My Radeon 7950 works with my current games, but I'm looking forward to playing up coming games at higher resolutions on a bigger dual monitors.
Planning on getting a Dell U3415W, and an ASUS Poseidon will be the ideal Chief Graphics Officer.
I would replace my EVGA GTX 480 with it so my system would become more efficient.
I'm taking that lonely video card with me to the strip club! Don't worry I'll pay for her lap dances. Yeah that's right, she's a little les...
I would upgrade two systems

Replace a gforce 9800 with my Radeon 7950, replace my Radeon 7950 with the Asus card.
Plenty of linux games I need to catch up on, and Borderlands would be a real treat on one of these. :)
ONCE the card arrives, it will go into a computer device. The old card will go away.
I will be finally turning my settings on MAX, and still getting a smooth framerate; and most importantly, GAMING [H]ARD!
I will be replacing my 970 and giving it to my cousin, to replace the stock dell video card (Radeon 8750 or 8570?) in his PC so we can game on steam together! His dad came down with MS a year or so ago and then left them for another woman, he's had a tough time, so we spend time gaming as he doesn't have a lot of friends. This would be perfect, he can't play some of the games out there and definitely not on medium/high even. And yes I would upgrade the PS in his comp on my own =P
I will be building a xmas miracle machine for myself and giving my wife her first new computer in years.