Battlefield V Live Reveal @ 3PMCDT


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
DSOG have a little insight to the new Battlefield V that will be set in World War 2. What an original concept! Live reveal below.

Check out the video.

The game will feature a single-player campaign in the form of War Stories. As such, gamers will play different characters in multiple stories. Furthermore, DICE has promised that there will be various gameplay changes.

Last but not least, there was a report about DICE experimenting with a battle-royale mode. Although we don’t know yet whether the game will ship with such a mode, there is high probability that it will come after the game’s release!
Ugh. Can't they try something different instead of jumping on the battle royale train. They are late to the party. Fortnite and pubg are in top and going to be hard to knock off. At least they didn't drop single player unlike CoD.
Ugh. Can't they try something different instead of jumping on the battle royale train. They are late to the party. Fortnite and pubg are in top and going to be hard to knock off. At least they didn't drop single player unlike CoD.

Well, they can offer it in a different setting, and they'd be lambasted for not including it just the same- and it's not like it's a difficult mode, basically just deathmatch with pickups and no respawns.
Yawn :yawn:

Well, I hope they don't pussy out and replace the Swastika with the Iron Cross like the Call of Doody guys did. I want historical accuracy.
I was hoping for 2142 2.0... Not for me.

I don’t know about your guys. But a battle royale mode in the ww2 setting up I think would be amazing!
Stoked about WW2, but leery since I don't like the direction BF has been in the last few games
Ugh. Can't they try something different instead of jumping on the battle royale train. They are late to the party. Fortnite and pubg are in top and going to be hard to knock off. At least they didn't drop single player unlike CoD.
Fortnite is popular because its free. Thats why it has the most players.
PUBG was the first BR game and is more of a realistic approach to the BR thats why it has the following it has. Honestly though PUBG constantly has a fuckton of issues.

Those are the only real options currently. Getting into the BR market now or later i wouldnt say is late. Fortnite nor PUBG are good enough to maintain their dominance if someone made a very good BR game. Its to early to tell 100% but Mavericks Proving Grounds is shaping up to be a far superior then PUBG. I cant comment in detail about Fortnite as i dont play it and dont plan to but being its F2P its going to be more difficult for a paid game to dethrone that but honestly i feel most BR games are going to sway to the realistic side. I think its still early in the BR market. Its going to get really saturated going forward.

Stoked about WW2, but leery since I don't like the direction BF has been in the last few games
Same except i dont like WW2. If it was a really good WW2 game id prolly get it but im not seeing that here.
Considering they just did WW1 I think this was very predictable. True to form, looks pretty epic. Not sure it'll be as good as the trailer (never are) but I've had fun playing all the battlefield games at one time or another.
There is a high probability that you'll need to shell out 50-80% of the cost of the game to get the rest of the game via later-released DLC.

Nope. No more Premium Pass, post-launch content will all be free. They stated "No Pay2win, and everything, including cosmetics/skins, will be free".
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Nope. No more Premium Pass, post-launch content will be free, no Pay2win. They stated that "EVERYTHING, including cosmetics/skins, will be free".
Wow. Was that in the video? I admit I just skipped to the gameplay footage.
Nope. No more Premium Pass, post-launch content will be free, no Pay2win. They stated that "EVERYTHING, including cosmetics/skins, will be free".
Yeah well the game isn't released yet so they can say whatever they want... (Star Wars) /s
That would be great news for the gaming community but let's be real, they won't sell more if they do this but won't capitalize on DLC down the road... so very doubtfull
Wow. Was that in the video? I admit I just skipped to the gameplay footage.

Was stated during the discussion before the trailer. It does make me wonder what the catch is though.

Yeah well the game isn't released yet so they can say whatever they want... (Star Wars) /s

That would be great news for the gaming community but let's be real, they won't sell more if they do this but won't capitalize on DLC down the road... so very doubtfull

DICE has never stated something would flat out not be in the game and then done the opposite when the game launched - not even for the last two Battlefronts. It does make me wonder how they'll pay for the production of that post-launch content though, since the way DICE Sweden has pretty much always worked is the DLC maps/vehicles/etc don't actually get built until post-launch, despite the beliefs of the "cut content" idiots.
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Nope. No more Premium Pass, post-launch content will all be free. They stated "No Pay2win, and everything, including cosmetics/skins, will be free".

Wow...could it be that EA learned something?

