Corsair Giveaway - Force Series™ GT 180GB Solid-State Hard Drive

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Because my fastest drive is 5,400 RPM and it would be the excuse I need to install Windows 7.
It would be great to have a SSD dedicated to the OS or programs in my rig! Plus my current OS drive is almost 80% full.
cause they are a name you can trust and i have never had a SSD and my whole system is in dire need of a makeover.
Because, Capt. Heat yells out "CORSAIR I NEED MORE SPEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!" All the while hearing Chief Engineer Seagate muttering "Me por barons, me por barons.
I want my system to be more quiet. It's in my bedroom and the current HD is really loud. I know I could turn off the computer, but I watch tv while I sleep and sometimes I forget to set it to turn off. SSD is the simple solution :)
I need a corsair SSD in my rig because I need a SSD that is stable, reliable, and of high quality through and through.
Because Corsair is awesome and I love the speed an SSD gives my rig...who wouldn't want a third SSD? I know I won't mind getting a third....:D
I need an OS drive that boots instantly, this drive delivers that.
I need a Corsair SSD because BF3 load times are terribly slow and my rickety platter drives need to finally hit the trash. It'll also fit nicely in the corsair exclusive rig I'm building for the holidays.
Who doesn't want a SSD? I don't have one, that's why I want one. Plus I love Corsair, so that makes it even better! Plus I never win anything :(
I'd love a quality Corsair SSD to speed up my system and keep it nice and quiet.
I need this since my last Corsair SSD died and it is no longer under warranty. They own me!
I NEED a Force Series™ GT 180GB Solid-State Hard Drive because my current 500GB drive is bottlenecking my 2600K system badly.
Im still running on pata drives, so i need this drive to increase my performance.
Why do I need a Corsair SSD in my rig? Doesn't everyone? I mean I bet if you ask people at Corsair who needs a Corsair SSD in their rig, they'd say "EVERYONE!"
I need a Corsair SSD for the fantastic speed and performance! I absolutely love Corsair's support and have never had a better support experience ANYWHERE. Their support alone is enough to keep me buying, and the quality of their products is equally superior. :)
A corsair SSD will be a great addition to my rig for BF3 , and Star Wars TOR load times :)
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