Bungie considering releasing Destiny on PC

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Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 25, 2013

“We haven’t said yes, and we haven’t said no,” Bungie senior writer and head of community Eric Osborne told IGN. “The more platforms we take on, the more work it ultimately becomes, and what we don’t want is to compromise the core experience on any platforms. We have a lot of people who play on PCs. We have a lot of appetite to build that experience. We haven’t announced it yet, but we’re looking forward to talking more about that kind of stuff in the future.”
Zero interest in begging a proprietor if I can spend money with them. Either you release your product in a way to reach as many audiences as possible, or you keep your product linked to a certain group of individuals. Real businessmen would test and poll various groups to see if their product resonates with them. Being as games are developed on a PC in the first place, then optimized for a console, I don't really get the argument that different game platforms only want to play certain style games.

So in the end I could care less if they figure out that there is a PC market for video games. If they don't recognize the PC platform as a viable source of income then that's their loss; not mine.
Zero interest in begging a proprietor if I can spend money with them. Either you release your product in a way to reach as many audiences as possible, or you keep your product linked to a certain group of individuals. Real businessmen would test and poll various groups to see if their product resonates with them. Being as games are developed on a PC in the first place, then optimized for a console, I don't really get the argument that different game platforms only want to play certain style games.

So in the end I could care less if they figure out that there is a PC market for video games. If they don't recognize the PC platform as a viable source of income then that's their loss; not mine.

If they release it on PC they would have to completely redo the interface, as well as have to make sure all the different resolution and graphics settings work. Also game balance is a lot different when you're playing with a controller versus a mouse and keyboard. It could be way too easy on PC, etc. It isn't a small investment and it would definitely take some resources away from working on the console versions.

This is Bungie's first big game since they went back to being their own company. They just don't want to spread themselves thin.
since the XboxOne will be directx11 based, wouldn't take too long.
I still want a Myth: Soulblighter remake......
I was a huge Halo fan, but this game does not interest me in the slightest. It looks REALLY generic IMHO, and the 'gameplay' videos they've released seem like I can get a better experience playing Planetside2!
Aaahah. Great pic.

Not too sure about this one. We'll see I suppose.
piscian18, I couldn't have said it better! :D

I do enjoy deep sci-fi stories but I doubt Bungie will actually make Destiny interesting enough for mature PC gamers.
Zero interest in begging a proprietor if I can spend money with them. Either you release your product in a way to reach as many audiences as possible, or you keep your product linked to a certain group of individuals. Real businessmen would test and poll various groups to see if their product resonates with them. Being as games are developed on a PC in the first place, then optimized for a console, I don't really get the argument that different game platforms only want to play certain style games.

So in the end I could care less if they figure out that there is a PC market for video games. If they don't recognize the PC platform as a viable source of income then that's their loss; not mine.

This post could be copied and pasted any number of times over. Well said.
If they release it on PC they would have to completely redo the interface, as well as have to make sure all the different resolution and graphics settings work. Also game balance is a lot different when you're playing with a controller versus a mouse and keyboard. It could be way too easy on PC, etc. It isn't a small investment and it would definitely take some resources away from working on the console versions.

This is Bungie's first big game since they went back to being their own company. They just don't want to spread themselves thin.

At the very very bare minimum, they need to do entire rounds of QA on various PC configs. It's just part of the development process.
Zero interest in begging a proprietor if I can spend money with them. Either you release your product in a way to reach as many audiences as possible, or you keep your product linked to a certain group of individuals. Real businessmen would test and poll various groups to see if their product resonates with them. Being as games are developed on a PC in the first place, then optimized for a console, I don't really get the argument that different game platforms only want to play certain style games.

So in the end I could care less if they figure out that there is a PC market for video games. If they don't recognize the PC platform as a viable source of income then that's their loss; not mine.

This is the absolute truth.

Fuck em if they don't want to release on PC.
Zero interest in begging a proprietor if I can spend money with them. Either you release your product in a way to reach as many audiences as possible, or you keep your product linked to a certain group of individuals. Real businessmen would test and poll various groups to see if their product resonates with them. Being as games are developed on a PC in the first place, then optimized for a console, I don't really get the argument that different game platforms only want to play certain style games.

So in the end I could care less if they figure out that there is a PC market for video games. If they don't recognize the PC platform as a viable source of income then that's their loss; not mine.

It's about potential income and the effort. There's been a lot of cases where releasing a game on another console or the PC just isn't worth the effort. If most of the community for a game is already on one platform doing a cross platform release might not be worth your while. On the other hand if you can sell it like gang busters on everything it probably is.

A good example is how there is little point porting Japanese centric shooters, RPGs, sims to the xbox or the PC because the audience for those games largely doesn't game on those platforms.
Screw Bungie, they betrayed us (PC Gamers) with Halo years ago and now want to act like their fucker No.1.

Never forgive, never forget.
Screw Bungie, they betrayed us (PC Gamers) with Halo years ago and now want to act like their fucker No.1.

Never forgive, never forget.

I definitely remember when it was slated to release on PC & then MS made a dirty deal. After that, there was no word about a PC release... only an Xbox exclusive. :mad:
How does one become "Fucker No.1"? Is there a written test?'

On topic, I really was glad that Halo 1 eventually did come out for the PC, even if it did have shit netcode and was HORRIBLY optimized. Still, something's better than nothing. Nowadays, it seems like it's a developer trend to release on a specific console, forget about the PC crowd, and then eventually give us sloppy port seconds. Fuck that shit.
Screw Bungie, they betrayed us (PC Gamers) with Halo years ago and now want to act like their fucker No.1.

Never forgive, never forget.

This. They may say "Oh,that was all Microsoft's doing." but no one forced them to get in bed with them. And now that they're on their own again,what's the first platform they give consideration to? Consoles. So screw 'em.
TBH, I'd buy it if they released a PC version. The only reason I've ignored it is because it's an exclusive to consoles.
I admit it looks pretty interesting to me and I'm on the fence about picking it up right now. Once more information starts coming out about it I can decided if I want to get it or not. If they decide to release it on the PC that would be great as long as its not a terrible port. If they don't release it on PC there's still a chance ill pick it up for PS3 or PS4, it all depends on how the game ends up turning out.
Now that's just poppycock. Firing TWO assault rifles? I'll believe it when I see it.

These are the kind of statements from companies that will have me boycotting your game. Dont waste your time porting Bungie.
I see a lot of Bungie hate. Was it even them who came up with no porting over the Halo series or Microsoft?

Since Bungie is showing interest and no long under MS thumb, I'm wondering if it was more MS decision.
It would be a serious mistake to not release this on computer. Remember your roots, Bungie.
One of my favorite games of all time. I would throw money at this.

Screw Soulblighter, that's already a great game, it doesn't need any more loving. How about a remake of Myth 3 with actually playable controls and sound effects that don't sound like they were made in a weekend with a gag-comedian's prop chest? :)
It would be a serious mistake to not release this on computer. Remember your roots, Bungie.

What roots?

You mean the roots that were snipped by Microsoft before they even had a chance to take root on the PC? Hmm yeah......
I am not all that impressed with the gameplay trailer, TBH. Looks like it is just going to be another Halo-ish repeat.

The world looks cool but I wonder how well they will actually exploit it.
I thought it was Borderlands 3 but with more people when I saw the trailer.
I would consider installing the game if they pay me first.
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