China Loves to Cheat at PUBG


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
BattlEye, the self-described "Anti-Cheat Gold Standard," is getting serious with cheaters in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. As per its own announcement via Twitter, it has now banned over 322,000 cheaters from PUBG. It also reports that the "vast majority is from China." Whatup with that China? I never have seen the allure of cheating in these types of games and quite frankly the cheating culture around these has soured me for a good while now. GET OFF MY LAWN, CHEATERS!

We are currently banning at a rate of 6K-13K per day, nearly 20K within the last 24 hours alone. The vast majority is from China.
I actually read an article a few years ago or saw some sort of admission from chinese players on an english forum or something stating that in China cheating is basically considered standard. So many people cheat that the games are unplayable if you dont cheat, and thus the vicious cycle continues. They dont even see anything wrong with it now, battle of the hax is the new status quo.
This combined with the fact that accounts can be bought for only a few $ due to the whole AFK lootbox stuff that went on for a while (now fixed so all those afker accounts are up for sale at dirt cheap prices!) means that PUBG will continue to have a cheater problem.

I've run into a cheater in the game twice now and to be honest it really fucking sucks. In a game like CSGO or Battlefield 1, you can just vote out/leave a game. In PUBG you may not run into the cheater until you've looted for 20 mins with friends and then you are instantly wiped out. I guess what I am saying is that the time investment is much higher in PUBG and this makes it even more annoying to have happen. Each time my group ran into cheaters we basically ended playing for the night.
yeah, almost every game I play esp the MMO's, players from China represent >90% of all banned players
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TBH I think they're keeping up pretty well, I haven't run into much in the way of hacks the whole time I've been playing.
I have regretted PUBG so much. The cheating in that game is far understated.

PUBG is the first game I have made money on. I just play and have fun and sell my cases on the marketplace. I'm already up $10! No regrets here and I have only run into two cheaters which is SUPER low for how long I have played.
I wonder why games like PUBG are so plagued while others like OW are not.

Probably because of the kill cam (Overwatch) which shows damn near exact instances of your opponent killing you, so spotting a cheater is really obvious when it comes to an aim bot anyway.

Thats how I view it. *shrugs*
LOL. China fucking cheats at everything.

Money quote from the NYT piece:

“China wants to become a global leader in science,” said Zhang Lei, a professor of applied physics at Xi’an Jiaotong University. “But how do you achieve that and still preserve the quality of science? We still haven’t figured out how to do that yet.”​
This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that's played ANY online multiplayer game in the last 10 years or so......
Because the Chinese (People who are residents of China no,t Asian people in general (just clarifying so I don't trigger some snowflake with poor reading comprehension) are garbage human beings. Cheating lying and scamming is a way of life in China. The culture of dishonesty that pervades China is a prime reason why it's a bad idea to make trade agreements with them or to trust them to keep to things like climate agreements. If you have never done business with Chinese manufacturers I can tell you it's on of the most miserable experiences you will ever have. Unless you personally over see manufacturing they will cut every corner break ever rule and do everything possible to screw you.

The whole culture is pervaded by the idea that whatever you can get away with is OK honesty and integrity are like foreign concepts over there.
If only they sued cheat makers instead spending the time banning people because they killed a streamer.

I use the Artificial Aiming games supported list as a do not purchase this game list.
Because the Chinese (People who are residents of China no,t Asian people in general (just clarifying so I don't trigger some snowflake with poor reading comprehension) are garbage human beings. Cheating lying and scamming is a way of life in China. The culture of dishonesty that pervades China is a prime reason why it's a bad idea to make trade agreements with them or to trust them to keep to things like climate agreements. If you have never done business with Chinese manufacturers I can tell you it's on of the most miserable experiences you will ever have. Unless you personally over see manufacturing they will cut every corner break ever rule and do everything possible to screw you.

