Clash of Clans

Wow...that's almost enough to make me actually install the game again.

Yeah, people are going to figure it out pretty quick though so you'll only see th's outside of bases for a few days I'm sure.

Lmk if you install it again and if you're at least a th9 with good offense and I can see if I can get you added into our clan. We're level 8 and just hit 100 wins.
Yeah, people are going to figure it out pretty quick though so you'll only see th's outside of bases for a few days I'm sure.

Lmk if you install it again and if you're at least a th9 with good offense and I can see if I can get you added into our clan. We're level 8 and just hit 100 wins.

I like seeing these lv8/9clans in war with under 100 wins, it's crazy. We have like 180 wins and are only half way to lv9.

This update will suck for a bit I think, but it's how the game should have been from the start; always protecting your trophies/resources from real attacks instead of having a shield 24/7 from getting your TH sniped. It's just going to be a lot harder to keep resources now. I've been maxing my dark storage out at 200k de so I can do both heros at once, not sure that will be very feasible now unless I drop from champs league to avoid all the TH10s raping me (I'm a maxed TH9 aside from walls and heros - all legos and lv22 heros now though).

I like all the UI tweaks they did to the game though, and giving us an extra CC spell and freeze spell is helpful against TH10s now.
I like seeing these lv8/9clans in war with under 100 wins, it's crazy. We have like 180 wins and are only half way to lv9.

This update will suck for a bit I think, but it's how the game should have been from the start; always protecting your trophies/resources from real attacks instead of having a shield 24/7 from getting your TH sniped. It's just going to be a lot harder to keep resources now. I've been maxing my dark storage out at 200k de so I can do both heros at once, not sure that will be very feasible now unless I drop from champs league to avoid all the TH10s raping me (I'm a maxed TH9 aside from walls and heros - all legos and lv22 heros now though).

I like all the UI tweaks they did to the game though, and giving us an extra CC spell and freeze spell is helpful against TH10s now.

I think the update will be better for loot. When you attack now, it only takes 3 hours off the shield instead of getting rid of it completely. So you can get in a solid 3-4 attacks before getting attacked yourself.

I like being able to use Freeze at th9, I think that's pretty awesome. I still haven't used it yet, though.
Wow, they have pretty much ruined the game with this new personal break system. It's complicated and completely fucking retarded. But basically they now allow you 3 total hours a day to be in the game. Once you have reached that cumulative 3 hour limit, they lock you out of the game for 6 minutes. If you don't get attacked or get attacked and don't get starred, then they let you back in for 15 minutes, then kick you out again for 6 minutes. Rinse and repeat 3 times. If you don't get starred in that time by an opponent, they reset your 3 hour cumulative limit and it starts all over again. So in a 7 hour time period, you could be locked out at least 6 times. It's very fucking cryptic and complicated. I do know that just changing my bases and messing around today, I met my 3 hour limit. I got kicked out 3 times in 46 minutes. Then I got kicked out again just so they could display a message saying my personal break 3 hour limit had been reset and that if I wanted to keep that from happening, then I need to get more trophies in raids.

They are trying to force people to play a certain way. You must now raid and gain trophies while you are online or you will be punished. The old personal break system was a safety deal. If a person played for 6 straight hours, they had to take a break. Then new system is completely different. They are trying to force an entire different play style, and the break system isn't really a break system anymore. It's a punishment system for not doing full blow attacks. So barching and other kinds of raids that are just for loot are not penalized. They want you doing full scale attacks. Those armies take much longer to build. So essentially they are taking away our way to make money quickly with raids. Which of course will make people buy more gems to get the things they want since they won't have enough loot.

So Supercell just turned their already massive money spigot up to full and ruined the game at the same time. I really think this will backfire, but who knows.
Wow, they have pretty much ruined the game with this new personal break system. It's complicated and completely fucking retarded. But basically they now allow you 3 total hours a day to be in the game. Once you have reached that cumulative 3 hour limit, they lock you out of the game for 6 minutes. If you don't get attacked or get attacked and don't get starred, then they let you back in for 15 minutes, then kick you out again for 6 minutes. Rinse and repeat 3 times. If you don't get starred in that time by an opponent, they reset your 3 hour cumulative limit and it starts all over again. So in a 7 hour time period, you could be locked out at least 6 times. It's very fucking cryptic and complicated. I do know that just changing my bases and messing around today, I met my 3 hour limit. I got kicked out 3 times in 46 minutes. Then I got kicked out again just so they could display a message saying my personal break 3 hour limit had been reset and that if I wanted to keep that from happening, then I need to get more trophies in raids.

