Bungie Bundles Older Expansion Pass Content with Forsaken DLC


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
The launch of Destiny 2 was very lackluster and the first two expansions didn't fix the issues that customers complained about. Frustrated players had become wary of paying $40 for the 3rd expansion called Destiny 2: Forsaken. Bungie has seen the writing on the wall and made the decision to bundle the Destiny 2 Expansion Pass content with Destiny 2: Forsaken starting October 16th. Owners of the Expansion Pass will receive compensation in the form of an emblem, shader, emotes, and consumables. Only the emblem and shader will be exclusive as the emotes can be earned later on.

Launching a game reveals what we did right and where we could have done better. With the first month of Forsaken behind us, we're taking stock of what we've learned. Some of those learnings will manifest in game updates that we're deploying in the very near future, but not every improvement can be made with code changes. We also want to make it less complicated for other Guardians to begin their journey in Forsaken. Effective October 16, the purchase of Destiny 2: Forsaken will include the two expansions included in the Destiny 2 Expansion Pass. Every player of Destiny 2 who has yet to touch down on the Tangled Shore will need only the Forsaken upgrade. Our hope is that this will eliminate some of the questions that confront a player as they try to join our party.
Looks like they're going to need to put in a lot more effort if Activision expects to get a return on that $500m+ investment instead of just spitting out crap on a "seasonal" cycle.
What BS... I get a few consumables and whatever else? LOL

No way my friends and I are paying $40 for the new xpac. We all stopped playing.

There is so little content it's just .... stupid.

That game won't be fixed for another 2 or 3 years and that's taking into account all the content they might potentially release.

Then they screwed up PVP where you instant kill anyone now ... that killed PVP.

Man I better stop.
I really was excited for the game despite all of Destiny 1 fuckups and gaping holes but while the game was fun it was also a joke when you consider the resources and labor that went into the game. I beat the story mode and barely played again despite having put hundreds of hours into the original Destiny. The "expansions" to the first Destiny were also a joke and were really just some light DLC content for all the extra content it added to the game and I can't imagine these are any different when I already know how "big" the base game is.
Ya'll are just crazy, if you don't think forsaken totally revitalized the game and brought most the community back, It's okay to be salty but you know nothing about this expansion.
Ya'll are just crazy, if you don't think forsaken totally revitalized the game and brought most the community back, It's okay to be salty but you know nothing about this expansion.
You're right because even though you provided such thorough and vivid details about this expansion in your post I completely ignored them >.>
Wasn't this a 10 year game cycle...oh well at least we are already half over the bullshit anyways. The whirlwind of Destiny 1 was okay, I played the hell out of it, through all the nerfs. It was fun. I did not buy Destiny 2, it was a free game on PSnow just a month ago or so...wont be playing the expansion. I may download it and see what all is being held back without the expansion.
Destiny 2 proved that Bungie is dead, they learned nothing from the bungled destiny 1, repeated all the same mistakes, and somehow the game play lost the tightness I found in 1. The sad part is I was actually disappointing, I love the initial concept and setup of destiny.
Ya'll are just crazy, if you don't think forsaken totally revitalized the game and brought most the community back, It's okay to be salty but you know nothing about this expansion.
Came here to say this.
Ya'll are just crazy, if you don't think forsaken totally revitalized the game and brought most the community back, It's okay to be salty but you know nothing about this expansion.
Only for everyone to drop it again in a month or two cause it is the same bs as before. It happens with all the xpac I'm mmorpgs. Huge influx of new and old people on release then a sharp decline after a few months.
I liked D1 but it had a lot of problems. I thought D2 at launch and through the xpacs up to Forsaken wasn't going to follow the mistakes of D1 but I was wrong. I'm not going to support Bungie anymore, dont care how good forsaken is.
I liked D1 but it had a lot of problems. I thought D2 at launch and through the xpacs up to Forsaken wasn't going to follow the mistakes of D1 but I was wrong. I'm not going to support Bungie anymore, dont care how good forsaken is.
They sold their soul to Activision, so I don't know why any of us are still acting surprised. I love the premise behind Destiny, so I guess I keep hoping it will get better. One thing is for sure: I'm with you in deciding that I will no longer be supporting anything Bungie does from here on out.
paid $7.50 for the first two expansions, but even then I felt it was too much for it lol. There was like... maybe 2 hours of story. The environments seemed nice but pretty empty with not much to do.
Forsaken does add a lot of content, but it introduces a lot of artificial grinding required to actually access most of it. At least one of the new areas is borderline unplayable until you spend a lot of time grinding levels and resources. It might be designed to extend the game's lifespan, but it does so in a tedious way. I kinda like what they did with the Crucible and the new Gambit mode. However because the game forces players to use certain weapons to complete quests, the meta is all kinds of screwed up.
Bungie would probably do well to release some sort of massive bundle that includes ALL of the game content for $75. Forsaken has been well received by fans, but it's not like they're pulling in players that didn't buy the normal game.
Whole lot of people who haven’t played Destiny 2 and/or forsaken commenting here.
Artificial grind, the perfect words to sum up Destiny 1 and 2. I have nothing against grind, hell a good grinder can take up tonnes of hours, payday 2, vermintide, a good open world game. Destiny takes that same dozenish missions and makes you grind them with zero change to the mission. Ugh.
Im glad they are still trying, but it's hard to care anymore.

