core 2 duo

3.5/10 - The wallpaper itself lacks alot of flow and you'll find with good simplicity wallpapers that their flow is very good and everything just seams to go well together. Yours on the other hand lacks alot of flow and isn't too impressive. To me it appears that very little time and thought went into its composition but that's not to say it didn't take you awhile to create with all your experimentation that would've gone on to get to this final result. Now for some of my ideas that would make the whole thing work better but not necessarily all together at the same time ;).
- a blue and white gradient would've made more sense as they are intels colours.
- doing something with a motion blur to embody the speediness of it could potentially work very well if the stuff surrounding it is better.
- some abstract blurred shapes on a low opacity
- something to hide the harsh beveled edges of the "Intel core2duo inside" like blurred white brushing to create the impression of cloudiness.

It is your first wallpaper and you need to learn some common wallpaper design principals.

note: The rating may seem harsh but then it'd be silly to expect 10/10 on your first wallpaper :)
I like the second one better, but as stated, the edges of the "Intel core2duo inside" need help. I dont agree with giving it "cloudiness" though.