Best Buy will be the only store where you can buy the X-Box 360 on 11/22/05.


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 17, 2004
I thought this information is very interesting so I decided to share it with you all.

I was told this at a recent store meeting we had at my Best Buy in Bel Air, Maryland.
As some of you may know, I am a Geek Squad agent there.
Apparently M$ and Best Buy have forged this deal that says that ONLY Best Buy stores can carry the X-Box 360 when it launches.

I do not know if this applies to online stores as well. Sorry.

So I guess for (almost) everyone the only ways to get a 360 on or before November 22nd are to:
A. Win one in the Mountain Dew contest
B. Buy it at Best Buy
C. Steel it from a truck or something
I'm going have to put very little faith in what they told you. Microsoft wants to sell 10 million Xbox 360's before the Playstation 3 launch, so there is no way they are going to limit the locations where you can buy them on launch day. Plus that would really piss off a lot of customers who have them preordered from other retailers, me included.
I think what is probably going on is that Best Buy and Walmart are going to be the only stores that have extra 360's. All the rest like EB/Gamestop will only have enough for the pre-order sales.
im in baltimore

NOT COOL theres no where NEAR as many bestbuys around...i think we have like 5walmarts in a 50mile radius lol...but only 2 bestbuys(3?) no way this is true
you're in a better position than i'm in...closest walmart is 30 mins, closest best buy is over an hour
I am little out of date, but are the Revolution and PS3 still scheduled for holiday season 2006?
An "Agent" of the geek squad? Thats as far as I got before spitting my Pepsi all over in laughter :D
I think it will be similar as to what happened with the release of the original Xbox. I remember going out with a friend who wanted one the night before the official release. The only places that were selling were Best Buy and Wal-Mart who had Midnight Releases. I'm assuming the same thing will take place.
Wal-Marts with-in an hour of me:

BestBuys with-in an hour of me:
15 (16 if you count the soon-to-be-open E.P. store)

MX2times said:
An "Agent" of the geek squad? Thats as far as I got before spitting my Pepsi all over in laughter :D

hey thats what i do as well, dont dis all of us man.
An "Agent" of the geek squad? Thats as far as I got before spitting my Pepsi all over in laughter

I don't think it's in any harm. I also giggled . :D
sounds to me like marketing or propaganda, like stated above if they want to sell as many as possible limiting to 1 store is not good marketing. but being that many wal-marts are having the kiosk in store now it de-bunks this story, probaly just best-buy talking bs to employess like we will be the only retail chain to have this awesome system and on a side note, 2 weeks from today we will take over the world, lol.

i know a girl in geeksquad how she got the job i have no clue, think i will apply for job, but i wonder the daily routine, dealing with dumb people sux, i know i worked for aol tech support OMG nightmares ratio was like 75% dumb 25% had actual knowledge of computers aol ppl are funny, 2 main probs, chatrooms arent working, my emails not working.
The average Wal-mart can turn over product much faster than best buy. The sheer number of Wal-marts alone makes it a better proposition for Microsoft than best buy for launch.

Maybe they will be one of several super star companies Microsoft has deemed a launch distribution point.
There is no way Microsoft is going to limit their XBox360 sales on opening day by limiting themselves to one vendor.

Not trying to troll. :D
My guess would be, because Best Buy is the one of the only places you can't preorder one, they will be one of the only places to "get" one. That leaves a few other places out tho...

I have friends that work at Circuit, and they aren't preordering, so I know they will have some.
I'm hitting wal mart myself. Been haunting them because they sell all the new releases at 12:01 monday night. I'm willing to bet I can head to the one by my house and spend less than an hour in line and have one monday night. The one I live by is in BFE, so it's always dead.

Theres no way that ONLY a Best Buy would have them on the 22nd. Wal Mart has way more pull in the buying power department anyway.

I would never go to a small boutique to get one, because they preorder out the wang, and have very few to offer after that.
I'd bet the Best Buy boss told people that so they would spread it around just like this to get people to get in line there thinking it won't be available elsewhere, or he himself was misinformed.

Theres no way MS is going to limit the 360's sales.
donahue said:
I am little out of date, but are the Revolution and PS3 still scheduled for holiday season 2006?

Thats a big negative. Unless they both pull some hardware out there ass real soon, they wont see release until after christmas.
The reason 360's will be limited is likely due to them rushing it out the sell all they can before the PS3 pwns the 360.
Joe Fristoe said:
The reason 360's will be limited is likely due to them rushing it out the sell all they can before the PS3 pwns the 360.
Right!, it will! :p
tdg said:
I'd bet the Best Buy boss told people that so they would spread it around just like this to get people to get in line there thinking it won't be available elsewhere, or he himself was misinformed.

Theres no way MS is going to limit the 360's sales.

Good way to drive sales though.
Apallohadas said:

Good way to drive sales though.

Exactly .. its a marketing tactic. If you put out a rumor that the XBOX 360 is in short supply, everyone is going to rush out and get one.
MX2times said:
An "Agent" of the geek squad? Thats as far as I got before spitting my Pepsi all over in laughter :D

That is not cool man.
This is the best job I have ever had and probably the best job I will ever have.

