Bytesector E3 Aftermath article


Oct 2, 2003
I have to wonder who is really being served by drivel such as the new Bytesector E3 Aftermath article. It most certainly isn't the gaming public. We are all entitled to our opinions, but to claim that non-existent, untapped out hardware "...will be the most powerful and dominant graphical leader in the next-gen console wars..." is just plain stupid and irresponsible for a publication that claims to "Make sense of Technology" for the rest of us.
JethroXP said:
I have to wonder who is really being served by drivel such as the new Bytesector E3 Aftermath article. It most certainly isn't the gaming public. We are all entitled to our opinions, but to claim that non-existent, untapped out hardware "...will be the most powerful and dominant graphical leader in the next-gen console wars..." is just plain stupid and irresponsible for a publication that claims to "Make sense of Technology" for the rest of us.

What did you expect, responsible journalism or something?

I think about 25% of the journalists at these shows actually know something about the games industry, and aren't snowballed by stuff like Sony's presentation, and the rest are like this guy who just see lots of pretty lights and take it all at face value.

Yeah, Sony had the best presentation, but then they weren't restrained by the kind of stuff MS was... You know, like actual working hardware, or the desire to show stuff actually created on genuine 360 development kits. Nope, Since the PS3 doesn't actually exist yet the only limit for Sony was was their imagination and modern CGI technology.... Gee, no wonder they had all the prettiest lights.