CD Projekt: DRM is 'worst thing in the gaming industry'


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 25, 2013

The Witcher developer CD Projekt Red believes digital rights management (DRM) is the "worst thing in the gaming industry." Speaking to Forbes, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt project lead Konrad Tomaszkiewicz said such measures negatively impact gameplay experiences.

"In my opinion, DRM is the worst thing in the gaming industry. It's limiting our rights to play games owned by us," Tomaszkiewicz said. "Let’s imagine that you have a game that requires Internet connection to prove that you actually bought it. What if you lose your connection because of your Internet provider? You can't play anymore."

The Witcher 3 is DRM-free.

Tomaszkiewicz claimed that DRM does not stop piracy and is instead only a "real pain" for legal users. He said fans appreciate CD Projekt Red's long-stated anti-DRM stance and that these users--on forums and elsewhere-- actively attempt to persuade would-be pirates to purchase a legitimate copy instead of downloading a game illegally.

Battlefield and FIFA publisher Electronic Arts previously referred to DRM as a "failed, dead-end strategy."

Also in the interview, Tomaszkiewicz confirmed that The Witcher 3 will not feature a multiplayer component. He explained that CD Projekt Red "strongly feel that this final saga of Geralt has no place for meaningful multiplayer." A multiplayer component was never confirmed for The Witcher 3, but the studio teased last month that it was exploring opportunities.

Another game element that will not be featured in The Witcher 3 are quick time events. Tomaszkiewicz explained that these moments in past games "usually frustrated players" and that they will not appear in the upcoming game.

The Witcher 3 is Geralt's final story and reportedly has 100 hours of gameplay. The role-playing game is due to launch in 2014 for PlayStation 4, PC, and other "high-end" platforms.

Didn't they say this when Witcher 2 was in development. Then they released it to GOG without DRM, but intended to release it everywhere else with DRM until shenanigans was called and they removed it?
Didn't they say this when Witcher 2 was in development. Then they released it to GOG without DRM, but intended to release it everywhere else with DRM until shenanigans was called and they removed it?


Witcher 2 is available on Steam too. I don't see what's wrong with having an option, if you want DRM free, then get it from GOG. If you are fine with it being on Steam, then get it on Steam. Some players including me would rather have it in our Steam library.
Didn't they say this when Witcher 2 was in development. Then they released it to GOG without DRM, but intended to release it everywhere else with DRM until shenanigans was called and they removed it?

No. They were forced to add DRM to the retail release due to their publisher (Namco). CDP removed the DRM in the first patch and Namco sued them for it.
I'm throwing my money at the screen but nothing is happening. This is why I love CD Projekt Red and their games.
These are the types of devs that people should support. They are the future of PC gaming. CD Projekt and Taleworlds/Paradox are both awesome and minimally invasive. I haven't gotten a chance to play through The Witcher 2 yet, stuff keeps getting in my way, but I loved the first one, so I pre-ordered the second just to support them. Hell, I think I have 2 copies of it now, pretty sure I bought a second, Steam copy.
These are the types of devs that people should support. They are the future of PC gaming. CD Projekt and Taleworlds/Paradox are both awesome and minimally invasive. I haven't gotten a chance to play through The Witcher 2 yet, stuff keeps getting in my way, but I loved the first one, so I pre-ordered the second just to support them. Hell, I think I have 2 copies of it now, pretty sure I bought a second, Steam copy.

I like Paradox, but they publish a lot of buggy/unfinished games.
Yet sales on the PC will be dominated by DRM versions of this game just like with The Witcher 2 as opposed to people choosing to buy from DRM free sources.
Yet sales on the PC will be dominated by DRM versions of this game just like with The Witcher 2 as opposed to people choosing to buy from DRM free sources.

Still doesn't change the fact that they are announcing it to the world.

You have a choice, you can buy a boxed DRM free copy. Or you can buy it on Steam or whatever other digital distribution company.
Probably the one developer that deserves a full price purchase because of their pc gaming flag carrying. They usually price the game competitively anyway and never fail to deliver.
One more reason to pick up this game as soon as it's released.
Yeah, this will be a pre-order/day one purchase with no regrets.
Still doesn't change the fact that they are announcing it to the world.

