Warner Bros. has officially announced Batman: Arkham Origins...Origins is the next game in the Arkham series, and follows the release of Arkham Asylum and Arkham City...those games were developed by Rocksteady...Origins is made by WB Games Montreal and set several years before the previous Arkham games
the main antagonist is Black Mask, who orchestrates a city-wide manhunt for Batman among Gotham's outlaw population...the Dark Knight will face eight assassins, including fan favorite Deathstroke, who have journeyed to Arkham City to kill him...the game world will be approximately twice as big as it was in Arkham City
I'm a bit concerned that Rocksteady is not involved in the game so will take a wait and see approach...at least WB Montreal will still be using Rocksteady's custom modified Unreal engine to create the game
the main antagonist is Black Mask, who orchestrates a city-wide manhunt for Batman among Gotham's outlaw population...the Dark Knight will face eight assassins, including fan favorite Deathstroke, who have journeyed to Arkham City to kill him...the game world will be approximately twice as big as it was in Arkham City
I'm a bit concerned that Rocksteady is not involved in the game so will take a wait and see approach...at least WB Montreal will still be using Rocksteady's custom modified Unreal engine to create the game