ASUS N80Vn-X5 vs. ASUS G50VT-X6.

MYSTic Jedi

Limp Gawd
Jan 9, 2006
Well, here's the deal, I really need a laptop, and i really can't decide between these two laptops. Any info would be very helpful! I am really interested in the differences in the screens: a 15.4 inch 1680x1050 LCD or the 14.1 inch 1280x800 LCD with LED backlighting... How much of a difference is this in terms of picture quality and what would be the battery cost on each...? I really struggling between the more portable and longer battery life (which i am a college student and could really aprciate this) and the slightly better specs of the slightly larger one. Thanks!

ASUS G Series G50VT-X6 (Would be buying Open Box from newegg for $935) 15.4 inch


ASUS N80 Series N80Vn-X5 ($999 from newegg) 14.1 ich

Again, thanks guys!
G50VT For sure. It has a MUCH better GPU, a faster CPU and its got a higher resolution screen. The resolution on that 14 is smallish, imo. Also, the G50's resolution will look very good on a 15".