The whole culture is pervaded by the idea that whatever you can get away with is OK honesty and integrity are like foreign concepts over there.
I was reading an article on an HBD site the other day discussing the selection affects of China's agricultural system on its largely rural gene pool, and I found it interesting that there were cases where entire villages would be taken over by one extended family after a number of generations via out-competing the others in eking out small advantages like saving up rice to sell at market and purchasing their less successful neighbors' lands. Combined with what I'd read in a Mao biography about how Confucian education, supposedly meritocratic, rather than enlightening the population, was largely a control system that only skimmed out the ones who were most successful at rote memorization for advancement, it became clear how the national character of the Chinese came to be. I don't think the answer is so simple as their being "garbage human beings," but I can understand why so many reasonably intelligent people by modern standards would fail to compete at a level commensurate with their ability according to those metrics. It's certainly not convenient for anyone who has to deal with them on their own terms; still, I hesitate to imagine the day when they would compete on ours. TL;DR, it's good that the Chinese are as inept as they are for now.
There's a reason I don't care for multiplayer games, I mean first and foremost I rather play games where I can play at my pace, if I gotta take a piss I can pause it and go, but it doesn't take much in the way of cheating to completely ruin everything. I remember back in Diablo 1 days, having some dude just fucking annihilate me with full armor, super weapons, firing off fireball after fireball while swinging a sword and I was like WTF is this shit!? And stopped playing online Diablo after that, also why I soured to D3s push for online play.
There's a reason I don't care for multiplayer games, I mean first and foremost I rather play games where I can play at my pace, if I gotta take a piss I can pause it and go, but it doesn't take much in the way of cheating to completely ruin everything. I remember back in Diablo 1 days, having some dude just fucking annihilate me with full armor, super weapons, firing off fireball after fireball while swinging a sword and I was like WTF is this shit!? And stopped playing online Diablo after that, also why I soured to D3s push for online play.

The D's have one thing that a lot of other online only games do not have: they don't force you to play with another player.

Maybe not D1 (I can't remember if you can hide your game from showing up on public chat channel), but D3 you can make your game private and not join any clan, that will, in general, prevent anyone else knowing you exist and thus no one will ever join your game.

On topic of OP, over this side of the lake that is pacific, there is a proverb we use: rules are there to be broken.

The more rules there are, the more we tend to break them, so asking Chinese (as a whole, not individually) not to cheat at video games (or not breaking any law) is akin to asking a NRA member base to voluntarily give up their guns to alleviate a steel shortage: not happening.

I have stopped playing any multiplayer only games though due to the playerbase, and it took a dramatic downturn during the start of this decade. If I can stop playing myself in COOPERATIVE games (dungeons and raids), then you know how annoyed I am with regards to PVP games, where the playerbase is usually 100 times more toxic.
for everyone extolling the virtues of single player experience, despite how toxic the online ecosystem has become and the prevalence of cheaters, you really are missing out. No AI in the world can play as uniquely as a human. Even if it could there's still the underlying knowledge that if you ever beat it it's because it let you win. You will never see trick shots, manipulation, funny moments, kamikaze attacks, etc. The AI will always play with an even keel and never think outside the box. The AI will never learn and adapt to exploit you. Anything that looks like adaption is merely scripted logic built around that particular circumstance. It's impure.

It's still possible and relatively easy to be honest to find public games that arent filled with cheaters. I just turn off all communication to avoid the toxicity. But the competitive level still makes it worth it in the end. Quite frankly, single player games suck. There might be some fun to a story element and level progression, but there's no replay value without multiplayer.
I used to admin an ARMA2 server and battleye was always amazing. I remember all kinds of ways people bypassed punkbuster for other games, but battleye was always very solid.
If they let us run our own LAN servers this probably would be less of a problem... C'mon pbug, let's do it!
for everyone extolling the virtues of single player experience, despite how toxic the online ecosystem has become and the prevalence of cheaters, you really are missing out. No AI in the world can play as uniquely as a human. Even if it could there's still the underlying knowledge that if you ever beat it it's because it let you win. You will never see trick shots, manipulation, funny moments, kamikaze attacks, etc. The AI will always play with an even keel and never think outside the box. The AI will never learn and adapt to exploit you. Anything that looks like adaption is merely scripted logic built around that particular circumstance. It's impure.

It's still possible and relatively easy to be honest to find public games that arent filled with cheaters. I just turn off all communication to avoid the toxicity. But the competitive level still makes it worth it in the end. Quite frankly, single player games suck. There might be some fun to a story element and level progression, but there's no replay value without multiplayer.

The AI doesn't cheat. The AI doesn't insult my mother. The AI doesn't assault my race. The AI doesn't attack my religion. The AI stays in character. The AI plays the way the developer intended. The AI doesn't radically surpass me because I didn't play for a month. The AI doesn't make me want to throw my computer across the room. The AI doesn't drive me to drink. The AI doesn't ruin my game because my ping dropped. The AI doesn't prevent me from playing because the internet is down. The AI doesn't make me hunt for the "right place" to play.

See? It works both ways.