You have a choice, you can buy a boxed DRM free copy. Or you can buy it on Steam or whatever other digital distribution company.

You misunderstand my point. The idea of DRM free being better has strong vocal support yet when the option is there the market as whole (in many cases even the individuals who parrot this idea) never embraces these choices over other factors.
You misunderstand my point. The idea of DRM free being better has strong vocal support yet when the option is there the market as whole (in many cases even the individuals who parrot this idea) never embraces these choices over other factors.

Most people don't care. I do like my GOG, though.
I'm more interested in Cyberpunk 2077 than Witcher 3, but either way...fuck yeah CD Projekt!
You misunderstand my point. The idea of DRM free being better has strong vocal support yet when the option is there the market as whole (in many cases even the individuals who parrot this idea) never embraces these choices over other factors.

^^ This is true. How many times have you seen posts on this very forum along the lines of "Hey, check out cool new game X. Just launched last weekend DRM free on the developer's website" followed with the response "Wake me when it's on Steam" ?

It's like people forgot how to navigate their own hard drives for games if it's not encapsulated in a Steam library window, and are willing to wait for the privilege of not having to.
I agree, and I have purchased both TW1 and TW2 and will purcahse TW3, it's funny that EA says that DRM is a dead strategy but borked EVERYONE with simcity.

I also buy his TW Books.

I made the mistake of buying TW2 on Steam instead of GoG :<
The only company I'd still pre-order from...well except for those kickstarters...they are essentially preorders...
I wish more developers would realize this. Instead we get pleading quotes from CliffyB about how DLC and DRM "are not our enemies" :rolleyes:
I really like these guys. I'm not a huge fan of Witcher though. Can't beat the first game. I can get into it a bit but then I drop out of it.
I wish more developers would realize this. Instead we get pleading quotes from CliffyB about how DLC and DRM "are not our enemies" :rolleyes:

If you notice all these developers that seem to make sense are outside the United States....

Hmm, I wonder why? My guess is they still have values and aren't weighed down by Corporate greed.
If you notice all these developers that seem to make sense are outside the United States....

Hmm, I wonder why? My guess is they still have values and aren't weighed down by Corporate greed.

I'd say CDPR is actually more capitalist than many publisher/dev houses in the US. They are just smart enough to know DRM doesn't help anything.
I bought the Boxed Wtcher 2 collectors ed when it released, I activated it on both GoG and Steam, don't know if it's a fluke or if that's how it works =/ lol
Here here. There's not a chance in hell I'd pirate one of their games.
The funny thing is, when Witcher 2 came out, the pirated version that was released on torrents was the cracked version with drm, and not the gog version. :p Pirates :rolleyes:
^^ This is true. How many times have you seen posts on this very forum along the lines of "Hey, check out cool new game X. Just launched last weekend DRM free on the developer's website" followed with the response "Wake me when it's on Steam" ?

It's like people forgot how to navigate their own hard drives for games if it's not encapsulated in a Steam library window, and are willing to wait for the privilege of not having to.

Because convenience > tinfoil hat idealism. People that kneejerk like all DRM is the same and Steam is no different than the evil strains like Securom/rootkits, SMH.. let them eat GOG.

Shades of grey, my friend. The PC gaming platform would be in the toilet if not for Steam. Its also the reason a lot of people stopped pirating - including myself - since piracy isnt about saving money in every case but about convenience. And 1-click convenience > torrenting and running a virus-laden cracked EXE, being locked out of multiplayer and having to track down patches or wait for new cracks. And with 100+ titles in my Steam library, I certainly would not want to 'navigate my harddrive' micromanaging them all individually with separate installers and patching -- been there/done that/got the t-shirt -- '91 through 2007, it was a great run. I'm done working for the platform. Now the platform works for me.
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Because convenience > tinfoil hat idealism. People that kneejerk like all DRM is the same and Steam is no different than the evil strains like Securom/rootkits, SMH.. let them eat GOG.

