default media player won't open file types


Limp Gawd
Sep 19, 2003
When I try to open a video set with window media player it always asks me what I would like to use to play this file type. I have told it over and over that i would and always would like to use windows media player for my default player, but it just wont remeber. The only video file type that opens without asking is a "movie clip". Video Clip and Windows Media Audio/Video File always ask. I have checked everything off and have told it to use windows media player, why does it keep asking me what i want to use?


The only way to have window media player open my video files without asking me, is if i uncheck this. I dont know why it works when i dont allow access to it. Please can someone help me. :)
Go to my computer > tools > folder options. Look at the file types, find avi, and find out what the default program for opening avi files is supposed to be.

What you said about unchecking the enable thing, to enable opening avi files with media player was confusing. Do you mean that when you uncheck that box, that windows media player opens up and plays it? If so that makes no sense, or do you mean you uncheck it and your deafult media player such as videolan or whatever, opens it without asking?

Goodluck :\
Ok This worked, See where it said restore, after i pressed that for the AVI and WMV files it worked. I dont understand why it could not do that, but i'm glad it works now.