Community - Welcome New / Old Members

Well it is good to see everyone. Sometimes you think this community is smaller than it really is and is nice to see everyone! /wave good job all!

Well it is good to see everyone. Sometimes you think this community is smaller than it really is and is nice to see everyone! /wave good job all!

Agreed. Thanks to all who came out of the shadows and said hi. And don't make this your only visit!

Agreed. Thanks to all who came out of the shadows and said hi. And don't make this your only visit!

Agreed 100%, please don't make this your only visit. :eek:

Hell, if nothing else make it a habit to just say "Hi" on a regular basis. :D

Just think of the "keyboards of those you save" (sounds good for a bumper sticker :rolleyes:) for us "motor mouths" and the people that show us some of the wonderful knowledge they have concerning computers and folding.

Once again Thanks for folding and thanks for posting. :)

Love this thread.
It demonstrates the strong community aspect of folding.
It reminds us that the [H]orde is people folding together for the cause.

Post on!

decided to throw my ps3 and one of my macs into the f@h fray. I was folding a while back.. had a move and just let it lay on the side for a while. I figure if i've got the cycles to spare might as well fold :)

some of you may have received some of my freebies i mailed out a while ago (hope they're runn'n well for you)

cheers and fold on !
All right !!! Welcome back to tha' [H]ard fold muzzle79. :)

(a PS3, looks like I'm gonna' get some more tire tracks from bein' run over, no biggie :p)

Hey everyone, here and semi-active on the forums but not so much over on this neck of the woods :D. I'm a small timer, but my 24/7 folding box just died. Replacing it with an am2 x2 4000+ that will get a mild overclock up to say 2.5ghz. I know the smp client is great for four cores, and it'll definetly be running on my q6600 rig once that is set, but what is the best for a dual core setup nowadays? The am2 is basically a file server so I don't mind using up all the cpu all the time. I also have a dual at work I run the regular client on taking up one core. Anyway back to my am2 question - lemme know what client would be best - it will be running 64 bit windows server 2008.

Hey bro/sis, what's happenin' :D

Personally I don't think there is such a thing as a small time folder, of course there are people like FLECOM with millions of pernts, but in the end every WU is for the cause and only God knows (and he ain't tellin') which WU is more responsible for finding a cure over other WU's :rolleyes:.

On the X2 4000+ deal. I had a X2 4200+ that I managed to screw up (not because of folding, because of my inexperience and stupidity), but when it was clicking I always used a LinuxSMP OS. I've used several different flavors, just make sure it's a 64 bit version for SMP and has access to the 32 bit librarys for SMP. Hell, I don't have any personal experience, but the nonSMP client in Linux my be faster at folding than winders.

I don't think there is a better flavor of Linux for SMP foldin', just make sure you have the latest kernel and, like winders, the current updates. I have SMP'ed in Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu from "Hoary Hedgehog to the latest beta "Hardy Heron", I have SMP'ed in Fedora 8 and when I find another mobo I'll give Fedora 9 beta a try, I've also given the SUSE flavor a try among a few others I can't remember.
Pocatello says hello to all. :D Hello. :p

got the I wheres that drink I was promised?

Beer or wine, or some other adult beverage? I got it all for ya!
Quick ? for you folders; will server 2003 x64 run on a Q6600?
Windows Server is hardware independent. Plus I certainly hope it does because I'll be using that chip in my home server in a couple of weeks.

I just need to be sure that the copy of server 64 bit will run on the q6600. thx
I just need to be sure that the copy of server 64 bit will run on the q6600. thx

Seeing as how the q6600 is a 64bit cpu, yes, Windows Server 2003 x64 will work with it.

I swear I couldn't find anything that said that!!! Yeah....right...

I could have sworn you said you were an IT guy.........:rolleyes:

Yes, it will run it fine and if you get clever you can run OSX on it as well;):D

I could have sworn you said you were an IT guy.........:rolleyes:

Yes, it will run it fine and if you get clever you can run OSX on it as well;):D

Ironically, I'm already planning that. Have the install ready and primed. Its just such a hectic month for me, i'm starting to lose it with all the crap going on. Then I had to swap out the mobo and proc for my server from a dual proc amd system to a quad intel. Oh well, as long as it rips it up, who cares! Thanks
Gosh, Time goes by so fast ....

Seems like a lot of users we contacted, have really ramped up latley.
So, I guess this did some good ????
Gosh, Time goes by so fast ....

Seems like a lot of users we contacted, have really ramped up latley.
So, I guess this did some good ????

Might be time for another one in a few months to make sure everyone is running the GPU client if they want to.

There are many welcome threads posted in this forum. Found this old one. Maybe we should create one sticky post just to welcome new and old/semi-retired/sleepy members back to folding/crunching? In this way, we all can say hi and make them feel at home and be part of this community? Thoughts?
I disagree. We should welcome each member with their own thread. Makes the whole sub forum look more lively.
Working for a Swiss company, here a compromise:

1) have a sticky post for postings by the new joiner (who might be to shy post own thread, or don’t know they could); we should be carefully not to mix up technical questions in length inside that sticky thread and guide them to existing “outside” threads or support them to make a new one

2) active member create individual welcome threads on their own; all questions a new joiner might have can be answered in “his/her” individual welcome thread
I vote number 2. If we can figure out their forum username we can use the @ [username] function of the forum to direct their attention to the thread one of the active members creates for them.