ATI Readies Massive Price Slash

pandora's box

Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 7, 2004
ATI Technologies, a leading supplier of graphics processing units (GPUs), is expected to drop the prices on graphics cards featuring the Radeon X1000-series GPUs shortly following the release of the GeForce 7900-series products of arch-rival Nvidia Corp., X-bit labs has learnt.

The Markham, Ontario-based GPU supplier is projected to announce price slash on the Radeon X1900-, X1800-, X1600 and X1300-series products shortly, according to sources familiar with the plans of the graphics giant. The decrease of the prices will help ATI to more efficiently compete against Nvidia Corp.’s new products which release will spur lowering the prices across-the-board.

After the price-drop, the Radeon X1900 XTX – the current flagship of ATI – will cost $549, the Radeon X1900 XT will drop to $479, while the Radeon X1800 XT products with 512MB or 256MB should cost around $299 (512MB version will cost higher than that). Additionally, ATI is expected to introduce Radeon X1800 XL 512MB for $299 and drop the price of the Radeon X1800 XL 256MB.

Earlier it was reported that Nvidia’s yet to be released GeForce 7900 GTX 512MB graphics board – the future top-of-the-range part from Nvidia – has planned retail price tag of $499, whereas the GeForce 7900 GT is projected to be available for $299. The manufacturer’s suggested retail price of the GeForce 7800 GTX 512 will be down to $399, according to sources with knowledge of the matter.

Sources also confirmed the release of the Radeon X1800 GTO for the price-range of $199 - $249 and said that the Radeon X1600 XT as well as the X1600 Pro will have recommended pricing of $149 and $109 respectively this spring.

Hot damn! $479 for a x1900xt! damn thats a deal.
Ati may be very smart making this move, as I was gearing up for an Nvidia 7900 card, but now they may drop their prices I may get an ATI card instead.
I think they doing this because they know that the 7900 will be better then there flagship card
Maybe Nvidia knew their card wasn't going to be as fast so they lowered their prices. And now ATI's lowering their prices so Nvidia doesn't have an advantage. If the 7900 is slower ATi will win this round. The X1800XT for 300 looks awesome.
the x1800xt 256mb is running like $329 right now anyway, it'd be great if it dropped another $30.
furocious said:
this is getting fiery.
im glad to see prices are back to "normal" non of this 800 dollers for a damn card that wont last 3 months...
Competition is good for everyone.

I would call these prices "normal" tho. What we've been seing the past few months was lunacy.
Tanatz said:
Competition is good for everyone.

I would call these prices "normal" tho. What we've been seing the past few months was lunacy.

amen @ that
tho they are back to normal, im betting a "extreme OMG" card will be comeing out from one of these series and be a wallet killer....
next we'll know this is all a ploy to sell these damn cards cause they both got a card brewing right now thats like the OwnZ0rz and it will be $1200
now this is the reason y i traded my x1800 xl aiw. i already lost like 50 dollar worth of vlue in 1 month. now this. lucky me.
tvdang7 said:
now this is the reason y i traded my x1800 xl aiw. i already lost like 50 dollar worth of vlue in 1 month. now this. lucky me.

lmao people who bought X1800XT on release in early Nov,
paid around 600 bucks. 5 months later they'll cost barely over 300.
Got to be one of the quickest price drops in history.
Stereophile said:
lmao people who bought X1800XT on release in early Nov,
paid around 600 bucks. 5 months later they'll cost barely over 300.
Got to be one of the quickest price drops in history.

hasnt even been 5 months.

owell ima look forward to nice prices xl's in the future. the overclockability is GREAT. and i wont have the aiw which had 1.6 ram chips. hopefully the new ones still have 1.4
Remember too that DX10 cards are in the wings- though probably not final yet. AFAIK, it's a fairly large departure from DX9 so it will involve major hardware changes. MAybe they just want to move inventory on DX9 chips too.