I bought into the game at front and got the season pass and everything. They tried to sell Forsaken as the cure for the issues of the game, and then charge $40 for it and not include in the season pass that I bought to begin with. Yea, I get that it was a bit later, but the game was a fucking mess. Admitting the game was a fucking mess, and then trying to charge for a cure does not sit well with me.

They burned me for $100, and then asked me to pay $40 for the fix.

No thanks. Even if it somehow was the best thing ever, there simply is no way I could see myself paying for that. Will pick it up for $5 on a sale some time down the road perhaps, but not likely. Simply have moved on, and left a sour taste in my mouth.
I have over 1,000 hours in D2. Foresaken fixed all but the tiniest of problems D2 had through Y1, and most of those are on the schedule to be fixed in the next two updates. If you liked D1, D2 Foresaken is the best it's ever been and as close to D1 as you can get. If you don't like Destiny that's cool, but it's in an amazing place right now.
They need to just give away this expansion in hopes of getting any players back.

I played it at release and bought the season pass / expansion. Biggest ripoff in my gaming history.

I wont pay a penny for the forsaken expansion.
Same thing happened with D1, it didn't get good until TTK. Sucks, but it seems like that is how Bungie makes games :(
Destiny 2 proved that Bungie is dead, they learned nothing from the bungled destiny 1, repeated all the same mistakes, and somehow the game play lost the tightness I found in 1. The sad part is I was actually disappointing, I love the initial concept and setup of destiny.
I gave up and just stopped playing. Sold my ps4 and have no reason urge to play d2''s trash anymore.
Cool I guess.
I was interested before release. Then they screwed that up instead of learning from the 1st one.

I'm still not interested.

Played d2 at pax, I was left with such a bad taste in my mouth. I only found a copy of d2 for $15 at goodwill and still felt like I was screwed paying that much for such a step backwards.
They need to just give away this expansion in hopes of getting any players back.

I played it at release and bought the season pass / expansion. Biggest ripoff in my gaming history.

I wont pay a penny for the forsaken expansion.

That's kind of where I'm at after paying $100 at launch. All my friends who have paid for the new forsaken update have nothing but good things to say, but I'm kind of over it.
I don't have to watch any video … because I have been playing Destiny 2 from the start.

So did I...and I quit shortly after each expansion and each update. I was actually tempted to come back for forsaken but this price drop 1 month after release was a big fuck you IMO. While bungie has some great artists and developers for the actually game....their business end of the company is as close to EA as it comes.
So many haters. Shame. So happy I got bored a few months ago and decided to reinstall. Forsaken has taken over my gaming life and I'm excited for every weekly reset again.

Next week we get the Shattered Throne back, Festival of the Lost, I'm going to finally attempt the raid and might actually hit 600 on my Warlock. So much content I almost can't keep up with it on all three characters each week.

SO pumped!
So many haters. Shame. So happy I got bored a few months ago and decided to reinstall. Forsaken has taken over my gaming life and I'm excited for every weekly reset again.

Next week we get the Shattered Throne back, Festival of the Lost, I'm going to finally attempt the raid and might actually hit 600 on my Warlock. So much content I almost can't keep up with it on all three characters each week.

SO pumped!

Before forsaken I was pretty much able to do all the milestones on all 3 characters. After forsaken I have really had to focus on just 1 character to get the milestones done in a week. I must be really slow as I have been trying to grind to 540 so I can start doing nightfall strikes, haven't even touched the raid yet.
So many haters. Shame. So happy I got bored a few months ago and decided to reinstall. Forsaken has taken over my gaming life and I'm excited for every weekly reset again.

Next week we get the Shattered Throne back, Festival of the Lost, I'm going to finally attempt the raid and might actually hit 600 on my Warlock. So much content I almost can't keep up with it on all three characters each week.

SO pumped!

That some enthusiasm! I’m just salty but may give it a chance if isn’t too costly.