Cyberpunk 2077 "Soft Relaunch" Q1 2022


Jun 6, 2014
So I am creating this thread because now that we are in 2022, the next 3 months is when we are supposed to get the "next-gen" or I suppose you can now call it "current-gen" free upgrade to PS5 and Xbox Series X. I bought Cyberpunk last year for $10 for PlayStation with a free Steelbook from Best Buy and it's stayed on my shelf until I knew the game was ready to go. I am looking forward to finally playing it, but I want to talk about the potential update that we can be expecting soon. I know CDPR REALLY messed up the launch, but I don't want that discussed here since it's been done to death.

The reason I am posting this is to re-open discussions about the game since the enormous patch we are waiting for will be dropping within a couple months.

Not sure how many of you follow Tyler McVicker on YouTube, but I used to listen to him back in the day when he was the "Valve News Network," however for the past couple months he's been getting a lot of supposed info about just how much work CDPR has been putting into Cyberpunk. In fact the CEO of CDPR has even said that they fully intend on delivering the game that they promised from the very beginning. After a year since launch I believe it's possible that the next big update to Cyberpunk is going to not only fix everything wrong with the game on consoles, but will also add a bunch of stuff that was missing previously.

Of course rumors should be taken with a grain of salt, but here is what has been shared online by someone with "inside info."

The link I will be referring to is this:

Rumor Reddit thread:

So for full disclosure... I have never played the game, however I know from reading a lot about it that the PC version for Cyberpunk has always been "decent" albeit with a lot of missing content CDPR obviously promised and EVERYONE has said that the game should have been delayed another year b/c a lot of things you could tell in the game were just flat-out missing and/or in terrible shape. That being said, this supposed update is literally going to add everything into the game that CDPR promised from the beginning; a garage, improved AI, barbershops, transmog system, and lots of other things. The reason to me the next-gen update for the game is so exciting is because I know that people who played the game on PC who weren't sour about all the cut content found a really enjoyable experience, and I don't think it's a coincidence that Cyberpunk was the most played game of 2021 on Steam. That's an incredible feat despite the controversial launch.

That being said what are your thoughts? Are you excited for the "soft relaunch" of Cyberpunk? If they vastly improve the game will you play it again, or have you been holding out to play it for the next-gen update and you will be playing it for the first time? Or has CDPR betrayed your trust so much at the launch of the game that you won't be giving them any money or any of your time regardless of how much they fix the game?
I hope they release an 'Enhanced' type of version or huge patch which brings the game closer to expectations...
That's essentially what that rumors are pointing to. That the next-gen update is essentially going to "re-launch" the game.
I hope they release an 'Enhanced' type of version or huge patch which brings the game closer to expectations...
Well if any studio could or would do that it's CDPR, that's essentially what they did with the first Witcher game and all of there games have started a little rough but then received proper attention to smooth out those rough edges. It really does seem similar to the situation with the first Witcher game with most of the problems caused by trying to do too much and technical limitations.

They also shouldn't have tried to port it to the older consoles which is something they should have learned from their failed attempt to port that first Witcher game to consoles. I know some of the issues there were related to the game being designed from the ground up for KB/M controls but they mentioned there being other technical limitations too iirc.
There is no "relaunch." There is just going to be a launch of the gen 9 console version of the game later this year. What else the next patch contains remains to be seen. It is all just random internet people making observations and pulling shit out of their ass. WCCF Tech made a business out of that.
There is no "relaunch." There is just going to be a launch of the gen 9 console version of the game later this year. What else the next patch contains remains to be seen. It is all just random internet people making observations and pulling shit out of their ass. WCCF Tech made a business out of that.
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Well in either case I am excited to play Cyberpunk once the ps5 patch drops. I've been morbidly curious about the game since it launched following all the controversy, and especially b/c I would say Witcher 3 is probably my favorite game of all time and I want to see what CDPR's been up to and what Cyberpunk is all about. I have read plenty online and heard plenty of opinions from people who actually like what is there that the game for those who accept it for what it is that there is a fantastic experience and story to be had. So it'll be cool to finally be able to play it.