I mean, probably not, but we'll see.
Watched the reveal. Looked really cool. No pay to win, no premium pass. They probably learned a lessen from Star Wars Battlefront II.. (which is awesome now btw).
Watched the reveal trailer, not sure if I need to take my meds today or if they're just going full on high-octane Ritalin for this. Kinda seemed a little Bad Company-ish on the humor side.

But a redone BF42 it is not (as it seems). Seems to be more of a twitch shooter now.
Wow no premium pass as well! It sounds like Dice really listened to people.
Looks cool except for the player uniforms. It looks like more like an alternate WW2 universe or they are trying to attract Fortnite and PUBG players.
I'm getting a laugh at people on forums going on about the woman with the "robotic arm", apparently people are unfamiliar with old style prosthetic's like this:

Wow. That trailer was an awful mess. At best I can tell this is a Co-op mission due to player ticket counts but somewhat scripted and cinematic sequences.

Let's start with the what's going on...
-Group of possibly resistance fighters behind enemy lines storm a house full of Germans. Co-player immediately shot.
-British Army charges in and for no god damn reason a guy jumps out 2nd story window like superman then joins in the British Army charge going in the EXACT OPPOSITE direction.
-Co-player has apparently re-spawned at this point.
-German planes crashing around them, character randomly picks up MG42 and test fires the gun by shooting into the backs of the British Army. Random reload animation when weapon is clearly fully loaded.
-German troops charge from the rear from where characters just came from.
-V1 Buzz Bomb comes in (from behind) and annihilates British Army... again from opposite direction they were attacking. You would think they were actually retreating, but they had stationary artillery pieces aimed that direction so...??
-German soldier comes in and knocks out player after he was stunned by explosion. Co-player comes in for the kill.

It makes no god damn sense with only that small snippet.

To make matters worse, the co-player is an obvious red-headed British woman that sounds like the same voice actress used for Tracer in Overwatch. She also happens to be an amputee with half her left arm missing using a garden rake for a hand and somehow she can field a Thompson sub-machine gun. Granted, there were a plenty of women in WWII serving front lines with Soviets and several resistance forces such as the Norwegians and French. But ZERO in the British army serving front line duty. I will give them some lee-way in that they are allowing people to completely customize characters, DICE has a history of inserting some of their own "alternate history things", and this is likely a Co-Op mission, but leading and revealing the game with this? Come on DICE, this screams politically correct for no good reason.

This is not what you show the public first. You do not show shitty gameplay with an out of context snippet with tons of historical inaccuracies. I can forgive the British Amputee woman on front lines... maybe its a bit of the Bad Company tie-in to alternate history that they like to do. That could even be a side story, I don't care. But DON'T LEAD with it, and especially don't LEAD with shitty gameplay that's all over the place.
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i really would have preferred to see a coherent, historically accurate, respectful depiction of WWII battle. instead: michael bay action that makes no sense upon scrutiny & throws history out the window. im kind of pissed off, honestly.
Trailer is horrible. I saw a woman in combat. I also saw some weird clothing articles that you just don't see anywhere in history.

EA is misappropriating history for the sake of making money of the backs and memories of the many many millions of soldiers that gave their lives for their countries.

I don't have a problem with women in war but don't call it WW2.

Not surprised. Like a lot of you, I already knew it would be nothing I would ever buy.
Trailer is horrible. I saw a woman in combat. I also saw some weird clothing articles that you just don't see anywhere in history.

EA is misappropriating history for the sake of making money of the backs and memories of the many many millions of soldiers that gave their lives for their countries.

I don't have a problem with women in war but don't call it WW2.

Not surprised. Like a lot of you, I already knew it would be nothing I would ever buy.

I agree with you here, however, I have some Asian friends who pick a female character for every game they play (WOW etc). I can overlook the gender of the character as long as the story is good. Also, why are you assuming she is a female? Don't assume genders, its 2018!!! (kidding)
Battlefield V SJW2

This game looks freaken terrible. How hard is it to make a historically accurate war game? Pretty hard by today's standards I can see. I really wanted to play an updated WW2 game but this looks like an abomination & frankly is insulting. I hope it bombs.
I agree with the comments that Battlefield 1 is a real snore-fest, and way over-simplified. I don't find it a shallow and unsatisfying experience.

