China Claims Indian Drone “Invaded Airspace in Crash”


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
Beijing on Thursday expressed anger over what it says was an Indian drone that crashed inside its territory, prompting military officials to declare that the country will defend its national sovereignty against such intrusions. The two have a long history of border tensions; relations worsened this summer when they became locked in a dispute over a Himalayan plateau.

The Indian army said the drone had been deployed on a training mission and developed a technical problem. Indian army spokesperson Colonel Aman Anand told reporters that they had lost control of the drone which then crossed into Chinese airspace. They alerted their Chinese counterparts soon after, he added.
I wonder if they'll give the remains back? Maybe after a couple years of studying it?

I doubt that. I'm sure much of it is 'of the shelf' tech or even purchased from a third party. I doubt India's drones are groundbreaking.
Of course, the Indian army found out later that the electronics were "Made In China", and that's the reason for losing control of the drone in the first place...
I doubt that. I'm sure much of it is 'of the shelf' tech or even purchased from a third party. I doubt India's drones are groundbreaking.
It doesn't need to be groundbreaking in order for a country to want to study another country's military tech. It's always good to find weaknesses in your opponent.
I would think the radios would be of the most interest. knowing all the frequencies and encryption methods used by the drones for communications
It's a little unsettling as India is becoming a more powerful nation everyday. My father has worked for IBM/Globabl Foundries for 40 years and India has become both companies home ports for almost all of their business. Seeing the Indian Military stepping up their activities can only be seen as a negative. The country is too populous and far to technologically driven to get an overzealous military leader with an agenda. While it's not IRAN, and our relations are generally impeccable, they are far less stable than one might surmise. Just 2 years ago they literally turned all of their monetary $1000 note bills into garbage stating that their currency was too devalued. (at the time is was equal to about $20usd) I had several notes worth around 300$us that turned into paper overnight. Since I was not in India to trade them in for new money. Now Indian currency is on a no exchange list in the USA for all banks. :(