Corsair HS1 Gaming Headset Give-Away - 5 Sets!!!

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Look Corsair I just got the H70 CPU cooler which is excellent. I need some headphones from you guys as well to match.:rolleyes:
I could use a set since my kids got chocolate all in my current set of 'phones.
I have no idea how they did it either..
I would love to give a pair of these a shot, I've always wanted to try out some surround headsets for gaming.
I don't think I need to hear anything better as my current headset works just fine.

But if Corsair wants to try to prove me wrong, I'm game.
Sure I need to hear my FPS games better, but I need these more so I can alt + tab out and watch pr0n without my neighbors hearing it. BAM!
Because my friends cat chewed off the connectors on a pair of iPod earbuds at last weekends LAN party.
I need them because my headphone are from 1994, from an old sony walkman tape player and i have to turn up my logitec controller to about 80% just hear anything out of them.

Please let me win them :)
my plantronics were decent headphones, but now one ear cuts in and out. I want to see if the corsair lives up to the hype:)
Why do I need one? Well, I have a wife...

...and I want her to be visually aware when I may missing something that she is telling me - ALL of which is VERY important, after all. :D
My brother bought a pair of these after reading your review, and I have to say they are amazing. I would love to get a pair of these!
I would like to be able to hear when spies decloak before I get stabbed in the back!
I want better positional sound so I know not to check right when I was supposed to check left.
I need to hear that guy trying to sneak up behind me for a knife kill.
I have kids, 3yo and 6mo. I have to play muted (so I don't wake anyone up - don't currently have any headphones) or not play at all.
I'd like to be entered, please.

I need to hear my games better because at the ripe old age of 42, I need all of the help I can get fighting against the whippersnappers in Modern Warfare 2 and Battlefield. My reflexes aren't cutting it anymore, so maybe the positional awareness will help. ;-) A good headset is a must in my house as my family of four lives in close quarters.
this headset is not simply single purpose. you see it is multi functional for computer needs, using it for rosetta stone training for my son and his foreign language classes this year. for my wife and her gaming needs and wants. for myself and my audio recording play backs and such. for my daughters and their childlike wonder and amazement of technology and being able to use it to make ridiculous audio loops and to talk to family far far away.
I need to hear better because my L4D2 group won't let me play with them cause my cans are cheap and I can't hear the witch so I end up startling her all the time!!!!! Only you can help me not startle the witch!!!!

Bill W.
I plan to race to level 85 in World of Warcraft. I also tend to play games late so this would keep me from keeping my lady awake from explosions! Plus, I am a bit picky with my audio so this would be nice.
my gaming pc is in our living room. when i game my wife watches tv in the same room....i need good sound canceling!
I am in bad need of a new headset. I am currently using a mic with my desktop speakers.
I don't own any headphones or headsets! It would be helpful when gaming
Why do I need to hear my games better? Well, it's my children, you see. The din created by a 5 and 12 year old can make hearing one's thoughts difficult, much less hearing one's games. In those rare moments when the background cacaphony dies down enough that I'm actually able to hear the footsteps of that sniper on Valparaiso, they sense my immediate confusion at such clarity of sound, and immediately dial it back up to 11. I'd use speakers to try and drown them out, but the guys on Ventrilo aren't exactly "family friendly," and frankly, neither are half of the people I've encountered so far in Metro 2033 or Call of Pripyat.

To their credit, I will say that my children are rather quiet when they are playing their own games, something which my wife uses to great effect. In her infinite wisdom, she keeps her own computer and her senses in peace by having them use my computer while I am at work, under the premise that her laptop cannot possibly handle such taxing games as Plants vs Zombies. During these sessions, one of the two boys, exactly which I am unsure, appears to like gnawing on my poor headset's cable, and to date I think he has gnawed halfway through the cables which apparently feeds the left ear piece. Because of this, and the resultant occasional missing audio, they appear to have settled on the best solution to be attempting to separate it from the rest of the headset housing. I've avoided breaking out the solder with some clever use of electrical tape, but I think they're starting to catch on, and I'm afraid it will only stave off their further attacks for another month at most. Thankfully, the microphone and right ear piece are in no danger of breaking, though I'm starting to get rather creative trying to find objects to wedge the loose mic arm into place.

Medical warnings suggest that chewing on wiring is bad for your health, so I am probably going to need to replace the headset with speakers. However, this actually creates new problems, as mentioned above, though nothing a nice circumaural, USB headset wouldn't solve, no?
This would be nice for an aspiring raid tank in WoW. I could actually use Vent and still hear the game with headphones. My current cheap speakers distort voice too badly with game sounds enabled.
I could use a new headset since my hearing isn't the best and the neighbors complain because I game with the speakers turned up too loud. :)
My Medusa 5.1 are broken and barely holding together with duct tape, that's why i want a set of corsair! :p
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