Sure I will move on and get a higher paying job at some firm with my MIS degree, but that job
will not be as fun and fufilling as my job right now.

Remember this won't you?
You or anyone else could find yourself jobless just like that.
Then who will be laughing?
Not me, but probably not you either.
I'd bet the Best Buy boss told people that so they would spread it around just like this to get people to get in line there thinking it won't be available elsewhere, or he himself was misinformed.

Maybe he was telling the truth now that I think about it. It could be that there is no Wal-Mart or circuit city nearby their store? In that case, he would basically be telling the truth since EB and Gamestop will have no extras come launch day.
mentok1982 said:
That is not cool man.
This is the best job I have ever had and probably the best job I will ever have.

Sure I will move on and get a higher paying job at some firm with my MIS degree, but that job
will not be as fun and fufilling as my job right now.

Remember this won't you?
You or anyone else could find yourself jobless just like that.
Then who will be laughing?
Not me, but probably not you either.


I wasnt saying anything derogative about you, your job, or the fact that you worked there.You need to lighten up and see the humor in the statement. It sounds funny saying.... "An agent of the Geek Squad"...thats alll it was. Dont read into things too far, it will make you unhappy on so many levels.
mentok1982 said:
That is not cool man.
This is the best job I have ever had and probably the best job I will ever have.

Sure I will move on and get a higher paying job at some firm with my MIS degree, but that job
will not be as fun and fufilling as my job right now.

Remember this won't you?
You or anyone else could find yourself jobless just like that.
Then who will be laughing?
Not me, but probably not you either.

I don't think that he is laughing that you work for GeekSquad, but that you call yourself an 'Agent'. Oh no, here comes 00Tech in his Beetle..

If you'd said you just worked in the GeekSquad dept. I'm sure there would be no shame ;).

BTW - a BB only release is, as noted above, total BS. Then again, Microsoft won't have to worry about limiting their sells, there is no way in hell they hit 10 million before the PS3 releases. My theory? Sony releases some killer hard info a couple days before the 360 release, turns the tide for many people decided to make them wait. MS will be lucky to get 5 million units sold before the PS3 release.
IMO a job title of Agent for the geek squad is just as stupid as titles like "Human resources management", "Administrative assistant", etc ... Pretty much every job has a silly title.
Stole this from shacknews:

Various analysts seem to have come to a concensus that Microsoft will be shipping about 1.5 million units of the Xbox 360 worldwide when the system launches over a two week period starting November 22. Banc of America is maintaining an estimate of 1.4M to 1.6M units, while UBS Securities recently lowered its expectations from 2.5M to 1.5M. This news comes on the heels of various rumors of shortages (and falsified shortages) as well as comments by Microsoft representatives such as Peter Moore and J Allard that suggest Microsoft is experiencing more problems than anticipated with the worldwide almost-simultaneous launch. This is the first time a major home console will have been released to all territories in such a narrow time frame.

The point is, until someone from Microsoft gives us official numbers, everything is pretty much speculation. Could there be some limited availability in the first couple weeks? It is possible. But believe me, Microsoft is certainly prepared to have a ton of 360's in ciruculation and readily available as quickly as possible. They want to make a serious jump on Sony.

If someone from Microsoft would like to email me, I'd be happy to set the record straight for everyone.

in baltimore, that would suck, since there's no bb or cc locations within the city. nationwide, it's complete and utter bullshit.

mentok, i'll be raiding your best buy on black friday, provided there are things worth buying:p
A guy in my class works at a local Wal-Mart and he says they have actual retail Core systems at the store...locked away in a security room.

Personally I am going to poke and prod a couple guys at school who work at BB and WM to see what they will have. And hopefully the weather will be crappy and will keep all the non - [H] away :p
Having worked for Best Buy for just over 5 years, I've learned to take anything i hear from corporate or store management with a bucket of salt.
I have a relative that is a higher up in Marketing and my cousin hasn't mentioned anything so far about limited quanities. Not saying much I know, but he did get to play PS2 and Xbox at the BB HQ months before they both launched.
I think that it is quite possible that Microsoft would limit launch quantities. Remember the PS2 fiasco? People were camping out and paying double on ebay. It was madness, and just made people want more.

Look at the relative change in gaming even since the last generation launch: you have many, many more people playing games than even then, and your typical "college town" household probably has two, if not three of the last generation system. One of my close friends had FOUR xboxes in his former apartment.

Loads of people have pre-ordered, and those orders will be filled, but actual launch quantities in store may be limited, not by Microsoft, but by simple demand. I wouldn't have to worry too much because there are three best buys within an hour of me, and I can't even fathom how many wal-marts are within an hour.

That being said, if I wanted one that badly, I'd probably just pre-order.
I guess I could spread my stereotype of the "Geek Squad" agents I know personally, but that wouldn't be very nice. Let's just say their opinions don't hold much more water than CompUSA employees to me.
Draax said:
IMO a job title of Agent for the geek squad is just as stupid as titles like "Human resources management", "Administrative assistant", etc ... Pretty much every job has a silly title.
That's pure ignorance in a statement. Those titles you quoted are descriptive of the job and there is no need to know where said person works. The title "agent" tells you nothing.