The My Favorites and Quick Note are awesome. Sometimes I forget all of the tweaks I made and then get myself in trouble. Also, I've UEFI from other mobo makers but this one seems the most intuitive I've seen. It makes the "BIOS" much less intimidating.
My favorite new option is how all the info you want to see (voltages, temps, fan speeds, etc.) are all on the main page when you get into the UEFI. No more clicking into different sections just to make sure your system is humming along. Also love the new XMP setting for memory on the main page.
I love the ease of use with respect to overclocking, I also love just the whole interface, much better then the old Blue and White text and keyboard only of old boards... I need an upgrade from my Lynnfield as well.
ASUS continues to tweak for us gamers and overclockers!
The new profile settings are a nice easy way to OC without fuss, I especially like the gamer profile, where it will dynamically OC the core based on threads. Cool stuff!
The quick note is awesome. When I build a new system I will do an initial tuning, and maybe later return to see if I can improve performance further. Quick note gives me an easy way to record and store in the bios (which won't get misplaced), nuances and or results from my last overclocking session. This could prevent someone like myself from repeating a mistake.
its really hard to pick just one thing, the asus uefi is so much better than the old bios. I like being ableto use my mouse. I like flashing my uefi from my uefi I really love the ease of overclocking. I could go on...
I love all of the new features Asus is bringing to the table. The new designs are just beautiful! I would love to try out some of the newer components. The UEFI looks greatly done and Secure Erase look awesome. I would like to see what the Sonic Radar is about. Ram Disk looks pretty sweet and would love to tinker around with the new audio chipset trying to find my Perfect Voice.
Thanks for the great reviews [H] and sweet hardware Asus!
Ramdisk and the ability to save configurations to favorites and leave myself notes about the UEFI setup is amazing. Secure erase would be an amazing feature to have as well.
The best improvements are usually the simplest ones. These get utilized by many and not just advance users. With so many drives being used today, being able to rename SATA ports prevents accidental erasures. I know I've been guilty of that in the past Great practical and common sense improvement to the UEFI.
As simple as it seems, the Quick Note and Last Modified log looks pretty sweet. I can't even tell you how many times I've lost my notes in a jumble of papers and lost track of what I was doing. Very nice.