Avoiding UAC on Vista installs

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Sep 24, 2005
Catnoobie recommended the following procedure:

n this case what I said was perfectly correct. If the need exists to edit files within a program install:

*SNIP* In an owner/user scenario ANY program whatsoever can be installed to the directory of choice, escaping those UAC prompts. The prompts only continually crop up when editing files within the 'protected' directories.
In a situation such as you describe, where the default program directory structure needs to be retained but edits to program files is necessary, doing it without constant prompts is also incredibly easy. You can copy the entire program diorectory structure to another location, do all the edits prompt-free, and then move the whole bloody thing back to overwrite. That way you only get the prompt at the end of the job, and you can select the "Do this for the nex xxxxxx instances.." option to avoid numerous prompts during the move! *SNIP*

So that was the brightest idea you could come up with? Start doing a strenuous and unnecessary task of copying hundreds of megabytes of data or face repeating UAC popups just because Vista blows chunks? After having to hunt down functions which no longer are there where they're supposed to (for the sakes of bling bling) then regain file ownership and reset user permissions? After having to risk modifying the registry just to get normal network functionality working? Heck that's about as handy as installing XP to the box just to do the routine modifications necessary.

We're looking at a good hour of unnecessary repetitious and STUPID extra work per install because of Vista. And you think it's not a problem? Well, it's not a problem if you're a know-it-all 16-year old gamer who likes to play with Os'es. ;)
Oh dear!

So you're quite happy to disrespect even topic lockages to continue with the personal attacks?

Reported to forum supervisors! Not even the semblance of 'substance' in this merits a response, considering that you've takern a snippet of a comment out of the context of the discussion in which it was made.
ok i just read that like 3 times and i still cant make sense of it

but in other news, if you actually hated it then why not just watch uac off?
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