablo 3 had released on Day 1 in it's current form, it would have been received a lot better. It still certainly has its faults, but it's not a bad game by any measure.

And honestly, I don't think Blizzard will make a Diablo 4.
Eh. I was one of the ones super pumped for the release. i pre-ordered the collectors edition and everything. The beta was solid but then it came to launch day and past the first level you got with the beta, it was um, lackluster. I don't recall exactly what it was, loot system maybe? Character development? I dont actually recall, I just remember It just felt wrong. Not to mention the story was absolute shit. Prophecies and crap. They took the dark element out of it and gave it a cartoonish feel. I hear they turned it around with one of the major patches and I even got the expansion pack one day when it was dirt cheap but I haven't actually replayed it to know if its any better.

Basically there isn't a whole lot drawing me back and I dont get how it would work on the switch past the touch screen.
Eh. I was one of the ones super pumped for the release. i pre-ordered the collectors edition and everything. The beta was solid but then it came to launch day and past the first level you got with the beta, it was um, lackluster. I don't recall exactly what it was, loot system maybe? Character development? I dont actually recall, I just remember It just felt wrong. Not to mention the story was absolute shit. Prophecies and crap. They took the dark element out of it and gave it a cartoonish feel. I hear they turned it around with one of the major patches and I even got the expansion pack one day when it was dirt cheap but I haven't actually replayed it to know if its any better.

Basically there isn't a whole lot drawing me back and I dont get how it would work on the switch past the touch screen.

It's in a great place.
Cool seems like a great platform, played it on Xbox one and pc and it honestly is really enjoyable on a console. Having it portable and multiplayer on 1 switch is great, me and my son will probably play this a lot together when we travel.
I'm actually excited for this one. I love the PC version, but sometimes can't play it due to being somewhere with no internet access. Switch version fixes that.
Eh. I was one of the ones super pumped for the release. i pre-ordered the collectors edition and everything. The beta was solid but then it came to launch day and past the first level you got with the beta, it was um, lackluster. I don't recall exactly what it was, loot system maybe? Character development? I dont actually recall, I just remember It just felt wrong. Not to mention the story was absolute shit. Prophecies and crap. They took the dark element out of it and gave it a cartoonish feel. I hear they turned it around with one of the major patches and I even got the expansion pack one day when it was dirt cheap but I haven't actually replayed it to know if its any better.

Basically there isn't a whole lot drawing me back and I dont get how it would work on the switch past the touch screen.

After the expansion D3 became a pretty good game. The launch was abysmal, but the expansion was outstanding. They really fixed a lot of the loot and progression problems. Story is still crap, but whatever. A lot of the end-game and event stuff has been pretty good too. It still isn't D2, but it is good.

It works fine on MS and Sony systems, no reason it can't work on the Switch.
Great, now even more people can experience the BS poorly written & executed storyline where a beloved NPC is slain by a poorly designed Butterfly.

Also, "No internet required". GG Blizzard, that would have been useful 5 years ago! Oh but you were too busy with your dicks in our wallets to realize that. :rage:
I also did the whole pre-order thing.. I got bored pretty quick after finishing the main game. Got the expansion, finished it. Got bored again though the new rifts etc made it a bit more fun. The main issue is finding friends to play with. I did for a bit and then we both kinda dropped off the game. Not sure where it's at now, but I just never played it as extensively or as much as I did with D2. I really got into D2, building my Sorc and Hammerdin, both over level 90, the runes were fun, overall it was just more random fun.

D1 was a fantastic single player game, with some odd mechanics by todays standard, but I really enjoyed it. The ambient music as well as the fact it was just harder? At least to me (maybe young teenage me?!). D3 just never grabbed me as much as the first two.

Cool it's coming for the Switch, as another mentioned the Switch was a great investment. Partner and I Mario Kart it up every other day. It's great.
Okay, so this is one down for that "multiple Diablo projects" they mentioned earlier.
I've never played it so if I can catch it at a reasonable price, I probably will.

The switch itself is (so far) a great device. Did a 17 hour car ride and the kid never complained once. Worth. Every. Penny.
Doesn't seem to be very good news, because what it seems like is... there are no more expansion planned for diablo III
I mean, they wouldn't release an 'eternal collection' if they also were still working on more content.
So the game is probably dead for good now.
I actually thought it was just 'ok' and found myself liking Path of the Exile a lot more.
Doesn't seem to be very good news, because what it seems like is... there are no more expansion planned for diablo III
I mean, they wouldn't release an 'eternal collection' if they also were still working on more content.
So the game is probably dead for good now.
I actually thought it was just 'ok' and found myself liking Path of the Exile a lot more.

PoE and Grim Dawn are way better games as long as you get your builds right.