Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare $35 (Consoles only)

Great deal. New game already dropped in price! Wonder if gaming companies realize $60 is a high price for a game without the $100+ in DLC.
Buy cheap stuff from us get credit card info stolen! Great deal!! ><
Buy cheap stuff from us get credit card info stolen! Great deal!! ><

Use PayPal if you're concerned. Shopping at any retailer is risky, Staples, Target, and Home Depot were all compromised recently and I don't believe rakuten has ever confirmed to have been compromised.
damn i want this on PC so bad but don't feel like paying $60.

i'm in the same boat, I have a gamestop store credit card burning a hole in my pocket that will let me get it on PC for free, but the damn card is 1400 miles away from me (back home on my desk)

Doesn't matter I suppose, no way to download the huge ass install when I'm on oil rig internet in the middle of no where.

Really on the fence though -- do I take a free gamble on Advanced Warfare, or a free gamble on GTA5 for PC when it hits. (Already played it on 360, really want to play it with the upgraded graphics)
Wikipedia said:
The organization has been the subject of controversy, particularly related to its practice of giving higher ratings to businesses that pay a membership fee. The BBB disputes the claim that payment from businesses is required for them to receive an "A" rating.

kinda like yelp.