Bogus spyware remover? Scam software inquiry


[H]F Junkie
Apr 13, 2000
I was doing a sidejob for a user at work who paid me under the table a month ago or so. I had discovered that he had purchased an application online thats found at

It has a user interface, looks like any other spyware remover would. However I am still a bit suspicious on how legit the application appears. I have a big feeling this guy was scammed into buying this software. I believe he clicked a balloon popup to purchase it "right away, your computer is infected!"

Can anyone confirm for good that this application was sold by a scammer? I have a big feeling that it is run by some scumbag since the website uses terms like "Windows Antispyware" and the like, possibly not officially trademarks but the guy is standing on thin ice with names.