core ultra vs 13th gen latency in Dell Latitudes


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 31, 2009
I'm the sole IT guy at my company. I do all the procurement, imaging, troubleshooting, etc on all our laptops/servers, etc. I've used everything from 8th gen forward on Dell Latitudes on. Something happened in 13th gen that the latency went to crap. 11th, 12th gens, seemed snappy, but 13th gens in general always seemed to lag after any form of command input. It wasn't drastic, but noticeable. I know tech yes city covered this in a youtube video on desktop CPUs.

I just started ordering Core Ultra Latitudes and the latency seems to be gone. Inputs, program loading, UI usage, all seem back to normal.

Anyone else that work on a lot of machines notice this?
I was buying $780 Dell micro desktops w/ 13500t CPUs in them and wasn't impressed. Started buying $350 Chinese micros instead to save money. Ryzen 5800H CPUs with double the RAM and storage. RAM and SSD are Crucial/Micron. Before buying them in bulk I had every technician give me their opinion on them and every person said the 5800H feels faster. Office/knowledge worker work. Maybe it's latency or something else but Passmark says the 13500t should be faster.

They aren't engineered as well and the fan is louder, abrupt fan curve, but not a deal breaker. The oldest machine is only 10 months deployed so only time will tell if they hold up well.