Shades of grey, my friend. The PC gaming platform would be in the toilet if not for Steam. Its also the reason a lot of people stopped pirating - including myself - since piracy isnt about saving money in every case but about convenience. And 1-click convenience > torrenting and running a virus-laden cracked EXE, being locked out of multiplayer and having to track down patches or wait for new cracks. And with 100+ titles in my Steam library, I certainly would not want to 'navigate my harddrive' micromanaging them all individually with separate installers and patching -- been there/done that/got the t-shirt -- '91 through 2007, it was a great run. I'm done working for the platform. Now the platform works for me.

This, Now if only we could get cable companies to do similar. I would be willing to pay $30/mo for the 10 channels I want to watch, no more, no less.
Because convenience > tinfoil hat idealism. People that kneejerk like all DRM is the same and Steam is no different than the evil strains like Securom/rootkits, SMH.. let them eat GOG.

Shades of grey, my friend. The PC gaming platform would be in the toilet if not for Steam. Its also the reason a lot of people stopped pirating - including myself - since piracy isnt about saving money in every case but about convenience. And 1-click convenience > torrenting and running a virus-laden cracked EXE, being locked out of multiplayer and having to track down patches or wait for new cracks. And with 100+ titles in my Steam library, I certainly would not want to 'navigate my harddrive' micromanaging them all individually with separate installers and patching -- been there/done that/got the t-shirt -- '91 through 2007, it was a great run. I'm done working for the platform. Now the platform works for me.

I may be the exact opposite of you :) For me steam is the main reason i pirate and why i pirate more and more every year. I used to spend hundreds of £ on gaming each year but now as games are becoming steam, origin, etc only it has been steadily decreasing every year. I cant stand drm clients and so the only games i buy are drm free as i cant be bothered to put up with game clients as they offer me nothing i want. I don't want slower launching games, buggy offline modes, etc for me its drm free only.

I realize a lot of you will disagree with me and what im doing but be aware that the first game i ever pirated was Half Life 2 as after buying it the buggy piece of crap wouldn't start and so i had to go get pirate exe's to make it work without steam. Steam introduced me to pirating games. CDproject will definitely get my money if their games continue to be good as they are one of the few who seem to produce drm free games now.
I may be the exact opposite of you :) For me steam is the main reason i pirate and why i pirate more and more every year. I used to spend hundreds of £ on gaming each year but now as games are becoming steam, origin, etc only it has been steadily decreasing every year. I cant stand drm clients and so the only games i buy are drm free as i cant be bothered to put up with game clients as they offer me nothing i want. I don't want slower launching games, buggy offline modes, etc for me its drm free only.

I realize a lot of you will disagree with me and what im doing but be aware that the first game i ever pirated was Half Life 2 as after buying it the buggy piece of crap wouldn't start and so i had to go get pirate exe's to make it work without steam. Steam introduced me to pirating games. CDproject will definitely get my money if their games continue to be good as they are one of the few who seem to produce drm free games now.

If you do not agree with the DRM employed, you should just stay away from it. By pirating it, you are just telling them that you want to play their game, just not paying for it, and encourage more DRM like Sim City 5, which you can't play by pirating it either :) Eventually they will just make multiplayer online games that cannot be pirated.
I wish more developers would realize this. Instead we get pleading quotes from CliffyB about how DLC and DRM "are not our enemies" :rolleyes:

But DRM and DLC are not our enemies. They are just the weapons douches like CliffyB use against us. They are merely the symptoms of the greed plaque.

I may be the exact opposite of you :) For me steam is the main reason i pirate and why i pirate more and more every year.

I was going to say that while I get your point, you're just sending the wrong message and you should resist to make your point more clear.

Then I realized marketing has no way of knowing exactly why we do the things we do.
I would have put up DRM, but they really had me at "no quick time events".
I'd say CDPR is actually more capitalist than many publisher/dev houses in the US. They are just smart enough to know DRM doesn't help anything.
There is that, but they also wield DRM-freeness as a marketing weapon. And it works: look at everyone already throwing money at their monitors.

It isn't a bad thing at all, but I do think people get too caught up in it. We're generally past the knee of the curve in terms of DRM that genuinely hurts us anyway &#8212; there are people who're harmed by it in a sort of wishy-washy philosophical way, but in terms of actual "I have a genuine technical problem caused by this DRM or am otherwise being limited by it", you actually don't often see that anymore. (SimCity being a notable recent exception)

I would have put up DRM, but they really had me at "no quick time events".