Can Twitch Play Darksouls?

I don't understand...what is this exactly?...everyone getting into the same game?...or just hundreds of people playing separate games at the same time?...I watched early portions of that stream and all he was doing for a long time was standing in that beginning area doing nothing
If its anything like the Pokemon games, its basically a mosh-pit of people barking out commands in order to play a game via text-commands, only every. single. command. gets registered. so you have a game spazzing out with hundreds of commands coming in every second.

its entertaining in a anarchistic sort of way.
i say 1 minute of watching your toon for a minute hit the wall with blunt weapon is enough time spent on that stream till you get it configed.
pretty funny I don't think they know what the commands mean though just roll.
Three days into the experiment that is Twitch Plays Dark Souls, the Twitch community's attempt to play Dark Souls via chat input, we have an answer to the channel's own question, "Can Twitch play Dark Souls?" The answer is, unfortunately, "No."...after more than 90 hours of play, the people playing From Software's Dark Souls through a series of text-based commands find themselves still stuck in the game's starting area, the Undead Asylum...
Even if they somehow cooperate to get out of Undead Asylum.. I can't imagine them navigating Blightown, or Anor Lando.
it only takes ONE troll to screw everything up, and I could imagine there are far more trolls than that...
Looks like he's updated it, so the game pauses between each command while everyone basically votes on which commands they want to run.
just checked the stream and he actually almost made it to the Undead Burg...I'm surprised he even beat Asylum Demon...progress!
The idea to pause the game between commands was a good one. But I can't imagine this will keep the fickle twitch communities interest long enough to reach the end. It already usually takes a new player upwards of 40 hours.
1,400 bored people
They made it to the blacksmith =) that takes some effort no way will they be able to defeat the enemies later on.
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they actually beat Capra Demon!...Four Kings might be the only thing left that'll give them trouble
Four Kings is pretty Easy but getting to Four Kings is the Hard part was one of the hardest areas to get to. Someone said on the Twitch forum they just beat the Gaping Demon but they keep dying at the Stray Demon which is the starting Demon I think.....
Four Kings is pretty Easy but getting to Four Kings is the Hard part was one of the hardest areas to get to. Someone said on the Twitch forum they just beat the Gaping Demon but they keep dying at the Stray Demon which is the starting Demon I think.....

Its the one you see outside the cell you were locked in but not the same as the one you fight escaping the asylum. It has an AoE attack that requires getting the heck out of dodge after very short windows of attack.
I'm just impressed that they've gotten this far. Based on how things went for the first 3 days, things were looking grim.
HOLEE MOLEY, they somehow have gotten to sten's. HOW THE HELL did they get through blighttown?
Bah, they made it too easy with all the pausing. They would have never passed Undead Asylum without it.