Can people STOP bumping their thread to the top just to say sold?


Jun 13, 2012
Can people STOP bumping their thread to the top just to say sold? Seriously, I see this nearly once every 1-2 days. I know this is against the rules. But this keeps happening over and over again, and these traders have been here for YEARS now, and still don't get the picture.

I know there was already a post up about excessive bumping for dummies having a conversation publicly....

You know what... that's still at least an item available for sale.

The top post RIGHT NOW as i right this, is a locked post with nothing for sale anymore, with a bump 3 minutes ago just to say sold. Jesus Christ. Lets bump to the top, to bump someone else off, for a DEAD locked post... makes so much sense.

Please, this happens like once atleast every 1-2 days. Can we start making examples of people for this? OR a sticky or something?
It is a rule here. Rule #5 to be exact. But people always do this over and over. Just report them and move on. It annoyed me as well. Almost as much as someone using an item for 6 months to 1 year and wanting to knock only 10 bucks plus shipping off an item, they have from a brand new price of that item. It will be cheaper to just buy it new and save money. It is what it is though.

The sad part is pinned at the top of the forum and people don't bother to read or just ignore it. Welcome to 2018 people.
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Report the offending post and it will be taken care of.
We are all suppose to be adults here. Well the majority of us and shouldn't have to be spoon feed rules. Much less having to waste time on someone that doesn't want to read the rules or simply ignoring them.

What about the people that bump their threads and only to turn around and delete that bump and then they can bump it again.

I say ban them for 3 months. That will give them enough time to read and learn the rules. And we won't have to see them bump a thread to tell us it is sold.

After all that rule is pinned to the top of the For Sale thread.

KILLER_K for moderator 2018. Let me clean all this up. Vote me in people. HA
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if you see such a thread, report it.....myself or someone else will handle it ASAP .
So here is my question, because I am guilty of this behavior in my current thread linked below.

In my above thread, I only bump as the rules allow, at least 6 hours apart, as listed in rule 5:

(5) No excessive BUMPING of your thread. Excessive bumping using Bump, TTT, ^^^, or other multiple wording to place your thread at the top is limited to 6 hours apart. Repeated bumping by another member within the 6 hour minimum will not be tolerated. Repeated long term bumping of a thread will not be allowed. Any abuse of the bumping rules is to be determined at the discretion of the moderators and administrators over and beyond the stated rules on a case by case basis.

But when I do bump, if a item has been sold since my last bump, I use that as my bump of thread, like this.

On September 28, I posted "ttt and keep the offers coming,"

On September 29, I posted "Sold: Asus S170I Pro Gami ITX board with wifi & G4400 CPU."

I am not complaining, but just looking for clarification from Crosshairs if my behavior is wrong.
I think the main point of the pinned rule is to stop the ones that have all the items sold. Then bump the thread telling us all that everything is sold and closing the thread. Instead of just marking it sold in the first beginning thread and locking. This alone knocks people out the way that is still trying to sell their items. Plus, the other ones that are using the bump and then delete tactic now. This allows them to keep bumping over and over under the 6-hour bump rule.

We are happy you sold your items. But there is no need to bump it and then tell us it is all sold. It defeats the whole purpose of doing it.

I'm not crosshairs but just trying to help others out.

Crosshairs is following you
So here is my question, because I am guilty of this behavior in my current thread linked below.

In my above thread, I only bump as the rules allow, at least 6 hours apart, as listed in rule 5:

(5) No excessive BUMPING of your thread. Excessive bumping using Bump, TTT, ^^^, or other multiple wording to place your thread at the top is limited to 6 hours apart. Repeated bumping by another member within the 6 hour minimum will not be tolerated. Repeated long term bumping of a thread will not be allowed. Any abuse of the bumping rules is to be determined at the discretion of the moderators and administrators over and beyond the stated rules on a case by case basis.

But when I do bump, if a item has been sold since my last bump, I use that as my bump of thread, like this.

On September 28, I posted "ttt and keep the offers coming,"

On September 29, I posted "Sold: Asus S170I Pro Gami ITX board with wifi & G4400 CPU."

I am not complaining, but just looking for clarification from Crosshairs if my behavior is wrong.

Your fine ...Killer_K explained it can bump and say such and such sold just so long as the thread is still open for's only a problem when your selling something and it sold, then you bump your thread one last time just to say it sold and close the thread.
I just reported one that happened a few minutes ago. Irritating AF.
Can we append this to include people that ask questions via someones sale thread? It artificially bumps the threads and it's pretty annoying. In addition, is it really necessary to post a message that you PMed someone? They get an alert about it. You don't have to bump the thread and tell everyone you PMed someone.
Can we append this to include people that ask questions via someones sale thread? It artificially bumps the threads and it's pretty annoying. In addition, is it really necessary to post a message that you PMed someone? They get an alert about it. You don't have to bump the thread and tell everyone you PMed someone.

I gotta disagree with you here on both your points:

1) "Can we append this to include people that ask questions via someones sale thread/"
You ask the question in the thread so that everyone gets the answer, instead of multiple PMs going back and forth on each point.
i.e Does it include shipping, do you have the i/o shield, was the card mined on, etc....

2)"In addition, is it really necessary to post a message that you PMed someone? "
I have seen members notice my bump but miss the PM, and vice versa. I would not assume everyone gets a email or PM nalert when they get a PM.
Plus, saying "PM sent" is not only to get there attention, but to be nice and give them a bump.

