Best way to upload/download to self from remote desktop?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 25, 2006
If you remote desktop onto Server 2000, what is a quick way to transfer files to and from your own computer to the server?

Here's the options I don't want to consider:
Use remote desktop's dreadfully slow file share system.
Set up a Gmail account and e-mail the files in attachments. (and upload file sharing websites)

What's a good program (FTP or such) to do that?
Well, it isn't always local.

Sometimes it is local, although the file share is not working right for some odd reason.
When you open up remote desktop, In the area with all of the options, there is an option to connect your local drives to the remote computer, and you can copy/paste to them. Remember though, this will take some time because it is over the internet.
Remote Desktop file option is very slow if you're moving a lot.

As for a network drive mapping, I tried it using vista onto a M.S. 2000 Server machine. But it said it can't find the folder. I'm not sure if there is a setting in the 2000 machine. It already allows file sharing,
The vista diagnoser problem thinks that port 445 "file and printer sharing" is closed by firewall on the 2000 machine.
i had question recently. needed to transfer 600mb file and didn't want to set up an ftp server.
i used
it is free, open source, and awesome. allows for encrypted file transfer. very simple to set up. Only requires opening 1 port on either side (doesn't matter which). might be kind of overkill but it worked great for me.