C programming - how to open a file in the current directory?


Oct 9, 2004
I'm currently using this to open a file that I wish to read, but how do you read a file from the current directory that the exe is in, without having to specify a path?

fopen_s( &streamSorted, "c:/sort/DataAfterSorting.txt", "r" )
Use the "."

So say I'm in /home/username/, and there's a file called "report.txt," and I have a script uses report.txt for whatever reason and it's in the same directory.

You reference report.txt as...


".." is used for going up one directory.
The dot will work, but you can also just use the file name directly:

fopen_s( &streamSorted, "DataAfterSorting.txt", "r" )

is fine, too.
This might be my ignorance of C, but in C#, you can't rely on the fact that the executable is in the current working directory.

In C#, if you're using OpenFileDialog's or SaveFileDialog's (for example) it will change the current working directory, forcing you to use System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath or System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location

Does C not have that requirement? Will "." always resolve to the directory the executable lies in?
Jason Isom said:
Does C not have that requirement? Will "." always resolve to the directory the executable lies in?

Unless chdir(2) was issued.
C (and C++) both don't know about OpenFileDialog(). Anything, anywhere can change the current working directory. When you call something like OFD(), you're calling a library function that may, at its discretion, change the current directory.

"I want to use the current directory" is a different question than "I want to use the same directory as the location of the program's executable".

doh said:
Unless chdir(2) was issued.
This isn't true on Windows. If FOO.EXE is in C:\FOO, and I've got the shell open on D:\BAR, issuing the command "C:\FOO\FOO.EXE" will runn FOO.EXE with the current working directory of D:\BAR.

Similarly, the current working directory for programs run from the Windows Shell (the Explorer) is set by the "Start in" edit field in the shortcut you've used.
mikeblas said:
"I want to use the current directory" is a different question than "I want to use the same directory as the location of the program's executable".

I suppose the original poster will have to provide information that isn't conflicting, because he states: "I'm currently using this to open a file that I wish to read, but how do you read a file from the current directory that the exe is in, without having to specify a path?" and "C programming - how to open a file in the current directory?"
If you want to generate a path to a file in the directory the exe is in and want it to work no matter where the exe is called from:

#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// Use argv[0] to generate an absolute (if necessary) path to a file in the directory of this exe
// Works on *nix also
string generatePath(const string& s, const string& file) {
    if (s.find("/") != string::npos) {
        return s.substr(0, s.rfind( "/" )) + "/" + file;
    } else if (s.find("\\") != string::npos) {
        return s.substr(0, s.rfind("\\")) + "\\" + file;
    } else {
        return file;

int main(int, char* argv[]) {
    const string file = generatePath(argv[0], "file.txt");
    printf("%s\n", file.c_str());

// g++ -Wall -Wextra -ansi -pedantic this.cpp -o this -O3 -s

Mike, that should look familiar as you and LoS helped me with that before.

Mind making a char array version of generatePath for C use? I'd probably leak, but if you require effort, I'll do so.


Here's the effort anyway

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void subcpy(char* target, const char* const src, const char* const stop) {
    size_t i = 0;
    while(&src[i] != stop) {
        target[i] = src[i];
    target[i] = 0;

char* generatePath(const char* const arg0, const char* const file) {
    char* p = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(arg0) + strlen(file) + 2 ));
    if (!p) {
    if (strchr(arg0, '/')) {
        subcpy(p, arg0, strrchr(arg0, '/') + 1);
        strcat(p, file);
    } else if (strchr(arg0, '\\')) {
        subcpy(p, arg0, strrchr(arg0, '\\') + 1);
        strcat(p, file);
    } else {
        strcpy(p, file);
    return p;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    char* path;
    if (!argc) { /* get rid of unused argc warning */
        return 1;
    path = generatePath(argv[0], "file.txt");
    printf("%s\n", path);
    return 0;

/* gcc - Wall -Wextra -ansi -pedantic this.c -o this -O3 -s */