Broke my first mouse


Limpness Supreme
Feb 8, 2005
I've been playing around with computers since the 286 era, and I've never broken a mouse before today. This morning, I grabbed the mouse and wiggled it around to turn of my screen saver while putting on my pants, and ***ZZZZZAAAPPP***. Static electricity. Now the buttons work fine, but the mouse won't move. I've tried it on two different computers. Same issue on both. Thermaltake Level 10 M.

Is it screwed? Or is there something I can do?
i doubt that static electricity could do that but who knows........i see that there's lots of metal so theoretically i might be possible
I'm sure you have tried this already but just in case, did you try cleaning the underside? I get cat hair stuck in the optics slot some times and that causes no end of issues. Pulling out the hair and problem solved.

Otherwise, time for a new mouse.
I'm sure you have tried this already but just in case, did you try cleaning the underside? I get cat hair stuck in the optics slot some times and that causes no end of issues. Pulling out the hair and problem solved.

Otherwise, time for a new mouse.
Yeah, cleaning it didn't fix it. Bought a replacement.
Curious what you bought? I'm partial to the g502 myself but it's on the expensive end of desktop accessories.