Deep Dive into the AI Behind DOOM


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
AI and Games gives us a lot of insight into how exactly the AI systems work in 2016's DOOM. While many of us hated RAGE, it was not because of the AI, but rather the shoddily done graphics, and RAGE's AI actually paved the way for DOOM. Push forward combat, and "Call of DOOMy" are touched on.
This game (the single player at least) is a godamn masterpiece. The more I play, the more I learn about its development, the more I realise this was no accident. The devs really knew what kind of game DOOM needed to be, and decided to buck any trend that stood in that way.
That was a really good video.

The most interesting part was the token system that the demons have when it comes to attacking you. Very clever stuff to balance out the gameplay and not just have them all attacking at random or simply by proximity.
This game (the single player at least) is a godamn masterpiece. The more I play, the more I learn about its development, the more I realise this was no accident. The devs really knew what kind of game DOOM needed to be, and decided to buck any trend that stood in that way.
Agreed, and Eternal looks like it takes all that stuff even further, judging from the latest gameplay videos.

Really an anomaly in the industry that a developer is able to resurrect an old favorite in the way they have, and actually continue to improve on it. Almost everyone else that's had a long running series that peaked long ago, can't seem to escape the vortex of continual gradual decline - sometimes to the point of self parody (CoD comes to mind) - and no longer able to keep up with the imitators they once ran circles around.
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DOOM 16 was one of the most fun games to play... but watching this video i can see why the flow felt so good... it played so slick ... i am stoked for Eternal
This was a very fascinating video to watch and the commentator was great. The whole Push Forward/Player Power/Chess game play is sort of what all games do though. This is done a bit differently mainly because of the engine. Although Doom 2016 is fun, it lacks story and feels like another Serious Sam. I don't care for these type of games, no replay value.

going back to the previous Doom game, it was story based, much more scary, creepy. I've played it at least 4 times through. Though this video is about the AI.

Also, found it interesting that this game about dived into the abyss, unfinished.
Although Doom 2016 is fun, it lacks story and feels like another Serious Sam. I don't care for these type of games, no replay value.

I usually find these types of games have much more replay value to me. I've played through Doom about 3 times, in story mode with varying difficulty and obtaining all unlocks, in addition to playing countless run throughs of levels in arcade mode.

For me, a heavily story based single player game has no replay value. Once I'm done I never feel the need to start it again. I'm probably halfway through Prey (picked up during the Quakecon sale) and I can already tell that I won't pick it up again once I finish.
Now I have only played the Demo for Doom 2016, so I don't know if this is still happens, but the one thing I thoroughly enjoyed about Doom 2 was walking around undetected and watching the demons just break out into a brawl. Does this still occur in the reboot? I wish they would bring that back because man that was some fun times.......ahhhh the nostalgia :joyful:
Now I have only played the Demo for Doom 2016, so I don't know if this is still happens, but the one thing I thoroughly enjoyed about Doom 2 was walking around undetected and watching the demons just break out into a brawl. Does this still occur in the reboot? I wish they would bring that back because man that was some fun times.......ahhhh the nostalgia :joyful:
Yes, demons can/will fight each other if you can get them to turn on each other. There's a few scripted areas where they're already fighting, as well. Tho there's not much "sneaking" around in Doom 2016.
Yes, demons can/will fight each other if you can get them to turn on each other. There's a few scripted areas where they're already fighting, as well. Tho there's not much "sneaking" around in Doom 2016.
There was nothing better than watching the Shotgun baddies fighting each other or the imps. I caught the guys that light you on fire from afar do that to other demons as well. I usually just stood back and watched them beat on each other and clean up the rest afterwards.
I usually find these types of games have much more replay value to me. I've played through Doom about 3 times, in story mode with varying difficulty and obtaining all unlocks, in addition to playing countless run throughs of levels in arcade mode.

For me, a heavily story based single player game has no replay value. Once I'm done I never feel the need to start it again. I'm probably halfway through Prey (picked up during the Quakecon sale) and I can already tell that I won't pick it up again once I finish.

Prey wasn't very good, but it good enough for one play through. I've gone through all of the half life series, bioshock series and tomb raider series so many times I've lost count :)
It seems they aren't using this depth of AI for Quake Champions where the bots are either brain-dead potatoes or levitating savants. The bots in Doom 2016 were better. The good news is that the MP for the upcoming Doom Eternal will be developed in-house, cutting Saber out of the equation, so let's hope that's an answer.
It seems they aren't using this depth of AI for Quake Champions where the bots are either brain-dead potatoes or levitating savants. The bots in Doom 2016 were better. The good news is that the MP for the upcoming Doom Eternal will be developed in-house, cutting Saber out of the equation, so let's hope that's an answer.

I agree. I’ve been practicing with bots a bit before I jump into the game, and as you say, it’s one or the other. I like the overall feel of QC, but it’s definitely missing the id touch. It’s a solid foundation that needs their attention to polish off. Overall, I like it, but it’s got some flaws for sure. The rail gun doesn’t feel right to me for one.

Doom 2016’s multiplayer improved a lot when id took it back. With them working on Eternal with equal single and multi from the ground up, I think we’re in for something we haven’t had since... well, for a long time. I see something pretty amazing on the horizon.
It seems they aren't using this depth of AI for Quake Champions where the bots are either brain-dead potatoes or levitating savants. The bots in Doom 2016 were better. The good news is that the MP for the upcoming Doom Eternal will be developed in-house, cutting Saber out of the equation, so let's hope that's an answer.
Why would you play QC against bots?