CDPR is saying the next-gen patch should launch some time within Q1 of this year so within the next 3 months we should see it hopefully.
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I would not be surprised if the patch get's delayed some more or will be incomplete also and require a big update later down the line
I would not be surprised if the patch get's delayed some more or will be incomplete also and require a big update later down the line
Every game needs patches, but I am fairly confident that the next-gen patch will fix a lot especially since it's now been over a year since launch. The last patch they released was enormous too and had the longest patch notes I've ever seen so they ARE working on it.
Every game needs patches, but I am fairly confident that the next-gen patch will fix a lot especially since it's now been over a year since launch. The last patch they released was enormous too and had the longest patch notes I've ever seen so they ARE working on it.
I don't deny it's existence, just that the timeframe may slip due to the pandemic and/or their new work ethics the whole "no more crunch thingie" and I would not be surprised to see some additional bugs turn up hopefully nothing too gamebreaking.
They can take their sweet time as far as I am concerned. I don't have the hardware to run it at high settings at 4k and given today's GPU prices, I won't for some time.
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Every game needs patches, but I am fairly confident that the next-gen patch will fix a lot especially since it's now been over a year since launch. The last patch they released was enormous too and had the longest patch notes I've ever seen so they ARE working on it.
Problem is, much of what needs to improve isn't necessarily patchable.
I highly doubt they are ever going to completely revamp the game to the level they need to to meet the expectations they set initially. I just don't see that happening.
I highly doubt they are ever going to completely revamp the game to the level they need to to meet the expectations they set initially. I just don't see that happening.
If Jesus Christ himself manifested in the game it still wouldn't meet the expectations they set initially.
I highly doubt they are ever going to completely revamp the game to the level they need to to meet the expectations they set initially. I just don't see that happening.
I couldn't agree more. It will never be the game they teased for all those years.
I highly doubt they are ever going to completely revamp the game to the level they need to to meet the expectations they set initially. I just don't see that happening.
I don't know that it is expectations they set, but rather that gamers set for themselves. Gamers like to work themselves up in to a tizzy about how amazing things are going to be, well past the point of anything that can realistically be delivered. Sometimes the developers participate, but often it is just the community just hypes themselves up over how amazing something is going to be, setting themselves up for disappointment.

That is probably part of why Half Life 3 will never happen. Even if Valve decided they are interested, everyone has built it up in their minds to the point that no matter how good the game, people would be outraged that it wasn't as good as they thought it was going to be.
I don't know that it is expectations they set, but rather that gamers set for themselves. Gamers like to work themselves up in to a tizzy about how amazing things are going to be, well past the point of anything that can realistically be delivered. Sometimes the developers participate, but often it is just the community just hypes themselves up over how amazing something is going to be, setting themselves up for disappointment.

That is probably part of why Half Life 3 will never happen. Even if Valve decided they are interested, everyone has built it up in their minds to the point that no matter how good the game, people would be outraged that it wasn't as good as they thought it was going to be.
The gamers who expected some Cyberpunk themed life simulator absolutely set this expectation for themselves. CDPR still bears some responsibility for that, by showcasing next level object interactivity that is only for scripted sections of missions and advertised thinks like hacking as being vastly different than they turned out to be. Given what we were shown and the bar set by other games like GTA V, it's reasonable to expect basic fire and water physics the game lacks. It also advertised various rep systems, life paths that would matter and even a direction for the story which never came to pass.

That's before we get into the various UI issues, game balance issues, and various other incomplete aspects of the experience that persist to this day. The game is in a better technical state in that it has fewer bugs, but it's still largely incomplete based on CDPR's own marketing.
I don't know that it is expectations they set, but rather that gamers set for themselves. Gamers like to work themselves up in to a tizzy about how amazing things are going to be, well past the point of anything that can realistically be delivered. Sometimes the developers participate, but often it is just the community just hypes themselves up over how amazing something is going to be, setting themselves up for disappointment.
Yes and no. A lot of features that were shown and touted *by CDPR* were just conspicuously absent from the final game. And, as of yet (as far as I know) they have not really added any of that content into the game via patches.

So yeah, people did get overhyped, but CDPR was the one doing the hyping, by and large.
that's what people are hoping for with CP2077...the core gameplay needs to be tweaked
The entire game was scrapped with ff14. They could have and should have given it a new title. That’s not what CDPR is talking about for CP2077.
Yes and no. A lot of features that were shown and touted *by CDPR* were just conspicuously absent from the final game. And, as of yet (as far as I know) they have not really added any of that content into the game via patches.

So yeah, people did get overhyped, but CDPR was the one doing the hyping, by and large.
They haven't. Literally none of the missing features were added. The only thing the patches did feature wise was make the police foot/drone chases last close to a minute which is up from about 5 seconds. It also tweaked their spawn locations so they don't appear right in front of or behind you. They now sort of appear at a distance or where they are less easily seen and then move towards you. It's better, but they still can't drive vehicles and if you get in one they do not chase you in anyway. Essentially, all you have to do is put distance from them and your good to go.

The original Need for Speed Most Wanted system was far more complex and way better than this. Granted, it was at the core of the game but its sad that a simple open-world racing game from around 2005 has a more sophisticated pursuit system than a game made more than a decade later with a big studio behind it that touted the game as being the next level in RPG's. CDPR specifically highlighted the police rep system in their marketing videos. The current system is not only incomplete but largely broken. You can be doing nothing wrong and the cops might aggro and shoot at you for no reason at all. This frequently happens to me in my benchmark runs where I park a car near them and they freak out.
I have a whole 5.8 hours in the game maybe I'll play it on my vacation in two weeks.
Just find it overwhelming and the gameplay changed up so much from your typical game.
Gonna be a tall hill to clime to actually make a good game.
I would not be surprised if the patch get's delayed some more or will be incomplete also and require a big update later down the line

I also bought the $10 deal at Best Buy and am waiting until someday the game A. has a PS5 native version and B. is patched to a point that I see it to be fit for consumption.

