Best text editor for Perl?


Jun 18, 2002
My boss wants me to learn perl and I'm looking for the best text editor for it. I've only tried Notepad 2 so far. What does everyone like to use?
i think textpad does highlighting for perl ( but i'm not positive. i've used it for other languages and found it to be nice.

i use vim and have it set to do highlighting so i can see when i'm a dope and forget to mark the end an expression or something. :)
Ya i'm not using notepad because i want some syntax colors, indenting, and line numbers. I guess i'll keep with notepad 2 unless someone knows something better.
Emacs, but it definately takes some time to learn it, especially if you come from a Windows background.
Vim - but takes some getting used to since it has a lot of shortcut commands. It's also the rival of Emacs. ;)

When I wrote my big Perl projects, I used sciTE since it has tabs and allowed me to use my favorite programming font. It's a very good programmer's text editor - you can even execute the code from within the editor, if I remember correctly.

Right now I'm getting into Eclipse with the Perl plugin, but that's way more involved and requires a huge download.

So, uh, vim or sciTE. :D