Best of the best: which case to buy???


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 13, 2002
I'm in sort of a dilemma. I'm trying to figure out which case to buy, the Silverstone TJ09 or the Coolermaster Stacker 830?

The reason why I'm asking is that both cases have their pros and cons, but I'm slightly inclined toward the Stacker.

Let me know what your experiences with each has been, what you recommend, and why.

I know the general concensus is going to aim for the TJ09. However, keep in mind that these are opinions of other folks and you are the one who will be stuck with whatever case they recommend.

I recommend that you look at it on a personal objective, how many bays do you need? Do you want class or do you want functionality, do you want to spend a lot or a little, do you like the contemporary style or more space age style.

In the end you have to make the decision because it's something you are going to have to live with. They are both excellent cases and each owner of the case ejoys them for a diffrent reason.
so far, i've only worked with silverstones and thermaltakes. and once with antec.
from my experience. silverstone has heavy duty build quality. i own the tj07. although that case has some build problems like bad side panels it's still one of the best heavy duty cases. i say tj09 would be a good choice
Personally, i'm more inclined to go with the Stacker and that's what i'm going to use for my next build. I just can't stand the TJ09, it's way too plain and boring for me; plus the cooling on the Stacker looks superior.
If ANYONE says the Antec 900 I would like to make a NEGATIVE vote for that. Make that clear.

First, I never owned the case.
Second, I only eyed pictures on the net.
Why Do I dislike it? 200mm intake fan....sure 120mm = yeah more airflow with less noise we get it. But with 200mm you limit yourself to a small selection for fans if you replace them. Antec fans work fine, but I still replaced mine for better ones. The 200mm fan might be nice, but come time to replace it be it die, or be it your own upgrade.....industrial could be all thats to choose from.

I don't own Lian Li or am not in any connection with them, BUT they make some bad ass cases.

I wanted this case real bad, but the price tag is in the 200-300 range.
Just looks like a workstation, yet has cooling options of an extreme rig. Lian Li also has a tardtastically large selection of kits made for their computers.....

I just was impressed by them.

I own a's the cheapest case that has all the high end shit you look opinion. The case itself requires some dremel tool use if you want to make it an air-flow king.
Are you worthy of the best? LOL.

If you are, then buy whatever you like and don't let other people's opinions dictate your actions.
The 200mm is exhaust dude.

It's also quiet as fuck on high (800rpm) pushing 13x.x CFM
This isn't a thing like "tell me which to buy and I'll buy it". I'd like to get the pros and cons and why people prefer one case over the other.

The reason why I'm inclined to the Stacker is because I had experience with the original Stacker, which was absolutely fabulous.
ima vote for lian li V1000, 1200 or 2000 (1100 or 2100 if you want super quiet :p )

AWESOME cooling, unique look, solid aluminum, lower section for hard drives + PSU, tool less (thumbscrews all around :p )
This isn't a thing like "tell me which to buy and I'll buy it". I'd like to get the pros and cons and why people prefer one case over the other.

The reason why I'm inclined to the Stacker is because I had experience with the original Stacker, which was absolutely fabulous.

The pros are that both cases are great and they are both loved cases.

Cons are: There are !!!!!!s who will tell you to go with the stacker and there are them who are silverstone zealots.

I own both the stacker and the silverstone brand cases so it's no issue for me. However, it's a personal choice. Regardless of which one you go for you will be happy, they are excellent cases.
Are you worthy of the best? LOL.

If you are, then buy whatever you like and don't let other people's opinions dictate your actions.

Worthy? :rolleyes: I'm simply asking for INPUT from other people to help make my decision not so one-sided. I already stated that I'm inclined to the Stacker; if people said that the TJ09 was better, I would have looked further into it.

Everyone is saying they are equally as good. I'm going to stick with the Stacker, but, if a friend now asks for my opinion, I'll give them either as a recommendation.
The 200mm is exhaust dude.

It's also quiet as fuck on high (800rpm) pushing 13x.x CFM

Dandy, but I use a certain brand of 120mm fans. I would be stuck with the 800cfm fan from antec or oddball solutions. I am just arguing that 200mm isn't a standard and weather it be my situation where I use higher output fans, or maybe someone who has to replace it because it has gotten noisy after a year or some time of use. They have to call antec for a special fan or go find a 200mm fan.

Basically it's a great fun idea, but if you off the bat like to replace your case fans, this one is going to be different.
They have 2 fairly different designs; I would think it would be easy for you to decide between these; I have the TJ09; conversely, the Stacker has side fans, a front door, and other differences that are obvious; none of which I wanted.

EDIT: I think both cases are good looking. Functionally, they are quite different, except for maybe the removeable trays.
If having a window is important, then you should go with the TJ09. The Stacker 830 does not have a factory option for window. While you can get modded Stacker 830 with one, its air cooling ability will be hindered as a result.

If you like wheels on your case like the original Stacker then your only choice is the Stacker 830 "evo". Don't get the original version of Stacker 830 as it doesn't have the wheels and will have problems fitting larger power supplies.

I also agree with Ockie in just picking the case that looks best to you. After all, you will be looking at it everyday.
Does Newegg even carry the Stacker 830 "evo" case that has the wheels as well as the capability to go BTX?
In terms of air cooling, the Stacker 830 is pretty much the best of the best. I also prefer its looks to the TJ-09.
In terms of air cooling, the Stacker 830 is pretty much the best of the best. I also prefer its looks to the TJ-09.

I would say for air FLOW it is the best. I own the 830 myself, and like it. But when cooling is critical, I don't think the 830 buys you anything that a well designed closed case would.

There is something to be said for a solid enclosure and using fans to stablize the air and run it efficiently through the case. In this case (pun :) ), the stacker is kind of inefficient. Also, if you pack it full of fans, no matter what brand, you will hear it. Good quiet fans will help greatly, but it will still be slightly audible.

What I love most about it is its ability to run in both BTX standard as well as ATX and ATX "reverse". Worked very well with where it sits on my desk.
My vote goes to the Stacker 830.

It looks awesome. Airflow is great. It's darn quiet for an 'open' case (I have 4 yate loons, 1 antec tri-cool + 2 coolermaster fans and a tuniq tower 120) and the only thing I hear is my darn graphics card. Actually in XP it was completely silent, now in Vista when it loads the main screen the fan gets audible so that's the only noise :(.

The new black color is amazing! Wow, if they stocked that at the local microcenter I would have definitely bought it. My 1st case was a P180 which I hated. Wiring was a pain, airflow was good but nowhere as good as the 900 or the stacker. Not many options for extra fans (2?). I gave that to my brother and bought a 900. Liked it a lot but it was kind of small. Must say airflow rocked and I did like the design. But I've always wanted a Stacker and once I heard it was on sale at MC for $193AR I went there and used a 40/200 Circuit City coupon and I got it for $163! Def worth the extra $$!!

I love it. I WANT BLACK THOUGH!! :(

Stacker all the way. The TJ-09 looks old. I wouldn't notice that if a friend had that case. I mean a case is bascially the computer so you need something to look somewhat new/futuristic and the stacker provides that. :)
For just straight up cooling, I would go with a XION XON-791B. At first I thought the fans were too loud to sleep, but it actually drowns out the rest of the noise in the house. I much prefer white noise than variable noise (which I hear things very well in the house).

I have to agree with the P180 being a pain for wiring. I do enjoy my Antec Super Lanboy, but I know a lot of people think it is "too old" for today.