With Bf5, I don't care about the historic accuracy that much, and instead I care whether the maps will be interesting and whether the gameplay and mechanics will restore the depth that Bf1 removed. The players in Bf1 run so fast that it makes all the player movements look absurd and jittery, like they're in fast-forward mode, and that ruins the possibility of having a serious experience, for me. Also, the fact that the gameplay was reduced down to nothing more but run-and-gun took away the "Battlefield" experience. The maps were also overall bland and not up to Bf4 standards, and even further from Bf2 standards.

If the gameplay has restored and added depth and dimension to it, and if the maps are interesting, and the UI not sterile-looking like Bf1's (the reveal video seems to show that it's improved), then that will probably be enough for me to enjoy the game. I rate those things a lot higher on the importance scale than I do historical accurateness. And besides, WW2 has been done to death, and accurateness might be restricting the ability to create a fresh experience. I'm glad that DICE are not revisiting the cliche battle scenes. We, or at least I, have probably already played them in at least a half-dozen other games before.
I'm glad that DICE are not revisiting the cliche battle scenes. We, or at least I, have probably already played them in at least a half-dozen other games before.

The trailer looks like Operation Market Garden.
Yawn :yawn:

Well, I hope they don't pussy out and replace the Swastika with the Iron Cross like the Call of Doody guys did. I want historical accuracy.

I think they did. You can see the Iron Cross in the little ticket bar. You can't get too immersive ;)
i really would have preferred to see a coherent, historically accurate, respectful depiction of WWII battle. instead: michael bay action that makes no sense upon scrutiny & throws history out the window. im kind of pissed off, honestly.
What I would have preferred to see:

-Black screen. Battlefield 1942 theme starts quietly in the background. All you hear is the drum beat.
-Frantic screaming in all languages. Stuka dive bomber siren roaring
-Battlefield 1942 theme changes key and becomes new theme.
-Shots of German Tank crews firing
-Japanese planes in formation
-British battleship firing a broadside
-Russians charging through a destroyed city
-American Higgins boats full of soldiers
-Random shots of actual gameplay for next minute.

Instead we got... whatever the hell that was.
Trailer looked pretty bad or at least whoever was the director of it didn't do a particularly good job IMO. BUT what disturbed me even more was the feminism / political correctness spam and how ppl will be boycotting it because there will be female characters in the game that has absolutely ZERO impact on gameplay and that comes to issue B) how people are seriously missing this is a game that very obviously has put realism aside in order to focus on fun gameplay. Crashlanding a plane or sliding around with a heavy machine gun in one arm isn't exactly realistic but it adds to gameplay (as in more options -> higher complexity -> higher skill ceiling -> longer longevity). I'm more into fast paced scifi shooters and never really got into multiplayer of modern warfare games but this looks like something I might find interest in.

I also particularly liked the gameplay ideas of scarse ammo capacity (again casuals won't understand) which leads to both more desperate and thoughtout play, always enjoyed having limited ammo in games as I most of the time find the capacity way too much like in Far Cry series which ruins the gameplay for me a bit not having to worry about the ammo.

The company aspect "aka" clan builder feature is another good thing that will promote more clan-based gaming for the game.

I mean I get it that longtime Battlefield fans are more into the "simulation" warfare aspect (I cringe whenever I see simulation and Battlefield in the same sentence) and COD fans were more into the arcade-style gameplay but is it really such a bad thing if they switch things up a little and perhaps make the arcade style warfare game even better and deeper than Call Of Duty developers ever were able to?

Are there really this few gamers around these days who are that little interested in good/fun gameplay? o_O
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Are there really this few gamers around these days who are that little interested in good/fun gameplay? -RPGWiZaRD

YES! but EA wants it console simple so everyone can play.
What I would have preferred to see:

-Black screen. Battlefield 1942 theme starts quietly in the background. All you hear is the drum beat.
-Frantic screaming in all languages. Stuka dive bomber siren roaring
-Battlefield 1942 theme changes key and becomes new theme.
-Shots of German Tank crews firing
-Japanese planes in formation
-British battleship firing a broadside
-Russians charging through a destroyed city
-American Higgins boats full of soldiers
-Random shots of actual gameplay for next minute.

Instead we got... whatever the hell that was.

All that & I would have liked to have seen something along the lines of the movie "Fury".
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Yawn :yawn:

Well, I hope they don't pussy out and replace the Swastika with the Iron Cross like the Call of Doody guys did. I want historical accuracy.

I think they did. You can see the Iron Cross in the little ticket bar. You can't get too immersive ;)

I think there already weren't any swastikas in Bf 1942.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I still play Bf 1942, but I don't particularly recall swastikas.