They are trying to force people to play a certain way. You must now raid and gain trophies while you are online or you will be punished. The old personal break system was a safety deal. If a person played for 6 straight hours, they had to take a break. Then new system is completely different. They are trying to force an entire different play style, and the break system isn't really a break system anymore. It's a punishment system for not doing full blow attacks. So barching and other kinds of raids that are just for loot are not penalized. They want you doing full scale attacks. Those armies take much longer to build. So essentially they are taking away our way to make money quickly with raids. Which of course will make people buy more gems to get the things they want since they won't have enough loot.

So Supercell just turned their already massive money spigot up to full and ruined the game at the same time. I really think this will backfire, but who knows.

I agree, I haven't been able to play enough for it to be an issue, but I think they're really wanting you to spend gems on the village guard since that extends your personal break by 2 hours.

I'm confident that enough people will be complaining about it though, it will be one of the few things they change again in the next couple weeks. I'm sure they are anticipating tweaking the game a bit after such a major update. So I wouldn't give up on it yet.
hi [H] clashers

if you're at TH9, try this layout, it's almost anti 1 star :D and the best base I found to protect the DE



in the current war the other clan No.1 TH10 player almost missed the TH and the 50% but that small group of archers saved him

Pre-update I was setting on 4 million elixer, post update I'm down to 2.8 mil. Only spent on troops/spells and lost on defenses. I haven't been able to make more than I spend since the update because I'm getting matched with max th10s and gemmed max th11s. After 2 years or more I think I may finally take a break to let others figure out how to make money in this mess.
I feel the same way, I JUST upgraded to TH9 right before the update was announced and feel I got the shaft horribly. I went from a consistent 3 star dragon farming making well more then I used to not even being able to successfully use dragons on all the maxed out TH9's that I get matched with. BTW, Firas, I'm gonna give that build a try. I've still got lots of upgrading to do but it looks like a good start.
It's starting to sound like they took most dead bases out of the game. So they effectively removed the main way to quickly farm. Definitely trying to force people to buy gems. So now you have to attack with full armies that take an hour+ to train. So after the army cost, you aren't making much at all. And it really cuts back on the amount of attacks you can make when you have a chance to play.

So yeah, they are fucking the players into gemming. People are definitely speaking out though. Check the Clash of Clans reviews on the App store. Nearly as many 1 star ratings now as there are 5 star. We'll see if Supercell listens to the players at all, or just says "Fuck it" and rapes the hardcore players who will spend $1000 on gems post update.
Years later and I'm still hooked! Takes time when you don't pay to play, but I appreciate that they don't force you to.
Years later and I'm still hooked! Takes time when you don't pay to play, but I appreciate that they don't force you to.

I stopped playing you never get to the top stuff unless you pay. The AI and mechanics were bad too. 1 year ago. Ive logged in twice since then and deleted the app again each time
Years later and I'm still hooked! Takes time when you don't pay to play, but I appreciate that they don't force you to.

Same here. I've lead two dead clans now though and am on my third that I just hopped to a few weeks ago, which is mostly comprised of my coworkers (including my boss) who I usually end up doing their war attacks for them, lol.

I stopped playing you never get to the top stuff unless you pay. The AI and mechanics were bad too. 1 year ago. Ive logged in twice since then and deleted the app again each time

Definitely not true. You can definitely realistically grind through all base and troop upgrades. I have yet to spend a cent on this game after 3.5 years of playing and am a built TH10 with 32/32 heros and I've saved up over $50 in gems so far as well. I could easily be much further if I raided bases at least a few times a day, but sometimes I take breaks and don't play much other than to check in and collect my loot. I have seen several other players in my clan farm up to max TH10 with maxed heros as well though.

The troop AI works exactly as intended; if you have the skill to make them go where you want, then you are rewarded by destroying their base. There is a tad bit of luck involved sometimes, but it's still at least 80% skill and 20% luck as far as where some of your troops go and what traps they hit.