Besides BTC and GPU shortages, what else is there to talk about?


May 26, 2021
It seems like these two topics have driven out all others, just like bad money drives out good.
Recently finished halo 2 co-op which was fun except for the gdam server disconnects which were at times rage inducing. Going to start halo 3 soon, possibly Sunday, and will try co-op on that one too. They really did a great job of enhancing halo 2 graphics in the cutscenes and in the game. Was impressed with it.
Probably due to the upcoming Steam Deck, I've become very interested in handhelds for gaming, particularly the 'retro gaming' handhelds. I'm thinking of preordering a Retroid 2+ to tinker around with.
You could talk about the upcomming intel GPU's how good or bad you think they will be.
I'm still gaming happily with my evga rtx 3080 FTW3 ultra hybrid ;) from Dec 2020. Not much to say except it rocks.
I've been disabling shadows when possible in advanced settings since Duke 3D because it's rarely worth the performance hit. I leave motion blur and depth of field on though because I like how they look.
I've been disabling shadows when possible in advanced settings since Duke 3D because it's rarely worth the performance hit. I leave motion blur and depth of field on though because I like how they look.
Wowza! I find lighting and shadows to be the biggest part of how technically good a game looks :). I can't stand added motion blur and dislike depth if field.
Recently finished halo 2 co-op which was fun except for the gdam server disconnects which were at times rage inducing. Going to start halo 3 soon, possibly Sunday, and will try co-op on that one too. They really did a great job of enhancing halo 2 graphics in the cutscenes and in the game. Was impressed with it.
Was that on gamepass or steam? Also agree the remasters looked pretty good. I bought the master chief collection recently and have not got around to playing them quite yet.
It was on steam. The disconnects were such an annoyance that we ended up setting difficulty back to the easiest setting just to get past a couple spots in the game that longer than others. When you get dropped it makes you restart the whole segment and not just restoring from your last checkpoint.
My cat is a little less scared of the fireworks this year but it still takes him a while to not run away.
He's gone out for a crap before it gets dark when it all kicks off!
Good enough topic?
My cat is a little less scared of the fireworks this year but it still takes him a while to not run away.
He's gone out for a crap before it gets dark when it all kicks off!
Good enough topic?
No litter box for your cat? P. S. Pics of cat please :D.
Sound maybe we will be able to talk about Intel Gpu Shortage and Intel Gpus mining, it will be a breath of fresh air.
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Sound maybe we will be able to talk about Intel Gpu Shortage and Intel Gpus mining, it will be a breath of fresh air.
I would expect Intel to team up with as much as possible OEMs to combo deal their CPUs/GPUs for mobile and desktop. What is left over, scraps for the rest of us. Isn't Intel using TSMC for their GPUs? I can't fathom Intel will have any greater success in supplying GPUs then AMD or Nvidia.
I would expect Intel to team up with as much as possible OEMs to combo deal their CPUs/GPUs for mobile and desktop. What is left over, scraps for the rest of us. Isn't Intel using TSMC for their GPUs? I can't fathom Intel will have any greater success in supplying GPUs then AMD or Nvidia.
TSMC "6nm" I think

If those specs are close to the truth

Those dies have not less transistor or size than say a 6700xt, I could be missing something supply chain wise and maybe the bottleneck is not there and maybe Intel has such a big warchest that they could rise the amount of GPU TSMC make (considering that it could reduce the amount of AMD Cpus made that a nice reward), but at first glance not sure if it would significantly change the total amount of gpus out here, could help with MSRP pricing if intel is aggressive obviously, but how much it change really anything if there is sold out gpus at a good price tag.
I've mostly been playing stuff on my switch lately. Metroid Dread, all the previous metroid games, got into Castlevania Advance Collection, a cool little indie game called Beast Breaker - Also been getting back into Animal Crossing since the gigantic patch and DLC dropped.
Mostly finding easy things to play while waiting on Shin Megami Tensei V in a few days.