Black on Xbox 360?

[BB] Rick James

[H]ard Dawg
Apr 4, 2004
So I went out and purchased the game Black, which is an original Xbox title assuming the Xbox compatibility fix would work with it. Well apparently it does not.

Anyone ran across a fix for this or even better yet have the game Black and played it on the X360? If so how did you get it to work?
Its not backwards compatible yet. Sometimes its good to check before buying but at this point there is no fix until they add it to the BC list.
First King Kong Gamers edition, now Black

You're not having any luck with games BB :)
Netrat33 said:
First King Kong Gamers edition, now Black

You're not having any luck with games BB :)

QFT. I totally got whored on the King Kong Gamers Edition, that one is still to this day a soar subject. :) There is however a light at the end of the tunnel for good ole BB. I know that a lot of people think that the "BB" in my name stands for Best Buy, well let the record show that it does not!

The light at the end of the tunnel in my story is what a lot would come to agree with is probably their arch nemese here in the forums. Let me explain. I know that there are a lot of Best Buy haters out there; but unfortunately Best Buy (for tonight) has been my knight in shinning armer.... Well at least a hazy tinted armor.

So I took the game into Best Buy, explained what had happened and they let me pick out another game of my choice!! I'm pretty sure this is against all policy but the chick helping me out I think wanted me... When I say chick I mean dude and I when I say wanted me I meant was probably a fellow gamer who had been stung by a compatibility issue of his own. LOL

This is the only way I can explain them bending their rules as they have done for me tonight. Anyway, the game I wanted was Far Cry Instincts but it was out, so I had to settle for a Rainbow Six game, Ghost Recon 2. I guess I’ll take what I can get.