Badz24's for sale post

I lowered the pricing on nearly everything. Looking to clear things out, contact me if you are interested :)
7970 and glasses sold, lots of good stuff left. PM me to work on pricing!
Thats some leet ware you got. Kinda outta my range but I'm always checkin in to see if anything i really need/want pop up that looks reasonable lol. So many things I would love to have but I doubt I can pay with the moths in my wallet.
gigabyte z77x-ud3h $115 shipped
Slightly used with box and accessories

asus p8z77-mpro $115 shipped
Slightly used with box and accessories

asus p8z77-vpro $145 shipped
Slightly used with box and accessories

Offer 300 on them all.
Save on shipping?
Good luck with sale.

Heat - MeSoSneaky
Ebay - MeSoSneaky
bump, sorry for not getting back to pm's the last few days I was away on vacation. I'm back now and getting back with everyone
There is always more coming, anything you are looking for?

I also cleared out the stuff that has sold to make it easier to see what is still left.
There is always more coming, anything you are looking for?

I also cleared out the stuff that has sold to make it easier to see what is still left.

hmm, mainly anything that peaks my interest I guess. Lots of sweet boards but I haven't made it to s1155's yet. I am keeping an eye on this thread though to see if anything I'd like in my price range comes along lol.