DDR2 prices have gone down like 200% the past couple of months ??


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
I got screwed on my memory price at Fry's back in October :rolleyes: I bought 4gb Corsair dominator DDR2 for like $250.00, now I saw the same exact model and size for sale at Fry's for like $79.00 :eek:

Did I miss something the past two months on prices ??
Dang today you can run 8gb DD2 in Vista64 for like only $160.00 where two months ago the same would run ya over $500.00 :D
I have about 5 sets of memory.....Corsair, Buffalo, Balistix..you name it.....all 2 Gb matched pairs...I'm just gonna keep them in case I ever need anymore..No way in hell I'm selling them for a loss..:)
I don't think the price can go down more than 100%. Then it would be free.
I don't think the price can go down more than 100%. Then it would be free.

Lol, good point IMO, but yeah, DDR2 prices seem to be plummeting lately. I might have to pick up some more ram just because!
Wait, they give you the total price of what the RAM is worth when you buy it? That is one HOT deal.
See this is just my dilema, I know the prices have drop and thinking of picking up 2GB...not sure yet...but don't have the system to try it on...:(

I would very much would like to buy, piece by piece, but the thought of not knowing if its working or not, scares me.

EVGA 122-CK-NF67 is so far my choice, not an OC'er but would dip into it if need be. I would like to get a C2D E6600 Conroe.

I've been happy with Corsair and would like to get a DDR2 Corsair but not too sure if I should get one now.
Apparently rumor is ram prices are to rise in 2008, which is likely as always after a drop like this the ram companies find a way to screw us and jack up prices alot, so buy now and sell later if needed :)
Well I think once DDR3 becomes mainstream then DDR2 will shoot back up and DDR3 will start to fall
I paid 140+ tax/shipping for 1 gig of Ballistix back in February. Had to RMA it once. RMAed kit is now dead. Same kit i saw selling for 50 dollars with a 35 dollar MIR. I dont think ill be buying Crucial again. 140 down to 15 in 10 months.
I paid 140+ tax/shipping for 1 gig of Ballistix back in February. Had to RMA it once. RMAed kit is now dead. Same kit i saw selling for 50 dollars with a 35 dollar MIR. I dont think ill be buying Crucial again. 140 down to 15 in 10 months.

If you're unhappy about kits dying, that's one thing, but the price? :( Crucial's been completely awesome to me all along.
The $190 Buffalo Firestix I bought in March seemed like such a hot deal at the time.

Now 9 months later it is available for $70. I really LOVE these sticks by the way.
I paid 140+ tax/shipping for 1 gig of Ballistix back in February. Had to RMA it once. RMAed kit is now dead. Same kit i saw selling for 50 dollars with a 35 dollar MIR. I dont think ill be buying Crucial again. 140 down to 15 in 10 months.

I had the same problem. I paid $139 for each 1 gig stick. I too had to RMA one stick. It wasn't the ram. My mobo (most mobos) doesn't measure the volts accurately. Don't blame the ram.

I just ordered another 2 x 1 gig set of Ballistix for $49 + shipping. Gotta love it.
I pulled off 8GB at about $100AR.

2x2GB G.Skill PC2-6400 $80AR and 2x2GB Mushkin PC2-5300 $20AR. Now I've got $100 worth of rebates to deal with, but I'll take it.
Well, i just picked up a kit of 2X2GB Gskill ram at 1000MHZ for 115 but im not sure whether i should get another kit at this great price.
If I had originally gotten a 2X2GB I would probably have 8GB now but that would be total overkill. I got in on one of the many Crucial Ballistix rebate offers on the 2X1GB sets $90 with $40 MIR. Then I bought another matched set used on the forums for $50 shipped.

It's nuts!
On a related note, is anyone noticing that RAM is getting more expensive lately? I'm looking on Newegg for some DDR2 kits, and it seems like they're all more expensive than I remember them being.
ram prices always hit a sweet spot then rise back up as the production of it decrease. we are seeing DDR3 starting to come into phase and as said earlier it will be on the rise in '08 with DDR2 production slowing down. If you want to buy, buy now. Also it is a great idea to pick up a spare pair for the future just in case your current set dies. I just bought a 2x1GB kit of g.skill DDR2-800 for $47, it will not get cheaper than that.