I have no faith in their dates or release windows for any features/updates/patches/etc. Whenever it gets here and I can download and play it (The PS5 version) is about when I will try to play this game and want to talk about it.
I'm still scratching my head wondering why everyone hates CP2077 so much. I loved it and I hate everything.
It's because CDPR's hype machine made the game look 10x better than it was. I think the game is one of the best I've ever played, but it was supposed to be even better. People expected something with the quality of GTA V with a cyberpunk setting and that's not what we got. The game shipped with completely missing features and as an open world game, it's still largely incomplete. At its core, it's aesthetics and gameplay are good but it's not what CDPR sold us.
It's because CDPR's hype machine made the game look 10x better than it was. I think the game is one of the best I've ever played, but it was supposed to be even better. People expected something with the quality of GTA V with a cyberpunk setting and that's not what we got. The game shipped with completely missing features and as an open world game, it's still largely incomplete. At its core, it's aesthetics and gameplay are good but it's not what CDPR sold us.
At least it's better then GTA V even if it lacks quality. I finished the game but kinda waiting on one of 2 things to happen, getting in the mood to go at it again, or a patch adding a decent amount of fixes/features or content to the game.
At least it's better then GTA V even if it lacks quality. I finished the game but kinda waiting on one of 2 things to happen, getting in the mood to go at it again, or a patch adding a decent amount of fixes/features or content to the game.
I have about the same amount of time in both, so I don't know if I'd agree with that.
I have about the same amount of time in both, so I don't know if I'd agree with that.
I think I'm missing something in GTA V, couple missions after the prologue I run out of things to do or at least that are "given" to me, the only quest in that area I can see on the map is unatainable by me, think it's in a parking garage I can't access. Could try and drive around radomly and see if I can find something to do but then I already lost interest.
I think I'm missing something in GTA V, couple missions after the prologue I run out of things to do or at least that are "given" to me, the only quest in that area I can see on the map is unatainable by me, think it's in a parking garage I can't access. Could try and drive around radomly and see if I can find something to do but then I already lost interest.
Did you get to the point that you can switch between characters? Always try switching over to another character to follow the main quest(s). The game has a million little things to do like collections and challenges but it's not always fun. Some of the challenges and collections invlove quests and introduction to funny and odd characters. They are more enjoyable than say what ubisoft does with their collection/challenges.

I'm definitely going to pick up Cyberpunk at some point. I've waited this long to buy it so I figure I can wait until they put more polish on it.
I'm definitely going to pick up Cyberpunk at some point. I've waited this long to buy it so I figure I can wait until they put more polish on it.
You know what they say about polishing a turd...
I have about the same amount of time in both, so I don't know if I'd agree with that.
I have more time in all previous gta games except for 2 which I skipped than in GTAV. GTAV is the only game that I just (barely) finished the campaign in and then quit playing it.
I played GTAIV for years after release and had tons of fun. GTAV offered nothing that I didn't already do in GTAIV.
I enjoyed every minute of Cyberpunk 2077, even if I ultimately dislike the ending, the 100+ hours I spent with the game was more rewarding than any minute I spent on GTAV.
GTAV wasn't a bad game, but it's nowhere near as immersive or the world as interesting as CP2077.
I have more time in all previous gta games except for 2 which I skipped than in GTAV. GTAV is the only game that I just (barely) finished the campaign in and then quit playing it.
I played GTAIV for years after release and had tons of fun. GTAV offered nothing that I didn't already do in GTAIV.
I enjoyed every minute of Cyberpunk 2077, even if I ultimately dislike the ending, the 100+ hours I spent with the game was more rewarding than any minute I spent on GTAV.
GTAV wasn't a bad game, but it's nowhere near as immersive or the world as interesting as CP2077.
And here I am and I can't get over how lifeless the world and NPCs are in cyberpunk. I played about ten hours of it before I gave up and have absolutely no interest in going back.
And here I am and I can't get over how lifeless the world and NPCs are in cyberpunk. I played about ten hours of it before I gave up and have absolutely no interest in going back.

In cyberpunk the vast majority of the NPCs are just generated on the spot and have no memory or purpose than filling space.
There is no point to interacting with them.

Compared to Skyrim where every NPC has a personality, home, things they do. If they die there are less people walking around. You don't know if they have quests or things to trade until you interact with them. It's fun to discover what they do and mess with them and adds a hell of a lot to the game.

I get that it's in a city that's supposed to have millions of people so you can't expect as much, but what they have just isn't very good.
I don't remember GTA being any different.
GTA V does have greater interactivity with random NPC's. They also react better when you threaten them or blow things up near them or car jack them.