d2.vu invite codes

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Feb 14, 2005
The place to post if you have invite codes. I unfortunately do not have any, but will be more than happy if anyone with one wants to PM a code over :D Then I can start sharing the love too.
The place to post if you have invite codes. I unfortunately do not have any, but will be more than happy if anyone with one wants to PM a code over :D Then I can start sharing the love too.

PM me a screen shot of your current ratio on your client and/or tracker and I will shoot you an invite(obviously provided you aren't a hit it and quit it kind of user)!
I remembered my old account name and was able to login. What gives though... The last uploads were May 9th?
If you're going to ask for something at least follow the directions I posted that resulted in you asking me for an invite. Damn slackers! ;)
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