Can I use a 4K TV ? Need some forum help.


Jan 18, 2006
I have an old 1080P led screen. My eyesight is getting worse and I need a much larger screen, can I use a 4K 40 inch TV for a monitor? I would be happy to run it at 2K just to get the size and I only have a vanilla 1070 running on a 4770K rig with 32 gig ram.
My gaming is almost all single player RPGs but I can't afford to buy a large enough quality item to be able to use the screen.
How about it? Can I use a 4K TV and what sacrifices will I have to make?
I haven't done this YET, but I am seriously considering it. I have browsed the Black Friday ads and I might go with an LG OLED 55".

Just make sure your desk / environment will allow you to put the display far enough away and at a comfortable height.
Before using a TV as a PC display, do some research (rtings does an excellent job). Some TVs make horrid displays, while others are excellent; there really is that wide a variance in quality.

I've been using an LG TV as my primary display for almost four years now, and can say that I'll probably never go back to dedicated PC monitors at this stage.
I have the desktop real estate, a 40 inch would do, a 55 even better, but not sure about the technical specs. I know a 1070 fails on full 4K but not sure if I can use a 4K tv at 2K.
Some scale better than others. Most Samsungs make excellent PC monitors when set to PC mode (input label and correct input used). Just check that it will display 4:4:4 chroma over your desired input and resolutions. Rtings is a good site.
Agree: 4:4:4 support is important. If you don't get that, then small fonts will have color distortions.
If you buy instead a 43" monitor you'll have the advantages of:
  1. support for more display resolutions. With a TV you won't see your PC booting up display because the resolution isn't compatible with the TV.
  2. display port input.
  3. Generally works better without a remote, but these TVs repurposed as monitors still have remotes. :(
  4. Works with your PC power saving modes
Maybe not worth it paying 2x for these monitor features. If you are not a serious FPS gamer then much of what ratings sites value (color at side angles, HDR, response time, etc..) may not be interesting.
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No VRR on TV's this size either... doubt that's going to change anytime soon. Of course this will not bother some people, but if you'e coming from a monitor with it, then it might, even if you think it won't. This is more of an issue at 4K given the demands it will have on your GPU.

I agree with the above though... paying four figures for what is essentially a TV with Display Port and VRR, which would otherwise cost half the price (often less), is really not worth it.
Yes, you can use your 4k tv to play 2k games. If the game is new enough it will detect hardware and put your display at 2k automatically. If you play primarily rpg's as I do (Pillars of Eternity, Wateland 2 etc) that card will play at 4k highest settings. I have a 55 inch 4k display and I played PoE at 4k highest possible on a 980ti. Older games like Baldurs Gate will not push that card at 4k. I was able to get Deus Ex HR to play at 4k at better than 60fps with mostly high settings, some things turned down.
Unfortunately < 55” tvs generally are severely neutered compared to the 55+ with regards to 120hz support and active backlights (FALD) etc.
For RPGs that shouldn’t be a big hindrance but as suggested above look through rtings database for a good TV for PC use with low input lag and any other features you need.
I feel like next year but especially in 2021 we should see a new breed of 32-43” TVs marketed as next gen console ready with gaming features front and center, like we saw for the PS4 (and 3?) close to launch for kids rooms and dorms etc. that crossed the gap between monitors and TVs.
This is all great information. I will try to grab a 4K during the Black Friday sales. Like Smoked Brisket I have a 2nd PC with a 980TI and my main unit with a 1070.