I'm curious.
I've noticed on 60hz lcd's, anything that scrolls across the screen blurs a bit until it stops moving. that includes images, text or even looking left and right on a fps shooter.
I'm thinking it has something to do with the refresh rate not quite being fast enough to keep the image clear when it moves on screen. i could be wrong though..
Could someone do a simple test for me? if you have a 120hz lcd monitor, take a window or picture and just move it across the screen. does it blur at all when in motion?
I've done this test on a 80hz and 100hz crt monitor and even in motion, the text is very clear and easy to read, but on my 60hz lcd, it blurs until it stops, even when scrolling slowly.
I've noticed on 60hz lcd's, anything that scrolls across the screen blurs a bit until it stops moving. that includes images, text or even looking left and right on a fps shooter.
I'm thinking it has something to do with the refresh rate not quite being fast enough to keep the image clear when it moves on screen. i could be wrong though..
Could someone do a simple test for me? if you have a 120hz lcd monitor, take a window or picture and just move it across the screen. does it blur at all when in motion?
I've done this test on a 80hz and 100hz crt monitor and even in motion, the text is very clear and easy to read, but on my 60hz lcd, it blurs until it stops, even when scrolling slowly.
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