Just my .02
Can we append this to include people that ask questions via someones sale thread? It artificially bumps the threads and it's pretty annoying. In addition, is it really necessary to post a message that you PMed someone? They get an alert about it. You don't have to bump the thread and tell everyone you PMed someone.
I have no problem with that as it very possibly benefits others viewing the thread and I do not see it as a problem.
Can we append this to include people that ask questions via someones sale thread? It artificially bumps the threads and it's pretty annoying. In addition, is it really necessary to post a message that you PMed someone? They get an alert about it. You don't have to bump the thread and tell everyone you PMed someone.

Sorry but both are super helpful, people ask questions that others may also have cutting down on the amount of pm the OP needs to do.

And when I see 6 people have messaged the seller already I hold off as chances are it's gone and all I'd be doing is wasting my and the sellers time with another.
Can we append this to include people that ask questions via someones sale thread? It artificially bumps the threads and it's pretty annoying. In addition, is it really necessary to post a message that you PMed someone? They get an alert about it. You don't have to bump the thread and tell everyone you PMed someone.

I know Kyle has no problem with this, but I totally agree with you. There are some for-sale threads that looks like people are carrying on a conversation via text with one question answered after another--thus, bumping their own thread multiple times inside of 6 hours.

To me, the proper thing to do would be to edit your original for-sale post with the relevant information to answer any questions that were asked within your 6-hour window. When you bump the next time, just point out that the information was added to the regular post. That gets the information there and doesn't bump someone else's post off of the front page as quickly.
The questions thing is fair, but the “PMed” bit is not. Alerts for PMs and new message posts are right next to each other on the site, it’s not hard to keep track of.

I thought about it after the fact, but these things would also incur quite a bit of moderator overhead to keep track of, so I suppose it’s fine, but worth discussing none the less.
I know Kyle has no problem with this, but I totally agree with you. There are some for-sale threads that looks like people are carrying on a conversation via text with one question answered after another--thus, bumping their own thread multiple times inside of 6 hours.
If you think this is being abused, then it is UP TO YOU to use the REPORT POST button. We do not have the bandwidth to read every post, so it is up to you to help police the community.
Not to belabor the point, but I have reported times when these "conversations" were going on in a for-sale thread, and the mod said that the seller was answering a question. So, no action was taken by the mod. If sellers are allowed to bump their thread inside of the 6-hour window to answer a question, it's easy enough for them to have a buddy to ask them a question so they can answer it. One question and answer session results in two bumps, so that can definitely be abused.

if its a simple question and answer, I wont act on it.... if it looks like a conversation is going on will I intervene... there is a fine line between moderating a thread and impeding the members ability to use and enjoy our forums....I dont always get it right but I try my best
This still seems to be a big issue. I've reported several over the last few days and they keep happening.
while we're at it I wish people would stop removing the prices once they helps to keep a baseline of what things are going for...I think people like to remove pricing because they don't want others to see that they sold it for less
while we're at it I wish people would stop removing the prices once they helps to keep a baseline of what things are going for...I think people like to remove pricing because they don't want others to see that they sold it for less

afew reasons to do that. 1. if you leave prices they still show up in the search and if you sell alot of things in one thread the thread often shows up even if the item isnt for sale. next if im selling say 50 gpus and i put the sold price people will always try to negotiate from the sold price not the listed price whitch is a pita to deal with.
...but it's my post and so I should decide, not anyone else...

While I like having prices left in the thread so I can see what the general price trend is at a given time, and I leave my prices in my threads--even if I end up accepting a lower offer, the quoted post sums it up.
I never erase prices. I simply don't care about the items I no longer own.
I've just run into a situation where I get why people bump to the top when everything is gone. I wanted to lock my thread because everything is now sold, but I can't just edit my last post and see a lock thread button. Not sure how to do it without bumping (and don't worry, I'm not going to bump it).

edit: nevermind, I see I can do it from the main thread list. Crisis averted. Carry on.
while we're at it I wish people would stop removing the prices once they helps to keep a baseline of what things are going for...I think people like to remove pricing because they don't want others to see that they sold it for less

Even if that is true, the moderators aren't here to give out warnings or bans because so and so didn't feel like leaving their prices on their sold items.

If I am forced to not edit my post or forced to leave my sold prices when I've sold everything, I simply would not be using [H].
only problem about leaving the prices is that if someone is hard up for hookers and blow money they might sell something uber cheap. little johnny (ie everyfuckinbody) sees that and then comes to me selling the exact same item and wants it for that cheap when in reality its worth $50+ more.
sees that and then comes to me selling the exact same item and wants it for that cheap when in reality its worth $50+ more.

Tell them no?
Tell them to go buy the sold one?
Ignore the PM?
Specify no "offers, lowballs and/or trades" in the ad?
Tell them no?
Tell them to go buy the sold one?
Ignore the PM?
Specify no "offers, lowballs and/or trades" in the ad?

go buy the sold one? that makes no sense.

yeah, like people always read and comprehend the "no offers/lowball/trades" comments.
go buy the sold one? that makes no sense.

What does it matter that I could buy X for $50 cheaper last week if none are available today for that price. Read here for further explanation. Just because you miss a good deal doesn't mean I have to honor it.

yeah, like people always read and comprehend the "no offers/lowball/trades" comments.

Seems you have an issue with telling them no.
What does it matter that I could buy X for $50 cheaper last week if none are available today for that price. Read here for further explanation. Just because you miss a good deal doesn't mean I have to honor it.

Seems you have an issue with telling them no.

no one said anything about supply and demand. i'm talking about run of the mill items that are readily available. just cause johnny pencilpusher sells his gpu cause he needs money to pay his baby momma doesn't mean thats the "going rate". but people don't understand that (not just here, but on all online forums). all they see is that one sold for $50+ less than my asking price and get mad that my price is "too high".

and i have no problem with telling them now. why else would i be bitching if i didn't?