Last I had heard (a month or so) developers were still waiting on DX 10 ards to play with (at least for MSFS X), but they had done some stuff in emulation. FS X will be one of the first DX10 gfames to ship- probably DX9 out of box, with a path soon thereafter.
I think they doing this because they know that the 7900 will be better then there flagship card

man so many people beat me to it, its a refresh, these cards are not going to kill their predecessor's ... how many refreshes do we have to go through for people to under stand this? its to re-stock inventory, and put them on a more cheaper process to help revenue

i doubt the 7900's will be more then 5% faster in anything then the previous 7800's, what the 7900's were going to do is dominate in price, with $50 or more difference on release, if ATI does their major slash drop, keep their performance then ATI will not loose ground

and i have to admit, its finally refreshing to see competition lower the prices instead of just increasing performance
wait all sounds good but what will 7800 gt and 7800 gtx prices be at?.they didnt mention this.
they are quickly being taking down from etailers but i'm sure if they are still in stock expect prices to be very close to one another
woot woot!!! Looks like a good opportunity to buy one now. Glad I didn't pay a gazillion dollars 4 months ago.
NICE. Time to pickup an X1800XL, witht he 512MB version at 299$ that knocks the 256 to 249$ lets say? Sweet!
Yeah it really blows to buy something that goes down in price sharply the next day. I don't whether or not retailers would give you money back if you bought something for say, $500, then the next day it goes down to $300.
pandora's box said:
The manufacturer’s suggested retail price of the GeForce 7800 GTX 512 will be down to $399.

Right there we know they are FOS, considering nvidia will never produce anymore of those.
i dont wanna belive there is a bi diference between Ati X850XT and x1900xt, every sinngle time when i update my viveo card , and that is every year , i dont realy feel mutch deference in fps and rafic while i pwning games , thast a shame btw ! :(
hmm... well, being able to barely understand what you wrote, i believe you are talking about hte performance difference between the X850XT and the X1900, trust me theres a ton of difference between the X850XT and the X1800XL (which i use) i can tell the difference off the bat, if i were playing CSS of course i wouldn't, not a demanding game at all
-VaiRo- said:
i dont wanna belive there is a bi diference between Ati X850XT and x1900xt, every sinngle time when i update my viveo card , and that is every year , i dont realy feel mutch deference in fps and rafic while i pwning games , thast a shame btw ! :(

There IS that big of a difference.

Trust me.

It's on the scale of your x850xt 3dmark 05 scores are lower than my x1900xtx 3dmark 06 scores.
The only bad thinga bout "stepping up" with eVGA is that their prices are always listed to be WAY higher than newegg. They still have 7800GTs at $400+ MSRP last time I checked (last week)!

So, it's good that they are cheap, but I think I'm gonna be better off either selling my 7800GT or just sending it back for a refund. I see no reason not to :/
Paid $519 for my X1900XT. Saw an XTX for 549 after MIR yesterday.. Might have been Monarch.

I'm not a "latest and greatest" kinda guy, but .. oh well.

Since I was making 100 grand at the time I'm not too upset. But when I'm back to making 37k/year teaching public high school again this fall, and realize that $519 after taxes is about a week of putting up with teenagers...

But I digress.

Price cuts good. 0 day purchased bad.
Competition = good for end users :cool: . Putting together a Crossfired 1900XTX setup for under $1000 is going to be possible very soon
X1900 Xt's are already 479 at Newegg (at least the lowest priced one is).

So that means if 479 is the new MSRP street will be some amount lower.

This is why I dont think 7900GTX for 499 is that great. Because XT's are there already and probably just as fast.
Because they kill the link when the prices change.
scavengerCO said:
Paid $519 for my X1900XT. Saw an XTX for 549 after MIR yesterday.. Might have been Monarch.

I'm not a "latest and greatest" kinda guy, but .. oh well.

Since I was making 100 grand at the time I'm not too upset. But when I'm back to making 37k/year teaching public high school again this fall, and realize that $519 after taxes is about a week of putting up with teenagers...

But I digress.

Price cuts good. 0 day purchased bad.

Get an XTX bios and flash your XT up. Save you some money, I did it and it works great :)

Hi BTW, new here!
well --i've seen a few x850xt's for $155 ? now suddenly i'm going it will soon be time to get another vga--LOL

the question for me will be super low-ball priced x850xt's (very tempting at the moment)

or hold out for a newer card--like a 1800 or 7800series . i may just hold on a bit longer and see what happens . my old x800pro can soldier on a bit longer if it has too--lol :eek:
Get at least an X1800XL, even though its around the same speed the features make up for it Bro. You will want SM3.0 around now. Even better get an X1800XT.