current bang for the buck card?


Feb 9, 2002
My friends laptop just died and he has tasked me with building a good desktop. A top of the line video card is out of the question, so looking in the price range of the 4870. is this the current bang for the buck or is there a better option?

local microcenter has the xfx 4870 for $169.99 after MIR.

thanks in advance.
My roomate just build a budget gaming rig for under $500, and ended up going with the 4870. I would deff say it is a very good card and can run the highest setting on a lot of games, and is priced very reasonably. I say go for it!

All going to be around the same price. I would go with the 4890 if it was me, actually I did go with the 4890 :)
if i were u id go with a single 4890...i obviously have 2 but 1 is still pretty sweet by itself. and depending on the motherboard he could think about getting another one in the future
Take a look at the 4770 review here on [H]. see how that looks performance wise. It should be a great choice, and only ~$100.
I would vote for one of the OC'd GTX 275s that are under $200 out there.

I Picked up a 702mhz one for $189 a couple of weeks ago..
This $179 4890 OC is a darn good bang for the Buck:

This 4870 is hot at $149;

This OC'd GTX 260 at $149 is pretty tough to beat too;

And for a whopping $109, this GTS 250 OC is great;

or this 4850 OC for $89;